Sesion rebeca hwang 2 aug26_2014rebexquitaThis document discusses innovation and value creation. It defines invention as the creation of a new product or process, while innovation involves improving an existing product, process or service. Examples are given of both inventions and innovations. The document also discusses how to systematically approach creativity, including defining problems, generating ideas, and selecting solutions. It emphasizes having an open and curious mindset during the idea generation process and a more logical and critical mindset when evaluating ideas. Finally, it briefly touches on what defines a startup and considerations for pivoting a startup idea.
Ebootcamp Stanford april21_2013rebexquitaThis document summarizes the final day of the 2012 Stanford e-Bootcamp. It profiles four participants, including the winner Ryan Marschang and finalist Hernando Zurutia. It discusses building billion dollar companies through motivation, information, and network management. Participants are encouraged to help each other and their local ecosystems as the "e-Bootcamp mafia". The document advertises YouNoodle Camp, a four-week entrepreneurship program in Silicon Valley to help startups through mentorship, company visits, networking and pitching opportunities.
CppShubham Kumar GautamCPP is a non-oriented plastic film that has better tear strength, impact resistance at low temperatures, and dimensional stability compared to other plastics like BOPP. It is produced through an extrusion process where plastic pellets are melted, filtered, layered and cast onto a chill roll to solidify. The film thickness is measured and controlled before the film undergoes surface treatment and winding onto rolls.
Sesion rebeca hwang tec de monterrey aug19_2014rebexquitaThis document summarizes Rebeca Hwang's introductory session on entrepreneurship and innovation. The session discusses the role of entrepreneurship and tech startups in the economy, as well as the role of universities and corporations in creating fertile entrepreneur ecosystems. Specific topics covered include how Silicon Valley ecosystems generate success, what is required to be an innovator and create value, and how Mexico compares globally in this area. Traits of successful entrepreneurs and common mistakes by Mexican entrepreneurs entering Silicon Valley are also summarized.
Span102panamaprojectwalla055The document provides information about Panama through images and captions. It discusses the following key points:
1) The official language of Panama is Spanish.
2) The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and was an important engineering feat.
3) The Kuna are an indigenous group known for their molas, which are handcrafted textile art.
4) Volcan Baru is Panama's highest peak.
Universidad de los andes bootcamp june 17 23rebexquita1) The document outlines the content of a summer bootcamp course on starting a startup. It discusses expectations, Silicon Valley culture, personality traits of entrepreneurs, networking, risk-taking, team building, and motivation.
2) Advice is given on finding the perfect cofounder match, hiring the best team wherever they are, and developing trust within the team. Qualities like obsession, resourcefulness, and integrity are examined.
3) Exercises are assigned on identifying qualities of trust, assessing performance, and giving feedback to close trust gaps. Understanding motivation and decreasing uncertainty are emphasized for building effective teams.
How to recruit the ideal startup teamrebexquitaIn this presentation you will learn the personality traits to look for in a startup co-founder and tips on how to recruit founding team members.
Basic filmShubham Kumar GautamPolyester, also known as PET, is a widely used plastic with various applications including bottles, clothing, and films. It is produced from crude oil and invented in the 1940s. PET has important properties including its density, strength, and resistance to heat. It can be produced through two main reactions starting from either terephthalic acid or dimethyl terephthalate. The production of polyester film involves extruding, quenching, stretching, heat-setting and winding the plastic into a film. Additives are included to improve properties like slip, static resistance, and anti-blocking.
Study on effect of reinforcement of keratin fiberShubham Kumar GautamThis document discusses a study on the effect of reinforcing high density polyethylene (HDPE) with keratin fibers from human hair. Short keratin fibers from human hair were used at 1% weight percentage to reinforce an HDPE matrix. The flexural strength and tensile strength of the keratin fiber composite were evaluated and compared to unreinforced HDPE. The goal of the study was to investigate the reinforcement effects of adding keratin fibers from human hair to an HDPE polymer matrix.
Film properties tests and detailsShubham Kumar GautamThe document discusses several tests used to evaluate the properties of films and packages, including:
- Specular gloss measures the fraction of light reflected from a sample's surface.
- Haze measures the percentage of transmitted light that is scattered by a transparent sample.
- Transmittance measures the percentage of light transmitted through a translucent sample.
- Tear, tensile, and elongation tests measure a material's strength, flexibility, and resistance to tearing or breaking. Impact tests similarly evaluate a material's resistance to breaking from blows or impacts.
- Permeability tests like water vapor transmission measure how quickly gases pass through a material, important for evaluating moisture barriers.
Span102panamaprojectwalla055The document provides information about Panama through images and captions. It discusses the following key points:
1) The official language of Panama is Spanish.
2) The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and was an important engineering feat.
3) The Kuna are an indigenous group known for their molas, which are handcrafted textile art.
4) Volcan Baru is Panama's highest peak.
Universidad de los andes bootcamp june 17 23rebexquita1) The document outlines the content of a summer bootcamp course on starting a startup. It discusses expectations, Silicon Valley culture, personality traits of entrepreneurs, networking, risk-taking, team building, and motivation.
2) Advice is given on finding the perfect cofounder match, hiring the best team wherever they are, and developing trust within the team. Qualities like obsession, resourcefulness, and integrity are examined.
3) Exercises are assigned on identifying qualities of trust, assessing performance, and giving feedback to close trust gaps. Understanding motivation and decreasing uncertainty are emphasized for building effective teams.
How to recruit the ideal startup teamrebexquitaIn this presentation you will learn the personality traits to look for in a startup co-founder and tips on how to recruit founding team members.
Basic filmShubham Kumar GautamPolyester, also known as PET, is a widely used plastic with various applications including bottles, clothing, and films. It is produced from crude oil and invented in the 1940s. PET has important properties including its density, strength, and resistance to heat. It can be produced through two main reactions starting from either terephthalic acid or dimethyl terephthalate. The production of polyester film involves extruding, quenching, stretching, heat-setting and winding the plastic into a film. Additives are included to improve properties like slip, static resistance, and anti-blocking.
Study on effect of reinforcement of keratin fiberShubham Kumar GautamThis document discusses a study on the effect of reinforcing high density polyethylene (HDPE) with keratin fibers from human hair. Short keratin fibers from human hair were used at 1% weight percentage to reinforce an HDPE matrix. The flexural strength and tensile strength of the keratin fiber composite were evaluated and compared to unreinforced HDPE. The goal of the study was to investigate the reinforcement effects of adding keratin fibers from human hair to an HDPE polymer matrix.
Film properties tests and detailsShubham Kumar GautamThe document discusses several tests used to evaluate the properties of films and packages, including:
- Specular gloss measures the fraction of light reflected from a sample's surface.
- Haze measures the percentage of transmitted light that is scattered by a transparent sample.
- Transmittance measures the percentage of light transmitted through a translucent sample.
- Tear, tensile, and elongation tests measure a material's strength, flexibility, and resistance to tearing or breaking. Impact tests similarly evaluate a material's resistance to breaking from blows or impacts.
- Permeability tests like water vapor transmission measure how quickly gases pass through a material, important for evaluating moisture barriers.
1. Poci g “ ycie”ą ż
Jakiś czas temu przeczytałem książkę,
w której porównywano życie do podróży pociągiem.
Lektura jest wyjątkowo interesująca
pod warunkiem,
że zostanie dobrze zinterpretowana
2. Życie nie jest niczym innym jak podróżą pociągiem:
składającą się z wsiadania i wysiadania,
naszpikowanym wypadkami, przyjemnymi niespodziankami
oraz głębokimi smutkami
3. Rodząc się, wsiadamy do pociągu i znajdujemy tam osoby,
z którymi myślimy być zawsze podczas naszej podróży:
naszych rodziców.
4. Niestety,
prawda jest inna.
Oni wysiadają na
jakiejś stacji
pozbawiając nas swojej
czułości, przyjaźni i
5. Jednak to nie przeszkadza,
by wsiadły inne osoby,
które staną się dla nas
bardzo szczególne.
10. Ciekawe jest,
że niektórzy pasażerowie,
którzy są przez nas najbardziej
ukochani, zajmą miejsca w
wagonach najbardziej
oddalonych od naszego.
Dlatego będziemy musieli
przebyć drogę oddzielnie,
bez nich.
nic nam nie przeszkadza,
by w trakcie podróży
porozglądać się
-choć z trudnością -
po naszym wagonie
i dotrzeć do nich...
11. Ale niestety, nie
będziemy już
mogli usiąść przy
ich boku,
ponieważ miejsce
to będzie już
zajęte przez inną
12. Nie ważne; ta podróż właśnie tak wygląda:
pełna wyzwań, marzeń, fantazji,
oczekiwań i pożegnań...
Ale nigdy powrotów.
A zatem, odbyjmy naszą podróż w możliwie najlepszy
14. Pamiętajmy, że zawsze w jakiejś chwili w podróży oni mogą
bełkotać i prawdobodobnie będziemy musieli ich zrozumieć…
15. Ponieważ nam również wiele
razy będzie plątać się język, i
będzie ktoś, kto nas
16. Wielka tajemnica na końcu
polega na tym,
że nigdy nie będziemy
wiedzieć na jakiej stacji
ani gdzie wysiądą nasi
ani nawet ten,
który zajmuje miejsce
przy naszym boku.
17. Zastanawiam się,
czy kiedy wysiądę z pociągu,
poczuję nostalgię...
Wierzę, że tak.
Oddzielić się
od niektórych przyjaciół,
z którymi odbywałem podróż
będzie bolesne.
by moje dzieci pozostały same,
będzie bardzo smutne.
Ale chwytam się nadziei,
że kiedyś przybędę na stację główną
i zobaczę
jak przybywają z bagażem,
którego nie posiadali przy wsiadaniu.
18. Uszczęśliwi mnie myśl,
że współpracowałem
przy tym,
by ich bagaż
rósł i stawał się
bardziej wartościowy.
19. Mój przyjacielu,
sprawmy, by nasz
pobyt w tym pociągu
był spokojny i wart
Róbmy tak, by gdy
nadejdzie chwila
wysiadania, na naszym
pustym miejscu
pozostała tęsknota i
miłe wspomnienia dla
tych, co kontyuują
20. Tobie, gdyż jesteś częścią
mojego pociągu, życzę...