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PODCASTINGA diverse tool for communicationand education
What is podcasting?In simplest terms, a podcast is a digital audio file that can be played back on a computer, portable media device (such as an iPod) or even burned to a CD for use in a CD player.Despite being popularized due to Apples iPod music device, podcasts are not exclusive to Apple hardware or software.
How can podcasts be effectively used in education?Podcasts can be used as a communication tool between teachers and parents  think of an audio newsletter
How can podcasts be effectively used in education?Podcasts can be used to ensure absent students have access to content, keeping them up-to-date when they return.
How can podcasts be effectively used in education?Podcasts can be used to record model lessons to share with colleagues and administrators
Are there any other uses?For tech-savvy students, producing a podcast can be a great alternative assessment product.
Are there any other uses?By bringing an educational purpose to student-relevant tools, low-motivated students can be hooked.
Sounds goodanything else?Despite myopic lawmakers and chronic underfunding, the digital, high tech classroom is still coming, and teachers will need to be able to participate!
I bet a I need a lot of expensive and hard to use equipment!Nope! All you need is a computer and a microphone. An audio editing program is also needed, but any Windows or Mac computer will have one built in, or a variety are available free or cheap on the internet.
In summaryPodcasts are very versatile and can serve a variety of purposes in the classroom.Podcasts are increasingly part of the present in many districts and are part of the future of ALL districts.Podcasting has a low barrier-to-entry. Any teacher can do it, every teacher should!Just think  soon your classroom could be paperlessAND wireless!

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  • 1. PODCASTINGA diverse tool for communicationand education
  • 2. What is podcasting?In simplest terms, a podcast is a digital audio file that can be played back on a computer, portable media device (such as an iPod) or even burned to a CD for use in a CD player.Despite being popularized due to Apples iPod music device, podcasts are not exclusive to Apple hardware or software.
  • 3. How can podcasts be effectively used in education?Podcasts can be used as a communication tool between teachers and parents think of an audio newsletter
  • 4. How can podcasts be effectively used in education?Podcasts can be used to ensure absent students have access to content, keeping them up-to-date when they return.
  • 5. How can podcasts be effectively used in education?Podcasts can be used to record model lessons to share with colleagues and administrators
  • 6. Are there any other uses?For tech-savvy students, producing a podcast can be a great alternative assessment product.
  • 7. Are there any other uses?By bringing an educational purpose to student-relevant tools, low-motivated students can be hooked.
  • 8. Sounds goodanything else?Despite myopic lawmakers and chronic underfunding, the digital, high tech classroom is still coming, and teachers will need to be able to participate!
  • 9. I bet a I need a lot of expensive and hard to use equipment!Nope! All you need is a computer and a microphone. An audio editing program is also needed, but any Windows or Mac computer will have one built in, or a variety are available free or cheap on the internet.
  • 10. In summaryPodcasts are very versatile and can serve a variety of purposes in the classroom.Podcasts are increasingly part of the present in many districts and are part of the future of ALL districts.Podcasting has a low barrier-to-entry. Any teacher can do it, every teacher should!Just think soon your classroom could be paperlessAND wireless!