Citizenlink is an initiative of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior that helps improve public services and democratic processes through citizen involvement. It operates from 2008-2010 as part of the Dutch eGovernment strategy. Citizenlink supports innovation and cooperation in three areas: promoting service quality, measuring customer satisfaction, and stimulating citizen involvement. Its tools include a charter specifying service requirements, surveys to evaluate citizen experiences, and eParticipation tools to engage citizens in decision making. The goal is to modernize interactions between government and citizens.
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Poelmans Smart Government Australia 2010
1. An Inconvenient Truth 2.0 or How to Mind the Gap Matt Poelmans, Director Burgerlink (Citizenlink), The Netherlands Smart Government Australia Melbourne, September 14-15, 2010
3. STRATEGY - Every government organization is responsible for its own service quality, but together they are responsible for the performance of government as a whole. Moreover improvement of public service delivery (and the democratic process as well) cannot come about without involving citizens. An Inconvenient Truth 2.0, or How to Mind the Gap
4. MISSION - Citizenlink, an initiative of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior, helps government to match its actual supply with the people's demand for better services. It runs from 2008-2010 as part of the Dutch eGovernment strategy and is operated by ICTU, the national implementation organization for ICT and government. An Inconvenient Truth 2.0, or How to Mind the Gap
5. ACTIVITIES - Citizenlink supports innovation and cooperation in three fields: service quality, customer satisfaction and citizen involvement. 1. Promote service quality by stimulating the use of the generic eCitizen Charter and sectoral Quality codes; 2. Measure customer satisfaction by carrying out annually a national survey about life events and developing a local application; 3. Stimulate citizen involvement by developing participation tools (for information, agenda setting, rating and monitoring) and organizing an annual awards scheme. An Inconvenient Truth 2.0, or How to Mind the Gap
6. RESULTS - The deliverables of Citizenlink are a number of innovative tools. These are in the interest of government and citizens alike and aim at modernizing and improving their interaction. The tools consist of an application (or standard), a practioners manual and a monitor. They fit into the Dutch Government Interoperability Framework (NORA). An Inconvenient Truth 2.0, or How to Mind the Gap
7. SERVICE QUALITY The charter specifies 10 requirements, covering information, transaction and participation. These criteria are not mandatory, but adopted as a standard by all levels of government. Translated in 19 languages. Recommended by UN, OECD, EU and UK Cabinet Office. Elaborated in concrete sectoral quality codes. To generate external pressure to support internal drives for change. An Inconvenient Truth 2.0, or How to Mind the Gap
8. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Real experiences rated according to eCitizen Charter requirements. Evaluation by customers about life events, to discover chain deficiencies and provide solutions. Priority matrix helps to map customer journey. National survey and local implementation. An Inconvenient Truth 2.0, or How to Mind the Gap
9. CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT Develop eParticipation tools on the basis of best practices, in the field of services, democracy and inclusion. Using Web 2.0 methods (blogs, social networks, virtual worlds). Annual eParticipation Award for government and civil society initiatives. Take up dependent on benefits for all stakeholders. Part of open government front office and citizen dashboard. An Inconvenient Truth 2.0, or How to Mind the Gap
10. CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT Participation Ladder 1.0 & 2.0 CO-DECIDE CO-PRODUCE ADVISE CONSULT INFORM An Inconvenient Truth 2.0, or How to Mind the Gap
11. CITIZENLINK PERFORMANCE INITIATIVE ABC FOR GOVERNMENT Adopt eCitizen Charter (City Council) Specify Quality Code (Executive Board) Measure Citizen Satisfaction (Departments) Involve Customers (Citizens) Account annually for Improvements (Mayor) An Inconvenient Truth 2.0, or How to Mind the Gap
12. @Burgerlink Group Burgerlink | eParticipatie Burgerlink (ICTU) Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 104, 2595 AN The Hague The Netherlands