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Basics on
Figures of
Prepared by: Mihlali Luningo
Figurative languages vs Literal
 Literal language refers to the real meaning of something.
 Literal language has no underlying meanings. So it means what it says.
 According to Joey Valdriz literal is the actual. Dictionary meaning of a word;
language that means what it appears to mean (2016).
 Figurative language, therefore, has a further meaning than what meets the eye.
 It tends to creates what Noelyn Cangalawan describes as figures or rather
creates pictures in the mind of a reader (2013).
In essence:
Figure Literal
Why Figurative Language?
 Figurative language is often used in poetry, novels, plays or drama. It is a device
used to captivate and evoke certain emotions for a reader so that they may be
interested in a text.
 Noelyn Cangalawan mentions that it adds color and interest to awaken the
imaginative minds of the readers (2013).
Figures of speech
 Simile: key words as/like
 A description that uses as or like to make a comparison,
Divivia Ginete (2018).
 Example: the muscles on his brawny arm are strong as iron
bands Cangalawan (2013). The strength of the muscle is
compared to iron bands
 Example: Kim ate her food like a vacuum cleaner
Cangalawan (2013). The intensity of how Kim ate her food
seemed as those a vacuum was cleaning.
 Metaphor: compares two things that are not
alike yet have something in common.
 Ginete states that a metaphor is an implied
comparison between two dissimilar things that
have something in common (2018).
 It is often hard to identify a metaphor, hence one
needs to understand that something is compared
to something that have a quality in common.
 As Joey Valdriz states read in between the lines
because not everything is as it appears (2016).
Laughter is the best medicine
Laughter Medicine
 Personification/ Personify: this should give a clue that something is being
compared to a person or rather given human qualities whereas, it can never
have those qualities.
 Simply put by Tine Lachina personification, gives human traits or
characteristics to inanimate objects (2016).
 Example: The city never sleeps. Lachina (2016)
How can a city never sleep?
Alliteration/ Onomatopoeia
 These two sound devices are often found in poetry as this brings a rhythm and
flow in the poem. Makes poetry musical and enjoyable.
 Alliteration is the repetition of an initial consonant sound Ginete (2018).
 Example: The big bad bear attacked all the little bunnies in the forest (2018)
 The repetition of B creates a banging sound that creates suspense and fear of
the bear that attacked the little bunnies.
Alliteration/ Onomatopoeia
 Onomatopoeia is often used in poems and nursey books
 it is the use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or
actions they refer to (2018).
 This creates musical effect and ensures the reader pays more attention to
what is being said.
 Example: Chug, chug, chug. Puff, puff, puff. Dingdong, ding-dong. The little
train rumbled over the tracks. Valdriz (2016).
Alliteration/ Onomatopoeia
Alliteration Onomatopoeia
 According to Lachina oxymoron is composed of a pair
of contradictory words (2016).
 This often creates confusion to the reader to ensure
they pay close attention to what is said and find the
humor or the intended effect of the text.
 Example: We laughed and cried through the tragic
 One would wonder how could one cry and laugh at
the same time, furthermore, how can a comedy be
tragic? Oxymoron picks on your brain and requires a
mental exercise.
Why Figurative Language??
 To elicit interest
 For entertainment
 To pick your brain
 And most importantly for ARTS SAKE!!
Reference List
 Cangalawan, N. (2013). Go figure; Figures of Speech. Available from 際際滷Share
at /noelyncagalawan/figures-of-speech-23193534
(Accessed 14 August 2020).
 Ginete, D. (2018) Figures of Speech. Available from 際際滷Share at
(Accessed on 14 August 2020).
 Lachina, T. (2016). Eng9 Figures of Speech. Available from 際際滷Share at
/tinelachica04/eng9-figures-of-speech (Accessed on
14 August 2020).
Reference List
 Lerios, J.J. (2020). Figures of speech that shows comparison. Available from
際際滷Share at /JohnTitoLerios/figures-of-speech-
237738222 (Accessed on 14 August 2020).
 Valdriz, J. (2016). Figures of Speech. Available from 際際滷Share at
/joeyvaldriz/figures-of-speech-61688493 (Accessed
on 14 August 16, 2020).

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Poetic devices

  • 2. Figurative languages vs Literal Language Literal language refers to the real meaning of something. Literal language has no underlying meanings. So it means what it says. According to Joey Valdriz literal is the actual. Dictionary meaning of a word; language that means what it appears to mean (2016). Figurative language, therefore, has a further meaning than what meets the eye. It tends to creates what Noelyn Cangalawan describes as figures or rather creates pictures in the mind of a reader (2013).
  • 4. Why Figurative Language? Figurative language is often used in poetry, novels, plays or drama. It is a device used to captivate and evoke certain emotions for a reader so that they may be interested in a text. Noelyn Cangalawan mentions that it adds color and interest to awaken the imaginative minds of the readers (2013).
  • 6. Comparison: Simile/Metaphor/Personification Simile: key words as/like A description that uses as or like to make a comparison, Divivia Ginete (2018). Example: the muscles on his brawny arm are strong as iron bands Cangalawan (2013). The strength of the muscle is compared to iron bands Example: Kim ate her food like a vacuum cleaner Cangalawan (2013). The intensity of how Kim ate her food seemed as those a vacuum was cleaning.
  • 7. Comparison: Simile/Metaphor/Personification Metaphor: compares two things that are not alike yet have something in common. Ginete states that a metaphor is an implied comparison between two dissimilar things that have something in common (2018). It is often hard to identify a metaphor, hence one needs to understand that something is compared to something that have a quality in common. As Joey Valdriz states read in between the lines because not everything is as it appears (2016).
  • 8. Laughter is the best medicine Laughter Medicine
  • 9. Comparison: Simile/Metaphor/Personification Personification/ Personify: this should give a clue that something is being compared to a person or rather given human qualities whereas, it can never have those qualities. Simply put by Tine Lachina personification, gives human traits or characteristics to inanimate objects (2016). Example: The city never sleeps. Lachina (2016)
  • 10. How can a city never sleep?
  • 11. Sound: Alliteration/ Onomatopoeia These two sound devices are often found in poetry as this brings a rhythm and flow in the poem. Makes poetry musical and enjoyable. Alliteration is the repetition of an initial consonant sound Ginete (2018). Example: The big bad bear attacked all the little bunnies in the forest (2018) The repetition of B creates a banging sound that creates suspense and fear of the bear that attacked the little bunnies.
  • 12. Sound: Alliteration/ Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia is often used in poems and nursey books it is the use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to (2018). This creates musical effect and ensures the reader pays more attention to what is being said. Example: Chug, chug, chug. Puff, puff, puff. Dingdong, ding-dong. The little train rumbled over the tracks. Valdriz (2016).
  • 14. Oxymoron According to Lachina oxymoron is composed of a pair of contradictory words (2016). This often creates confusion to the reader to ensure they pay close attention to what is said and find the humor or the intended effect of the text. Example: We laughed and cried through the tragic comedy. One would wonder how could one cry and laugh at the same time, furthermore, how can a comedy be tragic? Oxymoron picks on your brain and requires a mental exercise.
  • 15. Why Figurative Language?? To elicit interest For entertainment To pick your brain And most importantly for ARTS SAKE!!
  • 16. Reference List Cangalawan, N. (2013). Go figure; Figures of Speech. Available from 際際滷Share at /noelyncagalawan/figures-of-speech-23193534 (Accessed 14 August 2020). Ginete, D. (2018) Figures of Speech. Available from 際際滷Share at /DivinadelaPenaGinete/figures-of-speech-96660611 (Accessed on 14 August 2020). Lachina, T. (2016). Eng9 Figures of Speech. Available from 際際滷Share at /tinelachica04/eng9-figures-of-speech (Accessed on 14 August 2020).
  • 17. Reference List Lerios, J.J. (2020). Figures of speech that shows comparison. Available from 際際滷Share at /JohnTitoLerios/figures-of-speech- 237738222 (Accessed on 14 August 2020). Valdriz, J. (2016). Figures of Speech. Available from 際際滷Share at /joeyvaldriz/figures-of-speech-61688493 (Accessed on 14 August 16, 2020).