POETRY about definition of :
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Similes are a form of figurative language that makes comparisons between two unlike items or concepts using "like" or "as". Using similes coupled with funny pictures can provide students positive associations and make them more likely to remember information. Some common similes include being as hungry as a bear, as weak as a kitten, as strong as an ox, as stubborn as a mule, as old as the hills, as busy as a bee, as quiet as a mouse, as light as a feather, as happy as a clam, or as cute as a button.
This document defines and provides examples of various types of figurative language including metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, pun, onomatopoeia, idiom, alliteration, and palindrome. Metaphors make comparisons without using like or as, similes use like or as to compare ideas, personification gives human traits to non-living things, hyperbole uses obvious exaggeration, puns play on multiple meanings of words, onomatopoeia imitates sounds, idioms have meanings different from the words, alliteration repeats initial sounds, and palindromes can be read the same forwards and backwards.
The poem "A Sonnet for My Incomparable Mother" depicts a daughter's admiration for her mother. It describes the mother's devotion in raising her daughter, giving her sacrifice, love and tears. The mother loved her daughter with a never-failing love and provided strength, security and freedom. As a mother herself now, the poetess strives to emulate the selfless mothering she received.
The document provides information and examples about different types of figurative language including similes, metaphors, hyperboles, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia and imagery. It includes instructions for making a figurative language flip chart and examples of identifying different types of figurative language in sentences. Examples of figurative language used in poems, stories, music and advertisements are also provided.
The document discusses various literary devices such as simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, and assonance. It provides examples and definitions for each device. Similes use "like" or "as" to compare two unlike things, while metaphors directly state a comparison. Personification gives human traits to non-human things. Alliteration repeats consonant sounds, and assonance repeats vowel sounds within words or phrases. The document aims to explain these common literary techniques used in poetry and prose.
This document discusses imagery in literature and its use of descriptive words that appeal to the five senses. It defines imagery as the "mental pictures" readers experience when reading, achieved through sensory descriptive words. The five types of imagery are identified as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory imagery, with examples provided for each type. The document concludes with a short passage and instructions to identify examples of descriptive language and their imagery type.
Poetry uses the creative arrangement of words and sounds to convey meaning and emotion. A skilled poet can use techniques like personification, imagery, and phonetics to paint a picture or feeling for the reader through their writing. The most important element in a poem is the experience and perception of the reader, rather than the direct thoughts or opinions of the author. Creating good poetry requires creativity, emotional awareness, strong language skills, and the ability to transform thoughts and feelings into verse through strategic use of words.
The document discusses using imagery and sensory details to create vivid descriptions in writing. It defines imagery as creating mental pictures for the reader by appealing to their five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Students will then practice using imagery by describing a piece of peppermint candy based on one of the five senses. They will write a short narrative using their sensory description as the first sentence. The goal is to use vivid sensory details to engage the reader visually and draw them into the story.
This document defines and provides examples of various types of figurative language, including similes, metaphors, hyperboles, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and imagery. It explains that figurative language makes comparisons between two things using descriptive, non-literal language. The document provides examples of each type of figurative language and has the reader identify the type used in sample sentences. It also discusses how figurative language is commonly used in poetry, stories, music, and advertisements.
This document discusses the five senses - sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste - and how they relate to imagery in writing. It provides examples of sentences that use different types of sensory imagery, including visual imagery of bright flowers and a dark night sky, tactile imagery of soft fur, gustatory imagery of a tasty burger, olfactory imagery of rotten cigarettes, and auditory imagery of an ambulance siren. The document also defines each type of sensory imagery and provides exercises for students to identify the imagery used in poems and sentences.
Ryan wrote in his journal about his day using words from a new language he is learning. The reader is tasked with using context clues from Ryan's writing to determine the meanings of underlined words. These underlined words include "poof-poofs" meaning cereal, "tramzam" meaning school bus, "zilgping" meaning homework, and others. The reader is able to determine the meanings of each underlined word based on how it is used in context.
Imagery, Figures of Speech, Style and Criticism in Mac FlecknoePema Chogyel
1. Mac Flecknoe by John Dryden is a mock-epic or comic epic that satirizes Thomas Shadwell by portraying him as the dull "hero" who is crowned as the "king of dullness". 2. While critics argue Dryden was too harsh and unjust towards Shadwell, students see value in the poem for its artistic style. 3. Shadwell himself objected to being portrayed as the "dullest" and having an Irish name when he had no connection to Ireland.
Descriptive Writing: Figurative Language and Sensory DetailsLina Ell
Here is a descriptive paragraph about a strong memory in first person point of view and present tense:
I stand at the edge of the cliff, my heart pounding in my chest as I stare down at the crashing waves far below. The wind whips around me, tugging at my clothes and threatening to pull me over the edge. As I glance back, I see my friends cheering and motioning for me to jump. I take a deep breath, feeling both terrified and exhilarated. As I leap off the rock into open air, everything seems to move in slow motion. The view of the ocean stretching as far as the eye can see takes my breath away. Then I am falling, the air rushing past me. For a brief
A writer selects words and shapes them in the same way that an artist mixes particular hues of paint and applies them to a canvas using brush strokes. Writer¡¯s effect is the powerful feeling that writers intend to inspire in their readers, through the use of special words or expressions or some unique patterns of writing. Writers commonly create effect through the use of the following techniques:
- Imagery
- Power/Powerful/Strong words
- Figurative language
- Miscellaneous methods (arrangement of letters and words, shapes of letters, etc.)
Sri Andriningsih (2017). An Analysis of Lyra Belacqua¡¯s Psychological Conflict The Golden Compass in Novel by Philip Pullman. Technocrat School of Foreign Language.
The aim of this research and analysis is to disclose the psychological conflicts of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel. To get results related to the psychological conflicts in Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel, the writer tries to formulate these problems in three questions, which are: 1) What is the kind of Lyra Belacqua¡¯s psychological conflict in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman? 2) What causes of Lyra Belacqua¡¯s psychological conflict in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman? 3) What are the effects of the psychological conflict on Lyra Belacqua toward herself in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman?
In analyzing and conducting the research on the psychological conflict of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman, the writer uses a psychological approach. This approach applies the theories in psychologcal to analyze and discover the types, causes and effects of psychological conflicts on Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel. The writer also conducts library research in completing this research. Several theories about the kind of psychological conflicts, causes and the effects of psychological conflict, are used by writer as references and supporting materials to support the research and analysis that conducted by writer.
The writer uses theory of Zwemer about the kind of psychological conflict to determine the kind of psychological conflict of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel. To find causes of psychological conflict of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel using Maslow's theory developed by Globe about the causes of psychological conflict based on the need. And to find the effects of the psychological conflicts of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel using Coon's theory of the effects of psychological conflict.
The result of this research is Lyra Belacqua experiencing psychological conflict, such as approach-approach conflict, approach-avoidance conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict, and double approach-avoidance conflict. The causes are the unfulfilled of need for love and belonging, the unfulfilled of need for self-security, the unfulfilled of need for self-esteem and the unfulfilled of self-actualization. The effects of psychological conflicts are frustration, anxiety and anger.
Abstrack for Thesis
Sri Andriningsih (2017). Analisis Konflik Psikologis pada Lyra Belacqua Dalam Novel The Golden Compass karya Philip Pullman. Sekolah Bahasa Asing Technocrat.
A : Accommodation: Accommodation kind of what will we give Hotel Living Asia Resort Lombok
T : Transport: Bus, Aircraft
M : Meals / Dining: Fullboard / Half Boar / - Local Rest - Box - Bufeet, Set Menu
G : Guide: English / Japan / France speaking Guide or Indonesia
O : Object: City Lombok, Gili Trawangan, Pura Lingsar
O : Other: Insurance, Snack, Souvenir, VCD, Welcome Flower lugage Handling
Dia dipatis pada tanggal April 26, 1564
Tidak ada hal ¨C hal seperti akte kelahiran saat ini. Namun , bsayi biasanya dibabtis 3 hari setelah kelahiran mereka, maka tanggal lahir shakespeare April 23, 1564
Ia meningkah di usia 18-26 tahun Anne Hathaway
Dia menjadi ayah dari 3 anak (two girls, one boy)
Anak laki¡±nya meninggal muda
Ia adalah bagian pemilik teater dunia
Ia meninggal pada april 23 1616
1. The document discusses the study of meaning, including how children acquire language and the knowledge speakers have about their language.
2. It examines meaning from the perspectives of psychology, philosophy, and linguistics. Key aspects of language include it being a systematic, conventional symbolic system that is learned and constantly evolving.
3. A speaker's semantic knowledge involves having a vocabulary and understanding how to pronounce and combine words to communicate meanings to others.
Shakespeare¡¯s Career
?Wrote 37 plays
?Wrote comedies, tragedies, histories, and romances (not what you think)
?Also wrote 154 sonnets and several narrative poems all dedicated to Sir Henry Wriothesley
?He was an actor, writer, director, and business man
?Became known for his imaginative use of language and timelessness.
Brief Biography of William Shakespeare
?He was baptized on April 26, 1564
¨CThere were no such things as birth certificates at this time. However, babies were usually baptized three days after their birth¡ªhence Shakespeare¡¯s birth date of April 23, 1564
?He was married at the age of 18 to 26 year old Anne Hathaway
?He fathered three children (two girls, one boy)
¨CHis son died young
?He was part owner of the Globe Theater
?He died on April 23, 1616
Approximately 83% of prostitutes in the United States have a Facebook page according to research by Vekantesh Sundhir, a sociology professor at Colombia University. Sundhir found that Facebook has become an attractive alternative for prostitutes to solicit clients.
Direct and indirect ( The Reported Speech)Dunia_Ciebeck
Reported Speech is the second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by person which is enclosed in quotation mark in direct speech is called reported speech.
MEDIA SHOULD SHOW HORROR OF WARS and Removing Religion From Identity CardDunia_Ciebeck
Removing religion from identity cards would reduce discrimination and manipulation while restoring human rights, according to the document. It argues that requiring religion on identity cards leads to discrimination against religious minorities in housing and other areas. It also claims that some people manipulate religion for political gain, using it to smear opponents. Finally, it asserts that citizens should have the right to determine their own religion privately without the state forcing them to list a religion on official documents.
There are several terms related to understanding the meaning of words:
1. Denotative meaning is the true meaning of a word without figurative language.
2. Connotative meaning involves figurative language and additional implied meanings.
3. Lexical meaning is the dictionary definition of a word.
Parallel distributed processing is a model of cognition that assumes the brain can simultaneously process different types of incoming stimuli. It involves special memory units that store information about words' sounds, syntax, and semantics.
There are several types of relationships between words, including polysemy (multiple meanings), homonyms (same spelling/sound but different meaning), homophones (same sound but different spelling/meaning
Poetry uses the creative arrangement of words and sounds to convey meaning and emotion. A skilled poet can use techniques like personification, imagery, and phonetics to paint a picture or feeling for the reader through their writing. The most important element in a poem is the experience and perception of the reader, rather than the direct thoughts or opinions of the author. Creating good poetry requires creativity, emotional awareness, strong language skills, and the ability to transform thoughts and feelings into verse through strategic use of words.
The document discusses using imagery and sensory details to create vivid descriptions in writing. It defines imagery as creating mental pictures for the reader by appealing to their five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Students will then practice using imagery by describing a piece of peppermint candy based on one of the five senses. They will write a short narrative using their sensory description as the first sentence. The goal is to use vivid sensory details to engage the reader visually and draw them into the story.
This document defines and provides examples of various types of figurative language, including similes, metaphors, hyperboles, personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and imagery. It explains that figurative language makes comparisons between two things using descriptive, non-literal language. The document provides examples of each type of figurative language and has the reader identify the type used in sample sentences. It also discusses how figurative language is commonly used in poetry, stories, music, and advertisements.
This document discusses the five senses - sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste - and how they relate to imagery in writing. It provides examples of sentences that use different types of sensory imagery, including visual imagery of bright flowers and a dark night sky, tactile imagery of soft fur, gustatory imagery of a tasty burger, olfactory imagery of rotten cigarettes, and auditory imagery of an ambulance siren. The document also defines each type of sensory imagery and provides exercises for students to identify the imagery used in poems and sentences.
Ryan wrote in his journal about his day using words from a new language he is learning. The reader is tasked with using context clues from Ryan's writing to determine the meanings of underlined words. These underlined words include "poof-poofs" meaning cereal, "tramzam" meaning school bus, "zilgping" meaning homework, and others. The reader is able to determine the meanings of each underlined word based on how it is used in context.
Imagery, Figures of Speech, Style and Criticism in Mac FlecknoePema Chogyel
1. Mac Flecknoe by John Dryden is a mock-epic or comic epic that satirizes Thomas Shadwell by portraying him as the dull "hero" who is crowned as the "king of dullness". 2. While critics argue Dryden was too harsh and unjust towards Shadwell, students see value in the poem for its artistic style. 3. Shadwell himself objected to being portrayed as the "dullest" and having an Irish name when he had no connection to Ireland.
Descriptive Writing: Figurative Language and Sensory DetailsLina Ell
Here is a descriptive paragraph about a strong memory in first person point of view and present tense:
I stand at the edge of the cliff, my heart pounding in my chest as I stare down at the crashing waves far below. The wind whips around me, tugging at my clothes and threatening to pull me over the edge. As I glance back, I see my friends cheering and motioning for me to jump. I take a deep breath, feeling both terrified and exhilarated. As I leap off the rock into open air, everything seems to move in slow motion. The view of the ocean stretching as far as the eye can see takes my breath away. Then I am falling, the air rushing past me. For a brief
A writer selects words and shapes them in the same way that an artist mixes particular hues of paint and applies them to a canvas using brush strokes. Writer¡¯s effect is the powerful feeling that writers intend to inspire in their readers, through the use of special words or expressions or some unique patterns of writing. Writers commonly create effect through the use of the following techniques:
- Imagery
- Power/Powerful/Strong words
- Figurative language
- Miscellaneous methods (arrangement of letters and words, shapes of letters, etc.)
Sri Andriningsih (2017). An Analysis of Lyra Belacqua¡¯s Psychological Conflict The Golden Compass in Novel by Philip Pullman. Technocrat School of Foreign Language.
The aim of this research and analysis is to disclose the psychological conflicts of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel. To get results related to the psychological conflicts in Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel, the writer tries to formulate these problems in three questions, which are: 1) What is the kind of Lyra Belacqua¡¯s psychological conflict in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman? 2) What causes of Lyra Belacqua¡¯s psychological conflict in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman? 3) What are the effects of the psychological conflict on Lyra Belacqua toward herself in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman?
In analyzing and conducting the research on the psychological conflict of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel by Philip Pullman, the writer uses a psychological approach. This approach applies the theories in psychologcal to analyze and discover the types, causes and effects of psychological conflicts on Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel. The writer also conducts library research in completing this research. Several theories about the kind of psychological conflicts, causes and the effects of psychological conflict, are used by writer as references and supporting materials to support the research and analysis that conducted by writer.
The writer uses theory of Zwemer about the kind of psychological conflict to determine the kind of psychological conflict of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel. To find causes of psychological conflict of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel using Maslow's theory developed by Globe about the causes of psychological conflict based on the need. And to find the effects of the psychological conflicts of Lyra Belacqua in The Golden Compass novel using Coon's theory of the effects of psychological conflict.
The result of this research is Lyra Belacqua experiencing psychological conflict, such as approach-approach conflict, approach-avoidance conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict, and double approach-avoidance conflict. The causes are the unfulfilled of need for love and belonging, the unfulfilled of need for self-security, the unfulfilled of need for self-esteem and the unfulfilled of self-actualization. The effects of psychological conflicts are frustration, anxiety and anger.
Abstrack for Thesis
Sri Andriningsih (2017). Analisis Konflik Psikologis pada Lyra Belacqua Dalam Novel The Golden Compass karya Philip Pullman. Sekolah Bahasa Asing Technocrat.
A : Accommodation: Accommodation kind of what will we give Hotel Living Asia Resort Lombok
T : Transport: Bus, Aircraft
M : Meals / Dining: Fullboard / Half Boar / - Local Rest - Box - Bufeet, Set Menu
G : Guide: English / Japan / France speaking Guide or Indonesia
O : Object: City Lombok, Gili Trawangan, Pura Lingsar
O : Other: Insurance, Snack, Souvenir, VCD, Welcome Flower lugage Handling
Dia dipatis pada tanggal April 26, 1564
Tidak ada hal ¨C hal seperti akte kelahiran saat ini. Namun , bsayi biasanya dibabtis 3 hari setelah kelahiran mereka, maka tanggal lahir shakespeare April 23, 1564
Ia meningkah di usia 18-26 tahun Anne Hathaway
Dia menjadi ayah dari 3 anak (two girls, one boy)
Anak laki¡±nya meninggal muda
Ia adalah bagian pemilik teater dunia
Ia meninggal pada april 23 1616
1. The document discusses the study of meaning, including how children acquire language and the knowledge speakers have about their language.
2. It examines meaning from the perspectives of psychology, philosophy, and linguistics. Key aspects of language include it being a systematic, conventional symbolic system that is learned and constantly evolving.
3. A speaker's semantic knowledge involves having a vocabulary and understanding how to pronounce and combine words to communicate meanings to others.
Shakespeare¡¯s Career
?Wrote 37 plays
?Wrote comedies, tragedies, histories, and romances (not what you think)
?Also wrote 154 sonnets and several narrative poems all dedicated to Sir Henry Wriothesley
?He was an actor, writer, director, and business man
?Became known for his imaginative use of language and timelessness.
Brief Biography of William Shakespeare
?He was baptized on April 26, 1564
¨CThere were no such things as birth certificates at this time. However, babies were usually baptized three days after their birth¡ªhence Shakespeare¡¯s birth date of April 23, 1564
?He was married at the age of 18 to 26 year old Anne Hathaway
?He fathered three children (two girls, one boy)
¨CHis son died young
?He was part owner of the Globe Theater
?He died on April 23, 1616
Approximately 83% of prostitutes in the United States have a Facebook page according to research by Vekantesh Sundhir, a sociology professor at Colombia University. Sundhir found that Facebook has become an attractive alternative for prostitutes to solicit clients.
Direct and indirect ( The Reported Speech)Dunia_Ciebeck
Reported Speech is the second part of indirect speech in which something has been told by person which is enclosed in quotation mark in direct speech is called reported speech.
MEDIA SHOULD SHOW HORROR OF WARS and Removing Religion From Identity CardDunia_Ciebeck
Removing religion from identity cards would reduce discrimination and manipulation while restoring human rights, according to the document. It argues that requiring religion on identity cards leads to discrimination against religious minorities in housing and other areas. It also claims that some people manipulate religion for political gain, using it to smear opponents. Finally, it asserts that citizens should have the right to determine their own religion privately without the state forcing them to list a religion on official documents.
There are several terms related to understanding the meaning of words:
1. Denotative meaning is the true meaning of a word without figurative language.
2. Connotative meaning involves figurative language and additional implied meanings.
3. Lexical meaning is the dictionary definition of a word.
Parallel distributed processing is a model of cognition that assumes the brain can simultaneously process different types of incoming stimuli. It involves special memory units that store information about words' sounds, syntax, and semantics.
There are several types of relationships between words, including polysemy (multiple meanings), homonyms (same spelling/sound but different meaning), homophones (same sound but different spelling/meaning
Corruption involves more than one person acting in secret for personal gain, usually through bribes. It stems from human greed, weakness of faith and morality, laziness, and consumerism. Corruption damages democracy and the economy, and morally corrupts society. To tackle corruption, we must foster public awareness, positive aspirations in leaders, sanctions against corruption, and prevent it through raising honest future generations starting from ourselves and our families.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide we¡¯ll discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
One Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 - Odoo ºÝºÝߣsCeline George
In this slide, we¡¯ll discuss the one click RFQ Cancellation in odoo 18. One-Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 is a feature that allows users to quickly and easily cancel Request for Quotations (RFQs) with a single click.
6. There are 7 types of imagery in
a poem to look for :
7. Read the following examples of imagery carefully:
?It was dark and dim in the forest.
¨C>The words ¡°dark¡± and ¡°dim¡± are visual images.
?The children were screaming and shouting in the fields.
-> ¡°Screaming¡± and ¡°shouting¡± appeal to our sense of hearing or auditory
?He whiffed the aroma of brewed coffee.
¨C> ¡°whiff¡± and ¡°aroma¡± evoke our sense of smell or olfactory sense.
?The girl ran her hands on a soft satin fabric.
¨C> The idea of ¡°soft¡± in this example appeals to our sense of touch or tactile
?The fresh and juicy orange are very cold and sweet.
¨C> ¡° juicy¡± and ¡°sweet¡± when associated with oranges have an effect on our
sense of taste or gustatory sense
9. ? Simile :comparing two things with the words "like"
and/or "as"
? Metaphor :comparing two things without using
"like" and "as"
? Hyperbole :A boldly exaggerated statement that
adds emphasis without in-tending to be literally
? Symbolism : expressing an idea indirectly through
the use of a symbol, or an image
? Personification : giving human-like characteristics
to objects
10. My heart is like a singing bird
Whose nest is in a watered shoot;
From A Birthday by Christina Rossetti
Similes LIKE
Because I could not stop for death,
He kindly stopped for me
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.
From Death by Emily Dickinson
Allegory an extended metaphor
The winter evening settles down
With smell of steaks in passageways.
From Preludes byT S Eliot
Metaphors phrases