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Differential Tuition is a separate,
additional tuition paid by students
on individual campuses for
specific purposes.
In the UW System, all students pay a base tuition
set by the Board of Regents. Tuition is charged
on each campus, but is collected by UW System.
Some funds are redirected for the administration
of the entire System.
Differential Tuition is different, and is set by each
individual university. All of the money collected
remains at that university, to be used as directed
by the committee responsible for the allocation of
the funds. Differential Tuition dollars are more
flexible than other funding on campus, most of
which has very specific purposes.
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Differential Tuition Program
and when do I
All students will receive an
email with a link to the ballot
for the Student Government
Association Differential
Tuition referendum.
11 and 12, 2015
The vote will be open for
48 Tuition
The Pointer Partnership
Financial Aid
Finally, there is a section of the Pointer Partnership
that addresses financial aid for dependent
students to whom the Differential Tuition cost may
be an overt hardship. It is this financial aid piece
that will hold those students harmless, keeping
UW-Stevens Point affordable and accessible for
all students.
Bottleneck Courses
These are high demand courses that fill quickly, preventing students from graduating on time. Students either cannot
get into a course because of the sheer number of students trying to take it at the same time, or they are delayed by a
required order of courses combined with limited seats/restricted scheduling. With the money received from Differential
Tuition, the university will be able to hire approximately 15 faculty and instructional staff to provide more course offerings
in these high demand areas.
Consistent Advising
The Pointer Partnership proposes a new advising model on campus that would
create individual student success centers in each of the four colleges, as well as
expanding and enriching our central career and advising unit. Professional
advisers in each student success center will ensure that every first year and
transfer student has the opportunity to meet with a professional adviser whose
task is to help students:
• explore interest areas and career paths,
• develop a four-year graduation plan,
• become accustomed to using and navigating the
timetable, course catalog and the course
registration process, and
• connect with resources and services to support
student success.
Professional advisers will also be trained in career services support, and will be
accessible to students throughout their entire UW-Stevens Point career, and
after graduation. Professional advisers will also be responsible for providing
consistent training to faculty and staff members within the colleges, to further
both students and faculty in the advising process. With the money received
from Differential Tuition, the university will be able to hire approximately 10
professional academic advisers.
The Pointer Partnership is the proposed Differential Tuition
program for the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
The partnership has been redesigned and refined to
address two major campus issues: bottleneck courses
and inconsistent advising across campus.
The Pointer Partnership will cost full-time students $200
per semester ($400/yr). Funding is divided between the
following three areas: bottleneck courses, consistent
advising and financial aid.
If The Pointer Partnership were approved,
who would decide how the money was
If approved, all money collected by the Pointer
Partnership will be allocated by the Pointer Partnership
Advisory Board (PPAB). The PPAB will consist of eight
voting members, six students and two members of the
faculty, meaning that the majority of voting members
will always be students.
If students vote for this now, is it here
No, not necessarily. At any point, the PPAB or the
Student Government Association can call for a full
review if they feel the Pointer Partnership no longer
serves the needs of the student body, or that it is no
longer necessary. If SGA chooses to vote no confidence
in the plan two years in a row, the Pointer Partnership
will end.
One of the things we, as students, have continually
fought for throughout this process is for an escape
clause for students. This would be unique to our campus,
but something our Student Government Association
thinks is very important.
Why is this being put to a student vote?
Differential Tuition is an additional fee paid by the students
of this campus. Therefore the additional fee can only
be approved and implemented if students vote in favor
of Differential Tuition and support it as an initiative.
The Pointer
DUC, Room 052
Contact SGA
want to know

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  • 1. Differential Tuition is a separate, additional tuition paid by students on individual campuses for specific purposes. In the UW System, all students pay a base tuition set by the Board of Regents. Tuition is charged on each campus, but is collected by UW System. Some funds are redirected for the administration of the entire System. Differential Tuition is different, and is set by each individual university. All of the money collected remains at that university, to be used as directed by the committee responsible for the allocation of the funds. Differential Tuition dollars are more flexible than other funding on campus, most of which has very specific purposes. What ISDifferentialTuition University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Differential Tuition Program http://sites.google.com/site/dtvote and when do I All students will receive an email with a link to the ballot for the Student Government Association Differential Tuition referendum. November 11 and 12, 2015 The vote will be open for hours 48 Tuition Differential The Pointer Partnership SGA
  • 2. Financial Aid Finally, there is a section of the Pointer Partnership that addresses financial aid for dependent students to whom the Differential Tuition cost may be an overt hardship. It is this financial aid piece that will hold those students harmless, keeping UW-Stevens Point affordable and accessible for all students. Bottleneck Courses These are high demand courses that fill quickly, preventing students from graduating on time. Students either cannot get into a course because of the sheer number of students trying to take it at the same time, or they are delayed by a required order of courses combined with limited seats/restricted scheduling. With the money received from Differential Tuition, the university will be able to hire approximately 15 faculty and instructional staff to provide more course offerings in these high demand areas. Consistent Advising The Pointer Partnership proposes a new advising model on campus that would create individual student success centers in each of the four colleges, as well as expanding and enriching our central career and advising unit. Professional advisers in each student success center will ensure that every first year and transfer student has the opportunity to meet with a professional adviser whose task is to help students: • explore interest areas and career paths, • develop a four-year graduation plan, • become accustomed to using and navigating the timetable, course catalog and the course registration process, and • connect with resources and services to support student success. Professional advisers will also be trained in career services support, and will be accessible to students throughout their entire UW-Stevens Point career, and after graduation. Professional advisers will also be responsible for providing consistent training to faculty and staff members within the colleges, to further both students and faculty in the advising process. With the money received from Differential Tuition, the university will be able to hire approximately 10 professional academic advisers. The Pointer Partnership is the proposed Differential Tuition program for the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. The partnership has been redesigned and refined to address two major campus issues: bottleneck courses and inconsistent advising across campus. The Pointer Partnership will cost full-time students $200 per semester ($400/yr). Funding is divided between the following three areas: bottleneck courses, consistent advising and financial aid. If The Pointer Partnership were approved, who would decide how the money was allocated? If approved, all money collected by the Pointer Partnership will be allocated by the Pointer Partnership Advisory Board (PPAB). The PPAB will consist of eight voting members, six students and two members of the faculty, meaning that the majority of voting members will always be students. If students vote for this now, is it here forever? No, not necessarily. At any point, the PPAB or the Student Government Association can call for a full review if they feel the Pointer Partnership no longer serves the needs of the student body, or that it is no longer necessary. If SGA chooses to vote no confidence in the plan two years in a row, the Pointer Partnership will end. One of the things we, as students, have continually fought for throughout this process is for an escape clause for students. This would be unique to our campus, but something our Student Government Association thinks is very important. Why is this being put to a student vote? Differential Tuition is an additional fee paid by the students of this campus. Therefore the additional fee can only be approved and implemented if students vote in favor of Differential Tuition and support it as an initiative. Partnership The Pointer sga@uwsp.edu DUC, Room 052 715-346-3722 Contact SGA want to know more?