The document discusses using a Poisson distribution to model the number of students seeking assistance from a teaching assistant (TA) in a 30 minute period. It calculates that the probability a TA will help 4 or fewer students in 30 minutes is 28.5% and the probability a TA will help more than 6 students is 39.4%. It notes limitations in using this model for a real queueing system due to variability in student arrival times and assistance needs. Maximizing throughput in the queue by adding additional TAs or changing the arrival order is proposed to reduce average waiting times.
2. Gary Spencer 14/15 UG EECS Project
Queen Mary, University of London.
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The probabilityof successthata TA servesmore than6 studentsin30 minutesis39.4%.Runningat
100% utilisation,aqueue with6people,servicetime couldnotexceed5minutestonotexceed100%
utilisationandeachstudentwouldneedtobe servicedimmediatelyafterthe last.
Problems in the poisson model
For a queue withmore than6 students,servicetime wouldneedtobe lessthan5 minutestoprevent
utilisationtakinglongerthanthe 30 minute time frame,asinour example. Real systemsare notlike
this,theyhave substantial variability.A studentrequestinghelpfromaTA isunscheduledandwe dont
knowhowlongit will take toservice astudent.If we can reduce variabilityinservice time,we willsee
the queue move quicker,however,we have limitedcontrol overhow peoplearrive andwhatissuesthey
bringto the attentionof a TA. The onlythingwe can do to increase utilisationistohave the abilityto
respondondemandandtry to affordthe eventspeople bringtothe queue.
Maximising utilisation
Utilisationisthe rate at whichpeople enterthe queueingsystem, tothe rate theycan be serviced.How
utilisedthe queue iscantell howbusythe queue isata pointintime.If there isa TA ina lab,and there
are more studentsrequiringattentionthancanbe served(giventreatmenttimes),aqueue will be
formedandwill growovertime.Evenif the TA systemcankeepupwithdemandinthe lab,studentswill
still findthemselveswaiting.
I can maximise throughputinthe queue bychangingthe mechanismsthatIhave control over.Those
mechanisms are servers andthe orderat whichpeople enterthe queue.
If we have twoidentical,separateTAs(serversinthe queue),pooledinone lab,thenthe systemspeed
shouldincrease byafactor of 2. In the eventof twice the arrivals,the systemisrunning attwice the
speedandso average waitingtime inthe queue shoulddropbyhalf.Generallyitseemspoolingisa
goodidea,thoughtheresahiddenriskif the labisheavilyloaded,andgiventhe nature of how labs
needtobe assessed,arounddue datesformarkssurgeswill happen.