This document contains the results of a questionnaire given to 300 students aged 14-19 in Turkey about Poland. It includes data on the students' gender and ages. It also contains the students' responses to 12 multiple choice questions about various facts relating to Poland, such as its capital, currency, neighbors, and whether it is a former USSR country. The results are presented as frequencies and percentages.
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Poland questionairre
1. Questionnaire about Poland
300 students aged between 14-19
12 Questions
arkikaraaa巽 METEM Lisesi
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
2. Gender
Frequency Percent
Valid Girl 166 55,3
Boy 134 44,7
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
3. Age groups
Frequency Percent
Valid 15 year olds 84 28,0
16 year olds 99 33,0
17 year olds 98 32,7
18 year olds 7 2,3
Others 12 4,0
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
4. Poland is a Balkan country
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 210 70,0
False 62 20,7
I do not know 28 9,3
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
5. Germany is the neighbour of Poland
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 209 69,7
False 30 10,0
I do not know 61 20,3
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
6. Poland and Russia are neighbours
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 60 20,0
False 189 63,0
I do not know 51 17,0
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
7. The capital of Poland is Warsaw
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 165 55,0
False 17 5,7
I do not know 118 39,3
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
8. Poland is expecting an EU
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 107 35,7
False 82 27,3
I do not know 111 37,0
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
9. Poland is a former USSR country
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 160 53,3
False 82 27,3
I do not know 58 19,3
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
10. Poland's population is higher than
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 17 5,7
False 220 73,3
I do not know 63 21,0
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
11. Poland is the member of NATO
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 97 32,3
False 102 34,0
I do not know 101 33,7
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
12. The lands which known as Lehistan in
Turkish language is Poland
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 84 28,0
False 113 37,7
I do not know 103 34,3
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
13. Poland's currency is Zloty
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 125 41,7
False 88 29,3
I do not know 87 29,0
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
14. Poland is governed by the monarchy
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 40 13,3
False 184 61,3
I do not know 76 25,3
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project
15. Most people of Poland are Christians
Frequency Percent
Valid Correct 197 65,7
False 33 11,0
I do not know 70 23,3
Total 300 100,0
My Profession, My Future Febr. 2013-Isparta EU Comenius Regio Project