
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
The Church Channel (TCC) features worship services from Americas leading churches
and represents a wide variety of denominations, as well as many independent and
non-denominational churches. TCC has launched onto DirectTV with 14.4 million
households and over 120 million homes in Europe, Western Russia, the Middle East,
and North Africa. TCC is also seen in Australia and New Zealand. Just recently, TCC
launched on nearly 150 cable systems in The Philippines and many more nations are
just on the horizon with the powerful news of Jesus Christ.
The Church Channel is also available as a digital channel to cable and DBS providers
nationwide. It is estimated that digital cable and satellite will reach more that 20 million
households within the next two years. As you know, the cable industrys direction is
moving at a fast pace toward digital television. We see the same technology coming to
broadcast television in the near future and we truly believe that the growth opportunities
for The Church Channel will be tremendous.
Please forward a copy of your program on BETA SP, along with the following
documents, so that we may consider your ministry and program: (Please note that your
submitted tape and documents will not be returned). Please ship your demo program to
Media Services, The Church Channel at 14171 Chambers Rd., Tustin, Ca. 92780.
1. A copy of your ministrys original IRS letter of determination of its nonprofit,
tax-exempt, public charity status and any modifications to the letter of
2. A Copy of your ministrys latest annual return, IRS Form 990. For church
ministries, a statement from your attorney or Certified Public Accountant that the
church was operated as a church and not operated for private gain or benefit.
Also, that it filed all state and federal reports required by applicable law.
3. An affidavit from your ministrys or church ministrys attorney or Certified
Public Accountant verifying that your fund-raising activities for the year were
conducted and managed according to federal and state laws, as well as the rules
and regulations of the IRS. This affidavit must also state what percentage of each
dollar raised for a designated project was expended for that project versus
administrative costs.
The Church Channel
Page Two
The United States Congress passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (ACT), the
ACT mandates all programmers who provide programs or program materials to a
television station or network, must include closed-captioning for the hearing
impaired on all new programs.
Your Demo program should conform to the following guidelines:
1. All Programmers producing programs for The Church Channel must include
closed-captioning for the hearing-impaired in all their programs. The
Telecommunications Act of 1996 (ACT) makes it the responsibility of The
Church Channel to ensure that all programs we carry are in compliance with the
closed-captioning rules of the Act, enacted by Congress.
2. Announcements regarding fundraising and gift offers must not exceed (3) minutes
per half hour program. Announcements placed outside of programs open and
close are prohibited.
3. The format of each program must emphasize instruction, ministry or evangelism.
The content of each program must be 90% ministry and evangelism. Program-
length fundraising formats are prohibited.
4. The use of credit cards as a convenient method of paying for products may be
mentioned, but credit card logos may not be shown nor the name of the credit card
company mentioned
5. Graphic crawls are not permitted.
6. The TCC logo will be inserted at the top right-hand corner of the screen. The
logo is approximately 2 inches by 2 inches. Please do not insert graphics in this
7. TCC broadcasts in stereo. Please submit all programs for TCC in stereo.
The length of your program must conform to the following time codes:
30-minute program = 28:30
8. Please submit BETA SP tapes to: Media Services, The Church Channel at:
14171 chambers Rd., Tustin, Ca. 92780
Unsolicited demo program tapes will not be returned. Please allow four (4)
weeks for evaluation.

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Policy guide word-3 , Church At Home

  • 1. THE CHURCH CHANNEL The Church Channel (TCC) features worship services from Americas leading churches and represents a wide variety of denominations, as well as many independent and non-denominational churches. TCC has launched onto DirectTV with 14.4 million households and over 120 million homes in Europe, Western Russia, the Middle East, and North Africa. TCC is also seen in Australia and New Zealand. Just recently, TCC launched on nearly 150 cable systems in The Philippines and many more nations are just on the horizon with the powerful news of Jesus Christ. The Church Channel is also available as a digital channel to cable and DBS providers nationwide. It is estimated that digital cable and satellite will reach more that 20 million households within the next two years. As you know, the cable industrys direction is moving at a fast pace toward digital television. We see the same technology coming to broadcast television in the near future and we truly believe that the growth opportunities for The Church Channel will be tremendous. Please forward a copy of your program on BETA SP, along with the following documents, so that we may consider your ministry and program: (Please note that your submitted tape and documents will not be returned). Please ship your demo program to Media Services, The Church Channel at 14171 Chambers Rd., Tustin, Ca. 92780. 1. A copy of your ministrys original IRS letter of determination of its nonprofit, tax-exempt, public charity status and any modifications to the letter of determination. 2. A Copy of your ministrys latest annual return, IRS Form 990. For church ministries, a statement from your attorney or Certified Public Accountant that the church was operated as a church and not operated for private gain or benefit. Also, that it filed all state and federal reports required by applicable law. 3. An affidavit from your ministrys or church ministrys attorney or Certified Public Accountant verifying that your fund-raising activities for the year were conducted and managed according to federal and state laws, as well as the rules and regulations of the IRS. This affidavit must also state what percentage of each dollar raised for a designated project was expended for that project versus administrative costs.
  • 2. The Church Channel Page Two The United States Congress passed the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (ACT), the ACT mandates all programmers who provide programs or program materials to a television station or network, must include closed-captioning for the hearing impaired on all new programs. THE CHURCH CHANNEL SEE PAGE THREE FOR POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
  • 3. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Your Demo program should conform to the following guidelines: 1. All Programmers producing programs for The Church Channel must include closed-captioning for the hearing-impaired in all their programs. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 (ACT) makes it the responsibility of The Church Channel to ensure that all programs we carry are in compliance with the closed-captioning rules of the Act, enacted by Congress. 2. Announcements regarding fundraising and gift offers must not exceed (3) minutes per half hour program. Announcements placed outside of programs open and close are prohibited. 3. The format of each program must emphasize instruction, ministry or evangelism. The content of each program must be 90% ministry and evangelism. Program- length fundraising formats are prohibited. 4. The use of credit cards as a convenient method of paying for products may be mentioned, but credit card logos may not be shown nor the name of the credit card company mentioned 5. Graphic crawls are not permitted. 6. The TCC logo will be inserted at the top right-hand corner of the screen. The logo is approximately 2 inches by 2 inches. Please do not insert graphics in this area. 7. TCC broadcasts in stereo. Please submit all programs for TCC in stereo. The length of your program must conform to the following time codes: 30-minute program = 28:30 8. Please submit BETA SP tapes to: Media Services, The Church Channel at: 14171 chambers Rd., Tustin, Ca. 92780 Unsolicited demo program tapes will not be returned. Please allow four (4) weeks for evaluation.