This document discusses the role of actuaries and statistical modeling. It explains that actuaries at R&A use both deterministic and stochastic models to analyze insurance portfolios, assess risks, set prices and capital requirements. Deterministic models use single estimates while stochastic models capture uncertainty through probability distributions. The document also summarizes the upcoming Solvency 2 regulation in Europe and the gender directive banning gender-based insurance pricing. It provides references for further reading on these actuarial topics.
The Imperatives of Investment Suitabilityfinametrica
Presentation given by Paul Resnik (Co-Founder, FinaMetrica) at the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) in Mumbai, India. It emphasizes on the importance of measuring risk tolerance of investors in the process of matching investment products to an individual's needs. Visit to know more.
This research study aims to determine the best predictors of changes in core deposit interest rates. Specifically, it will examine whether federal funds futures rates and consumer confidence are good predictors. The study hypothesizes that both factors will significantly predict interest rate changes, and that a model using both will have the highest predictive power. A time series analysis using hierarchical linear modeling with repeated observations over time will be conducted to test these hypotheses.
Governance of Risk in Public Policy - Nigel Gibbensmliebenrood
Modelling is useful for evidence-based policymaking in complex systems to evaluate options and costs/benefits. However, models have limitations and uncertainties that must be clearly communicated. Effective modelling requires constant dialogue between policymakers and modelers to ensure the appropriate question is answered and results are understood and usable. While modelling provides insights, it does not remove uncertainty, and results should not be presented as definitive facts.
This document summarizes a presentation on core deposit modeling best practices. It discusses topics like rate sensitivities in a rising rate environment, valuation of core deposits, sensitivity analysis, liquidity concerns, core deposit studies and behavioral inputs. Key points covered include using historical data to model rate sensitivities, the GAAP definition of valuing core deposits as the present value of average balances discounted by alternative funding costs, and the importance of sensitivity analysis and considering different scenarios in modeling.
An analysis of credit risk with risky collateral a methodology for haircut de...hasare
This document presents an analysis of credit risk when collateral is involved. It aims to develop a methodology for determining haircut levels on collateral. The document provides context on the growth of credit risk in financial markets and the increased use of collateralization to manage it. It notes that while credit risk pricing models exist, little attention has been paid to the impact of risky collateral. The analysis examines credit risk valuation in situations with stochastic collateral, bond collateral with interest rate risk, and both continuous and discrete collateral margining. The goal is to understand how haircut levels should depend on the risks of the collateral and underlying assets, as well as their correlation.
Dokumen tersebut membincangkan etika penggunaan internet dan aktiviti-aktiviti yang dianggap etika dan tidak etika. Aktiviti-aktiviti etika termasuk menggunakan internet untuk tujuan pendidikan, peribadi dan perbincangan awam. Manakala aktiviti yang tidak etika adalah menyalahgunakan kemudahan internet untuk jenayah seperti penyebaran bahan lucah, virus komputer dan bahan-bahan yang menggalakkan keganasan.
This document discusses how option theory and real options analysis can be applied to pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) to maximize value. It asserts that R&D projects are best viewed as real options due to their flexibility. The value of options increases with uncertainty, flexibility to adapt to new information, and efficient learning to resolve uncertainties over time. The document recommends that companies pursue riskier projects with high upside potential and manage their portfolios proactively according to option theory to create more value than traditional discounted cash flow approaches.
This document discusses using extreme value theory (EVT) to model policyholder behavior in extreme market conditions using variable annuity lapse data. EVT allows predicting behavior in the extremes based on nonextreme data. The paper applies EVT by fitting bivariate distributions to lapse and market indicator data above a large threshold. This provides insights into policyholder behavior in extreme markets without direct observations. The goal is a dynamic lapse formula capturing different characteristics than traditional methods.
The document discusses corporate-bank relationships since the 2008 financial crisis. It presents the results of a survey that found most corporations believe the crisis highlighted the value of their treasury functions but few received extra resources. While corporations prefer long-term strategic relationships with banks, most believe banks prefer short-term transactional approaches. It also lists political, economic, social and technological trends that will impact future corporate-bank relationships and stresses the importance of risk management and distinguishing service quality over price.
Academic macroeconomics is dominated by DSGE models but these have received criticism following the 2008 crisis for not predicting or accounting for the crisis. Central banks and private industry use other models for forecasting. Critics argue DSGE models rely too heavily on implausible assumptions and fail to incorporate finance or respond adequately to evidence. Efforts to improve DSGE models include adding financial frictions, heterogeneous agents, labor search frictions, and relaxing rational expectations assumptions, but macroeconomics remains a difficult field due to issues like causal density, measurement, and limited data.
Discussion of Systemic and Systematic risk by Billio et al. and CDS based ...SYRTO Project
Discussion of Systemic and Systematic risk by Billio et al. and CDS based indicators for systemic risk of Euro area sovereigns and for Euro area financial firms by Lucas et al. - Carsten Detken.
SYRTO Code Workshop
Workshop on Systemic Risk Policy Issues for SYRTO (Bundesbank-ECB-ESRB)
Head Office of Deustche Bundesbank, Guest House
Frankfurt am Main - July, 2 2014
The document provides an overview of risk management frameworks and concepts. It discusses corporate governance and operational risk analysis. It begins with an open discussion on corporate cultures and governance. It then presents the COSO and ISO 31000 risk management frameworks. It also discusses risk appetite, culture and behavior, and how human biases can impact risk assessment and decision making. Key models for assessing financial, infrastructure, marketplace and reputational risks are presented. The document emphasizes the importance of risk management processes and having a structured approach to identify, evaluate and respond to risks.
The Search for a Better Risk Model - MPT Forum Tokyo March 1st 2012yamanote
This presentation discusses the three most common ways to estimate a multi-factor risk model, sheds some light on the numerous assumptions underlying the models, and provides some thoughts about how to address those assumptions to make the models better fit the real world. The Northfield hybrid risk model is discussed. Non-stationary volatility, correlation, clusters in volatility, the use of forward-looking signals such as implied-volatility and cross-sectional dispersion, as well as the use of quantified news information to update risk forecasts are included.
This document discusses the challenges and promises of agent-based modeling in economics. It begins by outlining the key challenges, such as developing appropriate abstractions while keeping models realistic, and a lack of prior examples. However, it argues that agent-based modeling can complement existing tools by capturing nonlinearities and heterogeneous agents. It then describes a housing market model project that aims to build an agent-based model that can forecast time series and be used for policy analysis. The project involves calibrating decision rules using microdata to simulate the housing market at the individual household level.
This document discusses macroprudential policy tools for regulating banks' risk and capital levels. It outlines the evolution of macroprudential concepts over time and four key requirements for effective macroprudential policy: identifying imbalances before they become problems, selecting appropriate tools, calibrating tools based on data and coordination. Various tools are described for influencing bank balance sheets, borrowers/lenders, and addressing international spillovers. However, the document notes calibration and governance challenges, and questions the effectiveness of using capital controls as a macroprudential tool.
Short overview of decision analysis in project management; project decision analysis workflow; introduction to psychology of judgement and decision-making in project management.
For more information how to perform schedule risk analysis using RiskyProject software please visit Intaver Institute web site:
About Intaver Institute.
Intaver Institute Inc. develops project risk management and project risk analysis software. Intaver's flagship product is RiskyProject: project risk management software. RiskyProject integrates with Microsoft Project, Oracle Primavera, other project management software or can run standalone. RiskyProject comes in three configurations: RiskyProject Lite, RiskyProject Professional, and RiskyProject Enterprise.
This document discusses quality in foresight and forecasting for emerging markets. It begins by providing examples of past forecast failures and outlines several "levels" of future uncertainty. It then discusses various "limits" or challenges with different forecasting approaches, such as relying only on sector experts, overextrapolating trends, and the limitations of quantitative forecasting. It advocates using scenarios to explore multiple plausible futures rather than single point predictions. The document concludes by outlining implications for views of emerging markets like South Africa in 2030, emphasizing the need to plan for unpredictable change, practice high-quality foresight, respect consumer adoption patterns, and understand when we can influence versus must adapt to the future.
Predictive analytics uses past data to forecast future outcomes. The document discusses various predictive analytics techniques including simple forecasting methods, decision trees, and regression. Simple forecasting techniques like moving averages are easiest to implement but lack explanatory power, while decision trees and regression provide more accurate predictions at an individual level but require more complex deployment. The key is selecting the right technique based on the problem, data, and ability to implement predictive models in real-world applications.
Securities Clearing and Settlement Systems and Long Term Local Currency Bond ...SDGsPlus
The document discusses trends in long-term local currency bond markets after the 2008 financial crisis. It notes that direct bank lending to emerging markets has declined while bond market inflows have increased. Local currency bond markets and domestic capital markets have potential to play a greater role in long-term financing. Clearing and settlement infrastructure is essential to develop long-term local currency bond markets by mitigating risk, facilitating liquidity, and supporting access by international investors. While clearing and settlement systems generally functioned well during the crisis, areas for improvement include risk management, governance, and cooperation across authorities.
VAR_Models__1705848850 e value at risk presentationnhvrmw5mtj
1. Value at risk (VAR) models are used to estimate potential losses over a given time period at a given confidence level. They help ensure management is fully informed of risk and protect against large losses.
2. VAR is estimated using historical data on returns and volatilities of different assets and accounting for covariances between assets using variance-covariance or Monte Carlo simulation methods.
3. For fixed income, VAR looks at yield volatility and accounts for each asset's sensitivity to interest rate changes using measures like duration or PV01. Considering multiple assets allows for diversification benefits through reduced overall portfolio risk.
This presentation discusses three main ways that local governments can promote innovation: traditional methods, organizational methods, and relational methods. Traditional methods usually require innovation across organizational boundaries, organizational methods involve rethinking processes within an organization, and relational methods require rethinking the relationship between public services and citizens. A variety of tools and processes are presented that can be used to systematically prompt innovation, such as design thinking, challenges, and pilot programs.
This survey examined risk management practices of non-financial companies in Belgium related to interest rate and foreign exchange risk. The key findings were:
- Most companies face interest rate and foreign exchange risk and manage this risk using derivatives like interest rate swaps and FX forwards. Stabilizing cash flows and earnings were the primary risk management objectives.
- Since 2008, the majority of companies reported no change in their risk tolerance or use of derivatives, contrary to data showing decreased derivatives volumes.
- Companies generally have hedging policies in place, especially for foreign exchange risk, but many policies are not formally written down.
- Large companies typically allow less latitude in hedging decisions than smaller companies. Public entities
This document discusses challenges in pharmaceutical R&D portfolio management. It addresses relationships between candidate molecules, biological pathways, and diseases. It also discusses positioning product concepts and managing changes to portfolios over time. Maintaining focus on understanding biology early in R&D is emphasized, rather than allowing business risks to dictate discovery sciences. Diversifying portfolios and identifying correlated risks that increase variance is advised. The cost to maintain a portfolio capable of one product launch per year is estimated to be around $1.5 billion annually.
The Value of Requirements Uncertainty, Louvain-la-Neuve, October 2013Emmanuel Letier
Uncertainty is inevitable in software projects but is often not addressed scientifically. The goal of software engineering should be delivering value, not precision alone. Decision analysis provides a scientific approach to make goal-based decisions under uncertainty, quantifying costs, benefits, risks and the value of information to reduce uncertainty. This helps prioritize measurement efforts and avoid common paradoxes. The approach has been applied to design decisions with potential to overcome cultural barriers and show cost-effectiveness through incremental evidence-based improvements.
Since the CAPM model Sharpe (1965) and the first fundamental model by King (1966) the use of factors in alpha generation and risk modeling has become mainstream. However, the types of factors we employ and the techniques we use to model relationships have in general not progressed much since. In addition, many of our favorite techniques assume that the world is static, whereas of course markets evolve and change dramatically; as we have seen so vividly illustrated over the last few years.
We review fundamental, macro-economic, and statistical factors, describing the advantages and disadvantages of each, and review some newer techniques that explicitly allow for evolving relationships in data sets and harness emerging technologies that can capture much more nuanced relationships than simple correlation: flexible least-squares regression, artificial immune systems, single-pass clustering, semantic clustering, social network influence measurement, layer-embedded networks, block-modeling, and more.
This document provides an overview of a workshop on decision making that seeks to introduce and compare the work of Malcolm Gladwell and Daniel Kahneman, explore how knowledge is used in rapid cognition, and generate ideas to improve organizational decision making. It outlines Gladwell and Kahneman's research on fast and slow thinking as well as Gary Klein's work on naturalistic decision making. The document also discusses biases, heuristics, and conditions that influence decision quality. Tools, models, and strategies for decision making are presented along with examples of good and bad decisions.
Point d'辿tape sur le Plan d'Epargne Avenir Climat pr辿vu par la loi industrie verte. Campagne de Benchmark sur le lancement du produit sur le march辿 (slide 10), participation possible jusqu'au 05/04/24. Les r辿sultats seront fournis aux r辿pondants en avant-premi竪re la mi-avril. La pr辿sentation sera mise jour une fois les d辿crets publi辿s. Un webinar de restitution sera pr辿vu dans un second temps.
Solvabilit辿 2, quel bilan et quelles perspectives un an apr竪s?
Aspects quantitatifs, les premi竪res autorisations de l'ACPR (mod竪le interne, USP, fonds propres, mesures branches longues, groupes prudentiels...), gouvernance, ORSA, qualit辿 de donn辿es, reporting.
Mais aussi les r辿visions venir de Solvabilit辿 2
This document discusses how option theory and real options analysis can be applied to pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) to maximize value. It asserts that R&D projects are best viewed as real options due to their flexibility. The value of options increases with uncertainty, flexibility to adapt to new information, and efficient learning to resolve uncertainties over time. The document recommends that companies pursue riskier projects with high upside potential and manage their portfolios proactively according to option theory to create more value than traditional discounted cash flow approaches.
This document discusses using extreme value theory (EVT) to model policyholder behavior in extreme market conditions using variable annuity lapse data. EVT allows predicting behavior in the extremes based on nonextreme data. The paper applies EVT by fitting bivariate distributions to lapse and market indicator data above a large threshold. This provides insights into policyholder behavior in extreme markets without direct observations. The goal is a dynamic lapse formula capturing different characteristics than traditional methods.
The document discusses corporate-bank relationships since the 2008 financial crisis. It presents the results of a survey that found most corporations believe the crisis highlighted the value of their treasury functions but few received extra resources. While corporations prefer long-term strategic relationships with banks, most believe banks prefer short-term transactional approaches. It also lists political, economic, social and technological trends that will impact future corporate-bank relationships and stresses the importance of risk management and distinguishing service quality over price.
Academic macroeconomics is dominated by DSGE models but these have received criticism following the 2008 crisis for not predicting or accounting for the crisis. Central banks and private industry use other models for forecasting. Critics argue DSGE models rely too heavily on implausible assumptions and fail to incorporate finance or respond adequately to evidence. Efforts to improve DSGE models include adding financial frictions, heterogeneous agents, labor search frictions, and relaxing rational expectations assumptions, but macroeconomics remains a difficult field due to issues like causal density, measurement, and limited data.
Discussion of Systemic and Systematic risk by Billio et al. and CDS based ...SYRTO Project
Discussion of Systemic and Systematic risk by Billio et al. and CDS based indicators for systemic risk of Euro area sovereigns and for Euro area financial firms by Lucas et al. - Carsten Detken.
SYRTO Code Workshop
Workshop on Systemic Risk Policy Issues for SYRTO (Bundesbank-ECB-ESRB)
Head Office of Deustche Bundesbank, Guest House
Frankfurt am Main - July, 2 2014
The document provides an overview of risk management frameworks and concepts. It discusses corporate governance and operational risk analysis. It begins with an open discussion on corporate cultures and governance. It then presents the COSO and ISO 31000 risk management frameworks. It also discusses risk appetite, culture and behavior, and how human biases can impact risk assessment and decision making. Key models for assessing financial, infrastructure, marketplace and reputational risks are presented. The document emphasizes the importance of risk management processes and having a structured approach to identify, evaluate and respond to risks.
The Search for a Better Risk Model - MPT Forum Tokyo March 1st 2012yamanote
This presentation discusses the three most common ways to estimate a multi-factor risk model, sheds some light on the numerous assumptions underlying the models, and provides some thoughts about how to address those assumptions to make the models better fit the real world. The Northfield hybrid risk model is discussed. Non-stationary volatility, correlation, clusters in volatility, the use of forward-looking signals such as implied-volatility and cross-sectional dispersion, as well as the use of quantified news information to update risk forecasts are included.
This document discusses the challenges and promises of agent-based modeling in economics. It begins by outlining the key challenges, such as developing appropriate abstractions while keeping models realistic, and a lack of prior examples. However, it argues that agent-based modeling can complement existing tools by capturing nonlinearities and heterogeneous agents. It then describes a housing market model project that aims to build an agent-based model that can forecast time series and be used for policy analysis. The project involves calibrating decision rules using microdata to simulate the housing market at the individual household level.
This document discusses macroprudential policy tools for regulating banks' risk and capital levels. It outlines the evolution of macroprudential concepts over time and four key requirements for effective macroprudential policy: identifying imbalances before they become problems, selecting appropriate tools, calibrating tools based on data and coordination. Various tools are described for influencing bank balance sheets, borrowers/lenders, and addressing international spillovers. However, the document notes calibration and governance challenges, and questions the effectiveness of using capital controls as a macroprudential tool.
Short overview of decision analysis in project management; project decision analysis workflow; introduction to psychology of judgement and decision-making in project management.
For more information how to perform schedule risk analysis using RiskyProject software please visit Intaver Institute web site:
About Intaver Institute.
Intaver Institute Inc. develops project risk management and project risk analysis software. Intaver's flagship product is RiskyProject: project risk management software. RiskyProject integrates with Microsoft Project, Oracle Primavera, other project management software or can run standalone. RiskyProject comes in three configurations: RiskyProject Lite, RiskyProject Professional, and RiskyProject Enterprise.
This document discusses quality in foresight and forecasting for emerging markets. It begins by providing examples of past forecast failures and outlines several "levels" of future uncertainty. It then discusses various "limits" or challenges with different forecasting approaches, such as relying only on sector experts, overextrapolating trends, and the limitations of quantitative forecasting. It advocates using scenarios to explore multiple plausible futures rather than single point predictions. The document concludes by outlining implications for views of emerging markets like South Africa in 2030, emphasizing the need to plan for unpredictable change, practice high-quality foresight, respect consumer adoption patterns, and understand when we can influence versus must adapt to the future.
Predictive analytics uses past data to forecast future outcomes. The document discusses various predictive analytics techniques including simple forecasting methods, decision trees, and regression. Simple forecasting techniques like moving averages are easiest to implement but lack explanatory power, while decision trees and regression provide more accurate predictions at an individual level but require more complex deployment. The key is selecting the right technique based on the problem, data, and ability to implement predictive models in real-world applications.
Securities Clearing and Settlement Systems and Long Term Local Currency Bond ...SDGsPlus
The document discusses trends in long-term local currency bond markets after the 2008 financial crisis. It notes that direct bank lending to emerging markets has declined while bond market inflows have increased. Local currency bond markets and domestic capital markets have potential to play a greater role in long-term financing. Clearing and settlement infrastructure is essential to develop long-term local currency bond markets by mitigating risk, facilitating liquidity, and supporting access by international investors. While clearing and settlement systems generally functioned well during the crisis, areas for improvement include risk management, governance, and cooperation across authorities.
VAR_Models__1705848850 e value at risk presentationnhvrmw5mtj
1. Value at risk (VAR) models are used to estimate potential losses over a given time period at a given confidence level. They help ensure management is fully informed of risk and protect against large losses.
2. VAR is estimated using historical data on returns and volatilities of different assets and accounting for covariances between assets using variance-covariance or Monte Carlo simulation methods.
3. For fixed income, VAR looks at yield volatility and accounts for each asset's sensitivity to interest rate changes using measures like duration or PV01. Considering multiple assets allows for diversification benefits through reduced overall portfolio risk.
This presentation discusses three main ways that local governments can promote innovation: traditional methods, organizational methods, and relational methods. Traditional methods usually require innovation across organizational boundaries, organizational methods involve rethinking processes within an organization, and relational methods require rethinking the relationship between public services and citizens. A variety of tools and processes are presented that can be used to systematically prompt innovation, such as design thinking, challenges, and pilot programs.
This survey examined risk management practices of non-financial companies in Belgium related to interest rate and foreign exchange risk. The key findings were:
- Most companies face interest rate and foreign exchange risk and manage this risk using derivatives like interest rate swaps and FX forwards. Stabilizing cash flows and earnings were the primary risk management objectives.
- Since 2008, the majority of companies reported no change in their risk tolerance or use of derivatives, contrary to data showing decreased derivatives volumes.
- Companies generally have hedging policies in place, especially for foreign exchange risk, but many policies are not formally written down.
- Large companies typically allow less latitude in hedging decisions than smaller companies. Public entities
This document discusses challenges in pharmaceutical R&D portfolio management. It addresses relationships between candidate molecules, biological pathways, and diseases. It also discusses positioning product concepts and managing changes to portfolios over time. Maintaining focus on understanding biology early in R&D is emphasized, rather than allowing business risks to dictate discovery sciences. Diversifying portfolios and identifying correlated risks that increase variance is advised. The cost to maintain a portfolio capable of one product launch per year is estimated to be around $1.5 billion annually.
The Value of Requirements Uncertainty, Louvain-la-Neuve, October 2013Emmanuel Letier
Uncertainty is inevitable in software projects but is often not addressed scientifically. The goal of software engineering should be delivering value, not precision alone. Decision analysis provides a scientific approach to make goal-based decisions under uncertainty, quantifying costs, benefits, risks and the value of information to reduce uncertainty. This helps prioritize measurement efforts and avoid common paradoxes. The approach has been applied to design decisions with potential to overcome cultural barriers and show cost-effectiveness through incremental evidence-based improvements.
Since the CAPM model Sharpe (1965) and the first fundamental model by King (1966) the use of factors in alpha generation and risk modeling has become mainstream. However, the types of factors we employ and the techniques we use to model relationships have in general not progressed much since. In addition, many of our favorite techniques assume that the world is static, whereas of course markets evolve and change dramatically; as we have seen so vividly illustrated over the last few years.
We review fundamental, macro-economic, and statistical factors, describing the advantages and disadvantages of each, and review some newer techniques that explicitly allow for evolving relationships in data sets and harness emerging technologies that can capture much more nuanced relationships than simple correlation: flexible least-squares regression, artificial immune systems, single-pass clustering, semantic clustering, social network influence measurement, layer-embedded networks, block-modeling, and more.
This document provides an overview of a workshop on decision making that seeks to introduce and compare the work of Malcolm Gladwell and Daniel Kahneman, explore how knowledge is used in rapid cognition, and generate ideas to improve organizational decision making. It outlines Gladwell and Kahneman's research on fast and slow thinking as well as Gary Klein's work on naturalistic decision making. The document also discusses biases, heuristics, and conditions that influence decision quality. Tools, models, and strategies for decision making are presented along with examples of good and bad decisions.
Point d'辿tape sur le Plan d'Epargne Avenir Climat pr辿vu par la loi industrie verte. Campagne de Benchmark sur le lancement du produit sur le march辿 (slide 10), participation possible jusqu'au 05/04/24. Les r辿sultats seront fournis aux r辿pondants en avant-premi竪re la mi-avril. La pr辿sentation sera mise jour une fois les d辿crets publi辿s. Un webinar de restitution sera pr辿vu dans un second temps.
Solvabilit辿 2, quel bilan et quelles perspectives un an apr竪s?
Aspects quantitatifs, les premi竪res autorisations de l'ACPR (mod竪le interne, USP, fonds propres, mesures branches longues, groupes prudentiels...), gouvernance, ORSA, qualit辿 de donn辿es, reporting.
Mais aussi les r辿visions venir de Solvabilit辿 2
R&A recrute un(e) stagiaire en actuariat pour l'ann辿e 2016. C'est une opportunit辿 saisir pour un(e) jeune actuaire-statisticien(ne) de travailler sur des projets valeur ajout辿e dans un contexte de jeune soci辿t辿 en forte croissance
Etude europ辿enne de la mise en place du tarif unisexe en assurance (Arr棚t Test-Achats C-236/9 Gender Directive 2004/113/CE). Analyse d辿taill辿e en France, au Royaume-Uni, en Belgique et au Luxembourg. Etude des enjeux 辿thiques et statistique en assurance inh辿rents au passage au tarif unisexe. Elargissement de cette r辿flexion aux enjeux contemporains de digitalisation de l'辿conomie, de big data, de protection de la vie priv辿e et de demande croissante de personnalisation des consommateurs. M辿canisme et impact tarifaire de la mutualisation et de la solidarit辿 en assurance.
Support de pr辿sentation R&A lors de cette table-ronde organis辿e la maison des arts et m辿tiers le 29/09/2014 dont la th辿matique fut Solvabilit辿 2 avec un regard "pratique". Les intervenants furent Romain Paserot chef du projet S2 l'ACPR, Jean-Christophe M辿nioux ex-CRO du groupe AXA et actuel Head Global Line of Business Life & Savings AXA et Lionel Texier Directeur Associ辿 R&A et pr辿sident d'honneur ActuariaCnam. Apr竪s un rappel de la r辿glementation, de son calendrier de mise en oeuvre, les intervenants ont soulign辿 des points d'attention, des facteurs cl辿s, des t辿moignages pratiques soulignant l'importance du savoir-棚tre, de la culture des risques et pas seulement du savoir-faire, les vertus de Solvabilit辿 dans la fa巽on dont les assureurs conduiront leurs activit辿s au-del du seul enjeu r辿glementaire, les enjeux RH...
L'Autorit辿 de Contr担le Prudentiel et de R辿solution a pr辿sent辿 ce jeudi 12 d辿cembre 2013, les mesures ainsi que le calendrier des 辿tapes interm辿diaires visant accompagner les organismes d'assurance la pr辿paration de la prochaine entr辿e en vigueur de la Directive solvabilit辿 2, arr棚t辿e au 1 janvier 2016.
AssurMarketing|2013 : le tandem actuariat-marketing - Nicolas Marescaux & Lio...R&A - Risk & Analysis
Mise en relief des vertus d'une approche int辿gr辿e actuariat & marketing pour une optimisation de la satisfaction client et des performances financi竪res de l'organisme assureur.
Comment capitaliser sur l'existant pour mettre en place Solvency 2? La MCEV repose sur de nombreux principes communs, notamment en termes de reporting. Les QRT VA du pilier 3 de Solvency 2 sont tr竪s proches de l'Analysis of Change de la MCEV. Nous avons voulu les mettre en perspective afin de mettre en 辿vidence la continuit辿 entre l'embedded-value et Solvabilit辿 2 sous l'angle du reporting. Nous approfondirons ces comparaisons aussi bien sous l'angle des concepts, de la mod辿lisation, des processus, du reporting et des ressources humaines.
This document discusses the role of actuaries and statistical modeling. It explains that actuaries at R&A use both deterministic and stochastic models to analyze insurance portfolios, assess risks, set prices, and ensure sufficient capital reserves. Deterministic models provide single estimates while stochastic models account for uncertainty through probability distributions. The document also summarizes the upcoming Solvency 2 regulation in Europe and the gender directive banning gender-based insurance pricing. It provides references for further reading on these actuarial topics.
1. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in
Actuarial Sciences
Alumni Politecnico di Milano Parigi 22/11/2012
2. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
What an actuary do in R&A?
Deterministic Versus Stochastic
Solvency 2, whats this?
21/12/2012 Gender directive : the end of gender-based pricing
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director
3. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
What we do ?
Implementation, audit & reviews of
Insurance portfolio analysis & product
Process engineering
Enterprise Risk Management expertise
Asset-Liability Management
Pension & Benefits advisory services
Data Mining
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director
4. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
What an actuary do in R&A?
Deterministic Versus Stochastic
Solvency 2, whats this?
21/12/2012 Gender directive : the end of gender-based pricing
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director
5. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
Deterministic Versus Stochastic
Deterministic model : use single best-estimate
parameters to produce a single best-estimate
of the probable outcome
A deterministic calculation assumes that there
is only one way for the future
Pros : it is simple
Cons : Is it always enough & realistic?
Example : will a 70 years old woman life
expectancy be the same in 2050 compare to
What will be the yield curve in 5 years? Will it
be different compare to the current zero
coupon yield curve?
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director
6. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
Deterministic Versus Stochastic
Stochastics models : deliver full probability
distributions of potential outcomes that include
A scenario of the death rate surface
random variable in one or more of the parameters
Source :
A stochastic calculation is the study of a time
dependent random variable
Advantage : an exhaustive risk-based approach is
Example : how much capital an insurance
company should hold if we want to prevent its
failure over the year in 99,5% of the cases ?
Limits : what happened if the model is wrong? A
model will always be a simplification of a more
complex reality? The statistician must never be
totally confident in the model and at the end, the
man make the decision
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director
7. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
What an actuary do in R&A?
Deterministic Versus Stochastic
Solvency 2, whats this?
21/12/2012 Gender directive : the end of gender-based pricing
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director
8. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
Solvency 2 : whats this?
What about the European directive What should the stakeholders expect of
2009/138/CE? Solvency 2?
3 pillars of quantitative and qualitative rules A standardization of rules accross EU
A risk-based capital framework and holistic More transparency and a guarantee of a
approach : the P&L is a assumed to be a better gouvernance
multivariate random variable Early warning in case of trouble
The Solvency 2 project is in line with Basel 2, it will S2 be effective during or after the end
is not applied yet of the crisis
Insurance companies invest a lot of money to systemic risk impulsed by S2?
implement Solvency 2, it is a very big project an increase of procyclicality for insurance
for the insurance industry market?
Despite the Basel 2 system, the banking an increase of insurance premium on a
industry is closed to a catastrophic collapse, short-middle term even if S2 would impact
what about Solvency 2? would be positive on the long term view
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director
9. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
Risk-based capital : a risk measure
Marginal distribution of each random variable Correlation & dependence
To choose the random variable
To set the parameters
What are the correlations
between variables?
To choose the percentile
In the standard formula of S2, we
To choose the measure:
use the VaR 99,5% over a year,
VaR? TVaR?
and we assume a multivariate
normal distrubution with linear
For example the required capital should be at least equal to
the 99,5% worst variation of the net asset value over a given
period (1 year for S2)
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director
10. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
What an actuary do in R&A?
Deterministic Versus Stochastic
Solvency 2, whats this?
21/12/2012 Gender directive : the end of gender-based pricing
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director
11. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
Gender Directive
What about the European directive What should the consumers expect of the
2004/113/CE? Gender Directive?
The end of gender-based pricing Motor insurance premium would increase
Whatever the change in the pricing strategy of Death insurance premium would increase
insurers, IT systems will be impacted by the Annuity premium would decrease
different treatment of new business
Increase of adverse selection, moral hazard & Motor insurance premium would decrease
insurance exclusion
Death insurance premium would decrease
Risk of change of the market equilibrium,
potential impact on the socio-economic Annuity premium would increase
consumer behaviour
Gender-based risk management & marketing is Redistribution effects
still possible One-off compliance & marketing costs
Will unisex insurance pricing be combined with Gender mix risk premium
less discrimination on other fields? Not sure
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director
12. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
What an actuary do in R&A?
Deterministic Versus Stochastic
Solvency 2, whats this?
21/12/2012 Gender directive : the end of gender-based pricing
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director
13. Statistics: Understanding & managing the world we live in : Actuarial sciences
Actuary : R&A:
Cocktail ActuariaCnam 12.12.12:
European Insurance supervisor :
Blogs :
Gender Directive :
Official text
Solvency 2: Books : (please visit the EMS/Assurance/actuariat category )
Polimi Parigi 22/11/2012 - R&A Lionel Texier - Associate director