Poliomielitis adalah penyakit virus yang menyerang sistem saraf pusat dan dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan. Virusnya menginfeksi saluran cerna dan menyebar ke sistem saraf. Gejalanya bervariasi dari demam ringan hingga kelumpuhan permanen. Pencegahannya melalui vaksinasi anak-anak.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang poliomielitis (polio), termasuk latar belakang penemuan penyakit ini, epidemiologi, klasifikasi, etiologi, manifestasi klinis, patofisiologi, komplikasi, pemeriksaan diagnostik, dan penatalaksanaannya. Secara ringkas, polio adalah penyakit virus yang menyerang sistem saraf pusat dan dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan, dengan gejala utama demam, sakit otot, dan kelumpu
Environmental Protection Law An Act to Improve the Quality of EnvironmentArul Edison
This document summarizes an article on environmental protection laws in India. It discusses how environmental degradation has increased due to factors like population growth, urbanization, and industrialization. It then describes India's Environmental Protection Act of 1986, which aims to coordinate regulatory agencies, create authorities to protect the environment, regulate pollution discharge, and punish those who endanger the environment. Next, it lists some of the major environmental challenges India faces, such as water pollution, air pollution, deforestation, and land degradation. It concludes by outlining some key aspects of the Environmental Protection Act, including its objectives and powers granted to the central government to protect the environment.
The Leicester MBA (Biotechnology) is uniquely qualified to offer an executive-focused MBA tailored to the needs of biotechnology professionals, and is offered in collaboration with our School of Biological Sciences.
This blended learning programme features intensive face-to-face modular workshops combined with access to online materials and tutorial support so you can enhance your career without having to leave employment.
This specialised programme combines the core elements of the long-established AMBA accredited Leicester MBA with the opportunity to understand the organisational challenges and the unique complexities of the biotechnology industry. Alongside the bespoke workshops, the course features industry-specific case studies, focused specialist modules and access to leading academics in the fields of management and biosciences providing contextualisation to the biotechnology environment.
The International Movement ATD Fourth World is a non-profit organization that aims to eradicate chronic poverty through human rights-based approaches. It works with communities around the world to end the exclusion and injustice of persistent poverty. The organization has teams in over 30 countries on 5 continents and connects with individuals and small non-profits in 146 countries. It holds consultative status with several UN organizations to give greater weight to its work fighting chronic poverty.
The document outlines a 10-step process for continuous quality improvement (CQI): [1] assign responsibilities for quality improvement and set priorities, [2] delineate the scope of key functions, [3] identify important aspects to monitor, [4] identify indicators to measure quality, [5] establish thresholds for evaluation, [6] collect and organize data, [7] initiate evaluations, [8] take action to improve, [9] assess the effectiveness of actions, and [10] communicate results. The goal is to deliver better results today than yesterday by managing and improving quality through this CQI process.
A Study on Job Satisfaction with special reference to Safeway Dredging Enterp...Arul Edison
Now a days job satisfaction play a vital role on employee retention and attrition. Due to the inconvenient in workplace many employees are switchover into one company to other company, it leads to huge loss for the particular organization. Till the date many organizations introduce and moderate activities to retain their employees in same organization. The present study is to find out the level of employee job satisfaction in Safeway Dredging Enterprises. For this research work researcher adopt convenient sampling method to collect the data. A total of 100 employees were administered job satisfaction scales. Chi square analysis were used for data analysis. The chi square analysis test for independence at 0.05 level of significance shows that there is significantly significant association between experience wise classifications with their overall job satisfaction in the organization. On the basis of these findings, found that the huge experienced employees from the organization was getting satisfaction on their job.
Challenges of Secularism to the MuslimsRazita Rofie
This document discusses the challenges of secularism for Muslims. It argues that secularism degrades faith and creates uncertainty for Muslims' beliefs by separating religious matters from life. It claims secularism initiates a world-focused educational system that loses a sense of responsibility to God. In politics, secularism separates religion and state, with decisions based on secular judgment rather than religion. In social life, secularism promotes separating from religion, emptying oneself within, and separating religion from activities, allowing wrongdoings to increase while degrading moral values and culture.
Computer memory can be divided into three types: cache memory, primary memory (also called main memory), and secondary memory. Cache memory is very fast but has limited capacity and is expensive. Primary memory holds the data and instructions currently being used and includes RAM and ROM, while secondary memory provides permanent storage and includes magnetic tapes, hard disk drives, flash drives, and optical disks. The presentation provided an overview of the different types of computer memory, their characteristics, and uses.
1. Polio adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan virus polio, yang dapat menyerang sistem saraf pusat dan menyebabkan kelumpuhan. 2. Gejala polio meliputi demam, sakit kepala, muntah, sulit buang air besar, nyeri otot, dan dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan. 3. Penularan polio terjadi secara langsung melalui feses, droplet, dan kontak oral-oral.
Kelompok II terdiri dari 5 orang siswa dengan nomor absen 06 sampai 10. Dokumen memberikan informasi tentang sejarah, penyebab, jenis, gejala, pengobatan, pencegahan penularan polio. Polio dikenal sejak zaman pra-sejarah dan menyerang sistem saraf. Terdapat 3 jenis polio yakni non-paralisis, spinal, dan bulbar yang berbeda gejalanya. Pencegahan melalui vaksinasi polio pada bayi.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang gangguan imunitas khususnya penyakit polio. Polio disebabkan oleh virus polio yang menyerang sistem saraf dan dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan. Vaksinasi polio merupakan cara pencegahan utama dengan memberikan vaksin oral polio vaccine atau inactivated polio vaccine sejak bayi.
Environmental Protection Law An Act to Improve the Quality of EnvironmentArul Edison
This document summarizes an article on environmental protection laws in India. It discusses how environmental degradation has increased due to factors like population growth, urbanization, and industrialization. It then describes India's Environmental Protection Act of 1986, which aims to coordinate regulatory agencies, create authorities to protect the environment, regulate pollution discharge, and punish those who endanger the environment. Next, it lists some of the major environmental challenges India faces, such as water pollution, air pollution, deforestation, and land degradation. It concludes by outlining some key aspects of the Environmental Protection Act, including its objectives and powers granted to the central government to protect the environment.
The Leicester MBA (Biotechnology) is uniquely qualified to offer an executive-focused MBA tailored to the needs of biotechnology professionals, and is offered in collaboration with our School of Biological Sciences.
This blended learning programme features intensive face-to-face modular workshops combined with access to online materials and tutorial support so you can enhance your career without having to leave employment.
This specialised programme combines the core elements of the long-established AMBA accredited Leicester MBA with the opportunity to understand the organisational challenges and the unique complexities of the biotechnology industry. Alongside the bespoke workshops, the course features industry-specific case studies, focused specialist modules and access to leading academics in the fields of management and biosciences providing contextualisation to the biotechnology environment.
The International Movement ATD Fourth World is a non-profit organization that aims to eradicate chronic poverty through human rights-based approaches. It works with communities around the world to end the exclusion and injustice of persistent poverty. The organization has teams in over 30 countries on 5 continents and connects with individuals and small non-profits in 146 countries. It holds consultative status with several UN organizations to give greater weight to its work fighting chronic poverty.
The document outlines a 10-step process for continuous quality improvement (CQI): [1] assign responsibilities for quality improvement and set priorities, [2] delineate the scope of key functions, [3] identify important aspects to monitor, [4] identify indicators to measure quality, [5] establish thresholds for evaluation, [6] collect and organize data, [7] initiate evaluations, [8] take action to improve, [9] assess the effectiveness of actions, and [10] communicate results. The goal is to deliver better results today than yesterday by managing and improving quality through this CQI process.
A Study on Job Satisfaction with special reference to Safeway Dredging Enterp...Arul Edison
Now a days job satisfaction play a vital role on employee retention and attrition. Due to the inconvenient in workplace many employees are switchover into one company to other company, it leads to huge loss for the particular organization. Till the date many organizations introduce and moderate activities to retain their employees in same organization. The present study is to find out the level of employee job satisfaction in Safeway Dredging Enterprises. For this research work researcher adopt convenient sampling method to collect the data. A total of 100 employees were administered job satisfaction scales. Chi square analysis were used for data analysis. The chi square analysis test for independence at 0.05 level of significance shows that there is significantly significant association between experience wise classifications with their overall job satisfaction in the organization. On the basis of these findings, found that the huge experienced employees from the organization was getting satisfaction on their job.
Challenges of Secularism to the MuslimsRazita Rofie
This document discusses the challenges of secularism for Muslims. It argues that secularism degrades faith and creates uncertainty for Muslims' beliefs by separating religious matters from life. It claims secularism initiates a world-focused educational system that loses a sense of responsibility to God. In politics, secularism separates religion and state, with decisions based on secular judgment rather than religion. In social life, secularism promotes separating from religion, emptying oneself within, and separating religion from activities, allowing wrongdoings to increase while degrading moral values and culture.
Computer memory can be divided into three types: cache memory, primary memory (also called main memory), and secondary memory. Cache memory is very fast but has limited capacity and is expensive. Primary memory holds the data and instructions currently being used and includes RAM and ROM, while secondary memory provides permanent storage and includes magnetic tapes, hard disk drives, flash drives, and optical disks. The presentation provided an overview of the different types of computer memory, their characteristics, and uses.
1. Polio adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan virus polio, yang dapat menyerang sistem saraf pusat dan menyebabkan kelumpuhan. 2. Gejala polio meliputi demam, sakit kepala, muntah, sulit buang air besar, nyeri otot, dan dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan. 3. Penularan polio terjadi secara langsung melalui feses, droplet, dan kontak oral-oral.
Kelompok II terdiri dari 5 orang siswa dengan nomor absen 06 sampai 10. Dokumen memberikan informasi tentang sejarah, penyebab, jenis, gejala, pengobatan, pencegahan penularan polio. Polio dikenal sejak zaman pra-sejarah dan menyerang sistem saraf. Terdapat 3 jenis polio yakni non-paralisis, spinal, dan bulbar yang berbeda gejalanya. Pencegahan melalui vaksinasi polio pada bayi.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang gangguan imunitas khususnya penyakit polio. Polio disebabkan oleh virus polio yang menyerang sistem saraf dan dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan. Vaksinasi polio merupakan cara pencegahan utama dengan memberikan vaksin oral polio vaccine atau inactivated polio vaccine sejak bayi.
Ensefalitis adalah infeksi sistem saraf pusat yang disebabkan virus atau mikroorganisme lain. Virus masuk tubuh melalui kulit, saluran nafas atau saluran pencernaan lalu menyebar ke seluruh tubuh dan sistem saraf. Gejala umum ensefalitis adalah demam, sakit kepala, muntah, gangguan kesadaran hingga kejang. Diagnosa didasarkan pada pemeriksaan cairan serebrospinal dan EEG. Pengobatan ber
Poliomielitis adalah penyakit virus yang menyerang sistem saraf pusat dan dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus polio yang masuk lewat mulut dan menyebar ke seluruh tubuh. Vaksinasi polio oral terbukti sangat menurunkan kasus polio di seluruh dunia.
Poliomielitis adalah penyakit virus yang menyerang sistem saraf pusat dan dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus polio yang masuk melalui mulut dan menyebar ke seluruh tubuh. Vaksinasi polio oral terbukti sangat menurunkan kasus polio di seluruh dunia.
Poliomyelitis disebabkan oleh enterovirus tipe 1, 2, dan 3 yang menyerang sistem saraf perifer. Penyakit ini tersebar luas di seluruh dunia dan sering menyerang anak-anak. Gejalanya bervariasi mulai dari demam ringan hingga kelumpuhan. Pencegahannya dilakukan melalui imunisasi rutin dan kampanye imunisasi tambahan secara serentak untuk mencapai kekebalan kelompok. Pengawasan kasus kelumpuhan akut (AF
1. Poliomielitis
adalah penyakit paralisis atau lumpuh yang
disebabkan oleh virus.
Agen pembawa penyakit ini, sebuah virus yang
dinamakan poliovirus (PV).
masuk ke tubuh melalui mulut, mengifeksi
saluran usus.
Virus ini dapat memasuki aliran darah dan
mengalir ke sistem saraf pusat menyebabkan
melemahnya otot dan kadang kelumpuhan
Poliovirus adalah virus RNA kecil yang terdiri
atas tiga strain berbeda dan amat menular.
Virus akan menyerang sistem saraf dan
kelumpuhan dapat terjadi dalam hitungan
Polio menyerang tanpa mengenal usia, lima
puluh persen kasus terjadi pada anak berusia
antara 3 hingga 5 tahun.
Masa inkubasi polio dari gejala pertama
berkisar dari 3 hingga 35 hari.
3. Jenis Polio
1. Polio non-paralisis
Polio non-paralisis menyebabkan
demam, muntah, sakit perut, lesu, dan sensitif. Terjadi
kram otot pada leher dan punggung, otot terasa
lembek jika disentuh.
2. Polio paralisis spinal
Virus Polio menyerang saraf tulang belakang dan syaraf
motorik -- yang mengontrol gerakan fisik.
strain ini dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan
permanen, Kelumpuhan paling sering ditemukan
terjadi pada kaki.
Setelah virus polio menyerang usus, virus ini akan
diserap oleh pembulu darah kapiler pada dinding usus
dan diangkut seluruh tubuh. Pada periode inilah
muncul gejala seperti flu.
4. Namun, pada penderita yang tidak memiliki
kekebalan atau belum divaksinasi, virus ini
biasanya akan menyerang seluruh bagian
batang saraf tulang belakang dan batang otak.
Infeksi ini akan mempengaruhi sistem saraf
pusat -- menyebar sepanjang serabut saraf.
Seiring dengan berkembang biaknya virus
dalam sistem saraf pusat, virus akan
menghancurkan syaraf motorik.
5. Polio bulbar
Polio jenis ini disebabkan oleh tidak adanya kekebalan
alami sehingga batang otak ikut terserang. Batang otak
mengandung syaraf motorik yang mengatur
pernapasan dan saraf kranial, yang mengirim sinyal ke
berbagai syaraf yang mengontrol pergerakan bola
mata; saraf trigeminal dan saraf muka yang
berhubungan dengan pipi, kelenjar air mata, gusi, dan
otot muka;
saraf auditori yang mengatur pendengaran; saraf
glossofaringeal yang membantu proses menelan dan
berbagai fungsi di kerongkongan; pergerakan lidah dan
saraf yang mengirim sinyal ke jantung, usus, paru-
paru, dan saraf tambahan yang mengatur pergerakan
6. Syaraf motorik tidak memiliki kemampuan
regenerasi dan otot yang berhubungan
dengannya tidak akan bereaksi terhadap
perintah dari sistem saraf pusat.
Kelumpuhan pada kaki menyebabkan tungkai
menjadi lemas -- kondisi ini disebut acute
flaccid paralysis (AFP). Infeksi parah pada
sistem saraf pusat dapat menyebabkan
kelumpuhan pada batang tubuh dan otot
pada toraks (dada) dan abdomen
(perut), disebut quadriplegia.
7. Tanpa alat bantu pernapasan, polio bulbar dapat
menyebabkan kematian. Lima hingga sepuluh
persen penderita yang menderita polio bulbar
akan meninggal ketika otot pernapasan mereka
tidak dapat bekerja.
Kematian biasanya terjadi setelah terjadi
kerusakan pada saraf kranial yang bertugas
mengirim 'perintah bernapas' ke paru-paru.
Penderita juga dapat meninggal karena kerusakan
pada fungsi penelanan; korban dapat 'tenggelam'
dalam sekresinya sendiri kecuali dilakukan
penyedotan atau diberi perlakuan trakeostomi
untuk menyedot cairan yang disekresikan
sebelum masuk ke dalam paru-paru.
8. Infeksi yang jauh lebih parah pada otak dapat
menyebabkan koma dan kematian.
Tingkat kematian karena polio bulbar berkisar 25-
75% tergantung usia penderita.
Hingga saat ini, mereka yang bertahan hidup dari
polio jenis ini harus hidup dengan paru-paru besi
atau alat bantu pernapasan.
Polio bulbar dan spinal sering menyerang
bersamaan dan merupakan sub kelas dari polio
Polio paralisis tidak bersifat permanen. Penderita
yang sembuh dapat memiliki fungsi tubuh yang
mendekati normal.
Vaksinasi pada saat balita akan sangat
membantu pencegahan polio di masa depan
karena polio menjadi lebih berbahaya jika
diderita oleh orang dewasa.
Orang yang telah menderita polio bukan
tidak mungkin akan mengalami gejala
tambahan di masa depan seperti layu otot;
gejala ini disebut sindrom post-polio.