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牀牀牆牀牀む鉦牀牆 牆牀牀萎牆牀牆牀牆
              牆牀朽萎牆牀む牀む牀朽逗牆 牀牀牀牆 牀む牆牀

              牀朽鉦園牀牆牀む牆牀牀牆 牀牀橿

牀朽鉦園牀牆牀む牆牀牀牆 牀牀橿牀橿牀牆                             牀 牀 牀 牀牆 牀 牆 牀 牀牀 牆 牀 牀牆 牀牆 牀牆 牀 牀 牀
牀朽 牀む牀巌牀 牀牀牆牀牆牀牆                                  牀牀牀萎む牆牀 牀む鉦牆牀牀逗牆 牆牀牀迦牀迦牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀萎牀牀橿
牀牀萎 牀朽逗牆牀牆牀牀 牀牀鉦園牆牀 牀牆牀朽鉦牀逗牆牀牀迦鉦牆                 牀牀牀逗牆 牀牀鉦牆牀牆 牀牆牀巌迦牀牆牀牆 牀朽逗む牀む逗牀鉦牀牀鉦
                                                  牀朽萎逗牀橿 牆牀朽牆牀牆牀牆 牀牀牆牀園 牀牀牀牆牀牆牀牀萎
牀牀鉦園牀牀鉦迦逗牀橿 牆牀牆牀牀牀橿                               牆 牀 牀牆 牀 , 牀 牀 牀萎 牀牆 牀牀 牀 牀巌 牀む 牀 牀 牀萎 牀 牆 牀
牀牀鉦橿 牀牀牆牀む牆牀 牆牀む牆牀む牀む牆牀                           牀朽鉦園牀牆牀む牆牀牀牆 牀牀橿..
牆牀牀園牀牆牆牀萎牀鉦牆 牀朽鉦牀牆 牆牀牀牀逗牆牀牀迦鉦牆
                                                  牀 牀 牀 牀 牀 牀 牀牀 牀巌 牀牆 牀園 牀 牀橿 牀牆 牀牆 牀牆
牀牀朽逗牀萎 牀牀牆牀牀む鉦牀牀逗牆 牆牀牀萎牆 牀牀む朽                     牀牀萎牀朽鉦牆牀牀牆牀牀牆牀牆牀橿牀 牀牀牆牀む牆 牀牀鉦牀迦牀牆牀牆
牀牀園逗牆牀牀牀鉦牆牀牆 牀牆牀牆 牀牀鉦牀迦牆 牀牆牀巌牀む                   牀む牀橿牀橿迦鉦 牀牆牀牆牀 牀牀む牀牀 牀む牆牀む牀橿牀橿鉦萎.
牀む逗牀萎牆牀牀牀む牀む逗園牀牀鉦 牀牀朽逗牀萎 牆牀朽萎牆牀む牀む牀朽逗牆
牀牀牀牆 牀牀鉦萎牀牆牀牀 牀牀巌牀む逗 牀朽萎逗牀橿 牀牆牀.                  牀牀伍牀牆 牀迦伍牀牀, 牀牆牀朽逗牀牀逗迦牀迦 牀牀鉦牀迦牀牀橿
                                                  牀牆牀牀朽萎む 牀牀朽牀む牆牀む牆牀牆 牀牀朽萎牀牆牀む 牀萎牀逗牆牀
牀 牀 牀朽 牀牆 牀牀 牀 牀 牀  牀 牀牆 牀 牀牀 牀 牀牆 牆 牀           牆牀朽む牀むむ 牀牆牀迦 牀牀牆牀む牆 牀牀鉦牀迦牀牆 牀牀逗牆牀む逗牆牀
牀牀牀牆牀牀逗牀鉦牆       牀牀牀む牀む逗迦 牀牀園逗牆牀牀牀鉦              牆牀朽む牀む 牀萎牀逗牆牀 牆牀朽牆牀牆牀牆 牀牀牆牀園 牀牆牀牆
牀牀鉦牀む牀萎 牀牀牀逗牆牀牀逗園鉦萎.                              牀牀鉦牀迦牆 牀牆牀巌牀む 牀牆牀巌 牀牀牆牀牆牀牀逗園む.

牀牆牀む逗 牀牀牀牆牀牆牀牀萎 牀む牆牀萎牀逗牆 牀牀牀牆牀牀む牀む逗迦,             牀牀む 牀牀萎. 牀朽鉦園牀牆牀む牆牀牀牆 牀牀橿 牀牀牆牀園鉦迦
牀 . 牀牀 . 牀牀 牀萎 牆 牀 牀 牀牆 牀伍 牀 牀牆 牀 牀牆 牀 牀 牀む 牆 牀   牀 牀牆 牀 牀 牀牆 牀園 牆 牀 牀牆 牀 牀 牀迦 , 牀牆 牀萎 ( b e e r )
牀む牀鉦萎逗牆牀牀逗園む. 牀牀牆牆牀牀牆牀牆 牀牀牆牀牆牀む牀牆                 牀牀牆牀牀む園牀牀鉦 牀む牀逗巌 牀牀む牆 牀牀牆牀園 牀牆牀迦牀迦
牀牀牀む牀む逗園牀牆 牀牀逗園牆 牀牆牀 牀牆牀牀牆牀牀鉦橿萎                   牀牀逗萎逗牆牀牀逗園鉦萎 牀牀む朽.
牀 牀む 牀 牀 牀朽 牀牆 牀 牆 牀 牀牀 牀迦 牀 牀萎 牀牆 牀 牀牆 牀 牀牆
牀牀牀む牀む逗迦 牀む鉦牆牀, 牀牀鉦萎牀む牀む 牆牀牀む牀む,                  牀牀萎 牀牆牀牆牆牀牀牀逗牀 牀牀牆 牀牆牀牀逗牀逗萎牀牆牀牆
牀 牀 牀萎 牀牆 牀牀 牀 牀牀 牀牆 牀萎 牀 牀 牀 牀迦 牀 牆 牀            牀牀牆牀園 牀む鉦む牀む 牀牀鉦牀逗牆牀 牀牀逗牀牀む牀む
牀牀巌牀む牀牀逗園鉦萎牀牀橿.                                   牀牀逗萎逗む牀む鉦萎 牀牀牆牀牀朽.
Vairamuthus son gives
   Kannadasans grandson a cup of

             vaarkoadhumai kal

vaarkodhumai kallodu                    A group of students plan to celebrate
vaa thozhane ennodu                      their weekend in style, plan an
oor vittu odi kaatrai swasikkalam        outdoor party outside the city. When
                                         director requested the lyricist for some
naarkaaligal maesaikal                   fresh content in lyrics, Karky came up
naal aindhume theithome                  with vaarkodhumai kal
mer kooraiyaai vaanam nesikkalam
                                         Highlights of this song are the way
These are the lines penned by            beautiful Tamil words are used all over
Vairamuthus son Karky to legendary      the song avoiding any English content
poet Kannadasans grandson Adhav in      and the catchy tune by Sathya.
his debut movie Pon Malai Pozhudhu.
                                         The team is con鍖dent that this song
Gayathri, who appeared in Eppadi         will grab attention of music listeners
Ennai Mayakkinai, will be pairing        like what Ask Laska & Kuviyamilla did
against Adhav.                           in the recent past.

A G Creations is producing this movie    Aadhav responded to the last
which is being directed by debutant      question, What is the meaning of
director Durai. Sathya, who gave         vaarkodhumau kal?, with Tamil
beautiful numbers in Engeyum             equivalent of Beer, with a smile in his
Epodhum takes care of the music          eye.
department. Thamarai, Karthi Netha &
Karky     have come up with some         His grandfathers lyrics oru koppayile
extraordinary lyrics for this youthful   en kudiiruppu could have 鍖ashed in
entertainer says the director.           his mind then.

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  • 1. 牀牀牆牀牀む鉦牀牆 牆牀牀萎牆牀牆牀牆 牆牀朽萎牆牀む牀む牀朽逗牆 牀牀牀牆 牀む牆牀 牀朽鉦園牀牆牀む牆牀牀牆 牀牀橿 牀朽鉦園牀牆牀む牆牀牀牆 牀牀橿牀橿牀牆 牀 牀 牀 牀牆 牀 牆 牀 牀牀 牆 牀 牀牆 牀牆 牀牆 牀 牀 牀 牀朽 牀む牀巌牀 牀牀牆牀牆牀牆 牀牀牀萎む牆牀 牀む鉦牆牀牀逗牆 牆牀牀迦牀迦牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀萎牀牀橿 牀牀萎 牀朽逗牆牀牆牀牀 牀牀鉦園牆牀 牀牆牀朽鉦牀逗牆牀牀迦鉦牆 牀牀牀逗牆 牀牀鉦牆牀牆 牀牆牀巌迦牀牆牀牆 牀朽逗む牀む逗牀鉦牀牀鉦 牀朽萎逗牀橿 牆牀朽牆牀牆牀牆 牀牀牆牀園 牀牀牀牆牀牆牀牀萎 牀牀鉦園牀牀鉦迦逗牀橿 牆牀牆牀牀牀橿 牆 牀 牀牆 牀 , 牀 牀 牀萎 牀牆 牀牀 牀 牀巌 牀む 牀 牀 牀萎 牀 牆 牀 牀牀鉦橿 牀牀牆牀む牆牀 牆牀む牆牀む牀む牆牀 牀朽鉦園牀牆牀む牆牀牀牆 牀牀橿.. 牆牀牀園牀牆牆牀萎牀鉦牆 牀朽鉦牀牆 牆牀牀牀逗牆牀牀迦鉦牆 牀 牀 牀 牀 牀 牀 牀牀 牀巌 牀牆 牀園 牀 牀橿 牀牆 牀牆 牀牆 牀牀朽逗牀萎 牀牀牆牀牀む鉦牀牀逗牆 牆牀牀萎牆 牀牀む朽 牀牀萎牀朽鉦牆牀牀牆牀牀牆牀牆牀橿牀 牀牀牆牀む牆 牀牀鉦牀迦牀牆牀牆 牀牀園逗牆牀牀牀鉦牆牀牆 牀牆牀牆 牀牀鉦牀迦牆 牀牆牀巌牀む 牀む牀橿牀橿迦鉦 牀牆牀牆牀 牀牀む牀牀 牀む牆牀む牀橿牀橿鉦萎. 牀む逗牀萎牆牀牀牀む牀む逗園牀牀鉦 牀牀朽逗牀萎 牆牀朽萎牆牀む牀む牀朽逗牆 牀牀牀牆 牀牀鉦萎牀牆牀牀 牀牀巌牀む逗 牀朽萎逗牀橿 牀牆牀. 牀牀伍牀牆 牀迦伍牀牀, 牀牆牀朽逗牀牀逗迦牀迦 牀牀鉦牀迦牀牀橿 牀牆牀牀朽萎む 牀牀朽牀む牆牀む牆牀牆 牀牀朽萎牀牆牀む 牀萎牀逗牆牀 牀 牀 牀朽 牀牆 牀牀 牀 牀 牀 牀 牀牆 牀 牀牀 牀 牀牆 牆 牀 牆牀朽む牀むむ 牀牆牀迦 牀牀牆牀む牆 牀牀鉦牀迦牀牆 牀牀逗牆牀む逗牆牀 牀牀牀牆牀牀逗牀鉦牆 牀牀牀む牀む逗迦 牀牀園逗牆牀牀牀鉦 牆牀朽む牀む 牀萎牀逗牆牀 牆牀朽牆牀牆牀牆 牀牀牆牀園 牀牆牀牆 牀牀鉦牀む牀萎 牀牀牀逗牆牀牀逗園鉦萎. 牀牀鉦牀迦牆 牀牆牀巌牀む 牀牆牀巌 牀牀牆牀牆牀牀逗園む. 牀牆牀む逗 牀牀牀牆牀牆牀牀萎 牀む牆牀萎牀逗牆 牀牀牀牆牀牀む牀む逗迦, 牀牀む 牀牀萎. 牀朽鉦園牀牆牀む牆牀牀牆 牀牀橿 牀牀牆牀園鉦迦 牀 . 牀牀 . 牀牀 牀萎 牆 牀 牀 牀牆 牀伍 牀 牀牆 牀 牀牆 牀 牀 牀む 牆 牀 牀 牀牆 牀 牀 牀牆 牀園 牆 牀 牀牆 牀 牀 牀迦 , 牀牆 牀萎 ( b e e r ) 牀む牀鉦萎逗牆牀牀逗園む. 牀牀牆牆牀牀牆牀牆 牀牀牆牀牆牀む牀牆 牀牀牆牀牀む園牀牀鉦 牀む牀逗巌 牀牀む牆 牀牀牆牀園 牀牆牀迦牀迦 牀牀牀む牀む逗園牀牆 牀牀逗園牆 牀牆牀 牀牆牀牀牆牀牀鉦橿萎 牀牀逗萎逗牆牀牀逗園鉦萎 牀牀む朽. 牀 牀む 牀 牀 牀朽 牀牆 牀 牆 牀 牀牀 牀迦 牀 牀萎 牀牆 牀 牀牆 牀 牀牆 牀牀牀む牀む逗迦 牀む鉦牆牀, 牀牀鉦萎牀む牀む 牆牀牀む牀む, 牀牀萎 牀牆牀牆牆牀牀牀逗牀 牀牀牆 牀牆牀牀逗牀逗萎牀牆牀牆 牀 牀 牀萎 牀牆 牀牀 牀 牀牀 牀牆 牀萎 牀 牀 牀 牀迦 牀 牆 牀 牀牀牆牀園 牀む鉦む牀む 牀牀鉦牀逗牆牀 牀牀逗牀牀む牀む 牀牀巌牀む牀牀逗園鉦萎牀牀橿. 牀牀逗萎逗む牀む鉦萎 牀牀牆牀牀朽.
  • 2. Vairamuthus son gives Kannadasans grandson a cup of vaarkoadhumai kal vaarkodhumai kallodu A group of students plan to celebrate vaa thozhane ennodu their weekend in style, plan an oor vittu odi kaatrai swasikkalam outdoor party outside the city. When director requested the lyricist for some naarkaaligal maesaikal fresh content in lyrics, Karky came up naal aindhume theithome with vaarkodhumai kal mer kooraiyaai vaanam nesikkalam Highlights of this song are the way These are the lines penned by beautiful Tamil words are used all over Vairamuthus son Karky to legendary the song avoiding any English content poet Kannadasans grandson Adhav in and the catchy tune by Sathya. his debut movie Pon Malai Pozhudhu. The team is con鍖dent that this song Gayathri, who appeared in Eppadi will grab attention of music listeners Ennai Mayakkinai, will be pairing like what Ask Laska & Kuviyamilla did against Adhav. in the recent past. A G Creations is producing this movie Aadhav responded to the last which is being directed by debutant question, What is the meaning of director Durai. Sathya, who gave vaarkodhumau kal?, with Tamil beautiful numbers in Engeyum equivalent of Beer, with a smile in his Epodhum takes care of the music eye. department. Thamarai, Karthi Netha & Karky have come up with some His grandfathers lyrics oru koppayile extraordinary lyrics for this youthful en kudiiruppu could have 鍖ashed in entertainer says the director. his mind then.