1. The document provides guidance on applying the seed treatment products Poncho/VOTiVO for soybeans. It recommends applying Poncho/VOTiVO at 0.13 mg ai/seed with Precise Soybean 1010 at 1 fl. oz. per 100 lbs. of seed.
2. Studies showed this combination results in seed with an even, smooth appearance and low dust levels of 0.30 gm per 100 kg of seed. It also leads to excellent seed flow in conditioning plants and good plantability across different planter types.
3. When applied together according to the label instructions, Poncho/VOTiVO and Precise Soybean 1010 enhance the cosmetic attributes of treated
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Poncho®:vo ti vo™ soybean application guide
1. BCS_SED_C2_1255_R4.indd 10-26-2012 3:03 PMSaved at NonePrinted At Client Bayer Crop Science
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Live 8” x 10.5”
Trim 8.5” x 11”
Bleed 9” x 11.5”
Job Title 2012 Poncho VOTivo Soybean
Application Guide
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Art Director Copywriter Acct. Manager Studio Artist Proofreader Traffic Production
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At Bayer, we know how important it is to use seed
treatment products in a manner that promotes
stewardship for the users as well as the environment.
The Bayer CropScience SeedGrowth™
team extensively
studies the way products affect the surface of the seed
and how treated seed subsequently performs in the
treating facility and in the field.
On soybeans, the total volume of seed treatment
products and liquid that can be applied is much lower
than on seeds from other row crops. Poncho®
for soybeans has been tested in the laboratory, in
the treating/conditioning facility and in the field. To
help ensure our customers have the best treated seed
possible, Poncho/VOTiVO on soybean seed should
be applied with the multifunctional coating Precise™
Soybean 1010 at the recommended rate. Use of other
coatings must be evaluated and approved by the Bayer
CropScience SeedGrowth Service Center.
Apply Poncho/VOTiVO at 0.13 mg ai/seed (0.73 fl.
oz./100,000 seeds) with Precise Soybean 1010 at 1 fl.
oz. per 100 lbs. of seed. Poncho/VOTiVO can be applied
with Bayer CropScience fungicides: Trilex®
2000, Trilex
Flowable Fungicide and Allegiance®
FL Seed Treatment
Fungicide. A seed-applied colorant is needed to help
ensure compliance with U.S. law. Poncho/VOTiVO
should be applied with soybean seed-treating equipment
that has been certified by your Bayer CropScience
representative, such as Bayer’s On Demand™
As a closed, fully-automated treatment system, On
Demand is easier, consistent and more accurate. It is
a state-of-the-art system designed for greater capacity
with increased speed for larger volumes and ease of
use. The increased efficiency and safety of the On
Demand system help ensure Bayer seed treatment is
applied precisely and at labeled rates for improved seed
integrity. However, Poncho/VOTiVO may also be mixed
in slurry* or applied “neat” through a static mixer or direct
injection system with certified downstream seed treaters.
An adequate slurry rate should be used to provide
acceptable coverage and seed-to-seed distribution.
Depending on temperature, relative humidity, seed size
and type of treating equipment, total slurry volume
should be 6 to 8 fl. oz. per 100 lbs. of seed.
1. Water (2/3 to 3/4 the total volume required)
2. Colorant
3. Dry products (if any)
4. Liquid products
5. Poncho/VOTiVO
6. Precise™
Soybean 1010
7. Water (remaining volume)
*Use any slurry containing Poncho/VOTiVO within 72 hours of mixing and provide adequate agitation to maintain slurry suspension.
2. BCS_SED_C2_1255_R4.indd 10-26-2012 3:03 PMSaved at NonePrinted At Client Bayer Crop Science
Media Type None
Live 8” x 10.5”
Trim 8.5” x 11”
Bleed 9” x 11.5”
Job Title 2012 Poncho VOTivo Soybean
Application Guide
Pubs None
Ad Code None
Art Director Copywriter Acct. Manager Studio Artist Proofreader Traffic Production
Addl. Notes: None
Poncho/VOTiVO applied with Precise Soybean 1010 at
the recommended rate results in seed that has an even,
smooth appearance.
Poncho/VOTiVO applied with Precise Soybean 1010 at the
recommended rate results in only 0.30 gm of dust per 100
kg of seed.
For further instructions, contact your Bayer CropScience
Seed Treatment Technical Service Representative.
^ Seed A – 3,350 seed/lb., Seed B – 2,862 seed/lb., Seed C – 2,525 seed/lb.
Bayer CropScience, 2 TW Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always read and follow label instructions. Bayer (reg’d),
the Bayer Cross (reg’d), Allegiance,®
On Demand,™
and Yield Shield®
trademarks of Bayer. Products are not registered in all states. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937)
or visit our Web site at www.BayerCropScience.us.
For more information, visit PonchoVOTiVO.us.
IMPORTANT: This bulletin is not intended to provide adequate information for use of these products. Read
the label before using these products. Observe all label directions and precautions while using these products.
paired with Precise™
Soybean 1010
results in:
• Excellent seed flow in the conditioning plant
• Good plantability across different planter types
• High-quality chemical and seed dust retention
• Enhanced cosmetic attributes
Seed treated with Poncho/VOTiVO and Precise Soybean
1010 plants accurately even when tested under extreme
conditions (high heat and humidity). Plantability trials
were conducted with both vacuum meter and finger
pickup mechanisms.
Note: To optimize planter performance and accuracy,
Bayer CropScience encourages that all planter
manufacturer’s recommendations for the use of talc or
graphite are followed.
80˚F and 80% RH with no talc or graphite added to seed in planter. Test
simulates planting at 5 mph and 30" rows. Average of three sources.^
96.6 98.5 97.5 98.0
Kinze Brush Meter Planter UnitJohn Deere Vacuum Planter Unit
Soybean Plantability Study
■ Poncho®
+ seed-applied fungicide base
■ Seed-applied fungicide + Gaucho®
Heubach Dustmeter – grams of dust per 100 kg of seeds – Poncho/VOTiVO
on soybeans with Precise Soybean 1010 @ 1 fl. oz./cwt. Average results of
three seed sources.^
Precise™ Soybean 1010 improves plantability, reduces dust, and gives
treated soybeans an even, smooth appearance.
Dust (gm/100 kg of seed)
^ Seed A – 3,350 seed/lb., Seed B – 2,862 seed/lb., Seed C – 2,525 seed/lb.
Soybean Dust Study
■ Poncho®
+ seed-applied fungicide base
■ Seed-applied fungicide + Gaucho®