The presentation of a children's casual mobile game called Pooka for Apple to assess for their store. The presentation had to give a clear representation of the games style whilst also conveying key data and an action plan to Apple.
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Pooka - Submission to Apple
1. 息 2 0 1 5 O y s t e r w o r l d L t d . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .
2. Our New Game
Pooka: Magic and Mischief is a magical game set in a fantastic new 3D virtual world. It is the first in a
series of connected apps, all based in the same gaming universe. The game seamlessly blends fun
elements of virtual pet, RPG and collect-em-ups and will attract a 7+ audience of players who want
to creatively express themselves.
To play, create and evolve your own Pooka- a shapeshifting magical creature
of ancient legends. Pookas are customisable with over 4 billion possible
variants. Save the world from the Gloom that threatens to engulf it, confront the
evil Gloomfang and his pesky Coblins and unlock the magic capabilities of
your character.
Look how you want to and play how you want to. Work your magic and save
the world.
3. Exclusive to Apple
Childrens adventure game
High end 3D tablet and mobile
game experience
Engaging, casual gameplay
Family friendly fun
4. Exclusivity period on iOS App Store
Sensitive monetisation
3 island levels of content included and 4 mini
games included at launch
Initial release supported by DLC
Massive updates throughout the year
Audience, boys and girls 7-13
Localised for English, French, German, Spanish,
Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Portugese, Russian
5. Explore rich 3D islands
Social Elements, publish your Pooka on Facebook
Child friendly monetisation
Use gestures intuitively to cast spells
Summon your friends Pooka to help
6. Soft Launch January 2016
Soft launch territories Eire and Australia
Live on Apple Store Easter 2016
7. iPhones
iPhone 6S
iPhone 6S Plus
iPhone 6
iPhone 6 Plus
iPhone 5
iPhone 5S
iPhone 5C
iPad 3
iPad Air 1
iPad Air 2
iPad Air 3
iPad Mini 2
iPad Mini 3
iPad Pro
Apple TV
13. Need a break from questing? Mini-games have daily
rewards to earn more orbs.
14. Collect all the different spells to unlock the secrets to
these beautiful islands in the sky.
15. Game Centre Achievements
Graphics made for retina displays
Uses many iOS8 and above family features
Specifically built for iOS to use safety and social features, especially payments
OysterWorld uses Metal for native performance
Full support of multi-touch and gesture features
Push notifications to provide reminders and support for players
Limited use of accelerometer and microphone on post release features
16. Global launch of new IP with iOS foremost and central
to the marketing campaign
Pre-release beta campaign using Testflight
Extensive social media campaign
Own website for Soft Launch/launch/email lists built
PR campaign (Print and online)
Teaser and release trailers
Paid user acquisition and advertising
TV advertising for global launch
17. Vine : user /1256622776849444864
Vimeo : PookaMischief
Twitter : @PookaMischief
Tumblr : PookaMagicAndMischief
Youtube : Pooka Magic and Mischief
Facebook: Pooka Magic and Mischief
Snapchat : PookaMischief
Pinter est: PookaMischief
Per iscope : @ PookaMischief
Instagr am : Pooka Magic and Mischief
Dedicated mailing list
Reviews will be collected here:.
18. Award winning UK studio backed by Welsh
Childrens game and MMO expertise
64 published titles