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Pop Culture Engineering
By Adrian Bautista & Eunice Hahn
What is an OREO?
An OREO is a simple sandwich cookie consisting of two chocolate wafers with a sweet
creme filling in between. For being such a simple chocolate cookie, OREO has a wide
variety of products to choose from. OREO is also known for its creative and effective
advertising and branding plan ever since their You Can Still Dunk in the Dark
advertisement during the 2013 Super Bowl.
History of OREO
The OREO was first developed and produced by the National Biscuit Company (today
known as Nabisco) in 1912 at its Chelsea, Manhattan factory. The name Oreo was first
trademarked on March 14, 1912. It was launched as an imitation of the Hydrox cookie
manufactured by Sunshine company, introduced in 1908 and the original design of the
cookie featured a wreath around the edge of the cookie and the name "OREO" in the
center. In the United States, they were sold for 25 cents a pound in novelty cans with
clear glass tops. The first Oreo was sold on March 6, 1912 to a grocer in Hoboken, New
Jersey. Since then, OREO has been developing since and is still produced today.
However, there is one OREO product
that doesnt live today...
The rebirth of...
This time around, our audience will be
young adults and mothers...
Who doesnt like a little guilty pleasure? Our young adults and mothers have a
craving for something sweet, but who can blame them? After an intense
workout or a long day at work, everyone has a right to treat themselves to
something sweet. So why not with a bowl of OREO Os?
Being aware of guilty pleasures can be connected with
lust and confidence. Imagine a television advertisement
with a young mother knowing a bowl of OREO Os may
not be the right choice of snack, but understands that
she can be confident even after having a filling bowl of
Song choices in mind:
Demi Lovato - Confident
Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman
Things just got #awkward
With so many oreo products, this Instagram post allows the
audience to feel as though they are breaking up with the OREO
cookie and leaving it for the newly rebranded OREO Os Cereal.
Theres nothing wrong with being a little
dangerous although, licking random doughnuts at
a doughnut shop is something you shouldnt do.
#Dangerous #TheOs
Pop Culture Engineering Summary
OREO Os is rebranded to make the everyday mother feel young and risky
again. With platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube, OREO Os now has
the opportunity to not only to be rediscovered by word of mouth, but by an
audience who is constantly on the go and ready to settle down for something

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Pop Culture Engineering

  • 1. Pop Culture Engineering By Adrian Bautista & Eunice Hahn
  • 2. What is an OREO? An OREO is a simple sandwich cookie consisting of two chocolate wafers with a sweet creme filling in between. For being such a simple chocolate cookie, OREO has a wide variety of products to choose from. OREO is also known for its creative and effective advertising and branding plan ever since their You Can Still Dunk in the Dark advertisement during the 2013 Super Bowl.
  • 3. History of OREO The OREO was first developed and produced by the National Biscuit Company (today known as Nabisco) in 1912 at its Chelsea, Manhattan factory. The name Oreo was first trademarked on March 14, 1912. It was launched as an imitation of the Hydrox cookie manufactured by Sunshine company, introduced in 1908 and the original design of the cookie featured a wreath around the edge of the cookie and the name "OREO" in the center. In the United States, they were sold for 25 cents a pound in novelty cans with clear glass tops. The first Oreo was sold on March 6, 1912 to a grocer in Hoboken, New Jersey. Since then, OREO has been developing since and is still produced today.
  • 4. However, there is one OREO product that doesnt live today...
  • 7. This time around, our audience will be young adults and mothers... Who doesnt like a little guilty pleasure? Our young adults and mothers have a craving for something sweet, but who can blame them? After an intense workout or a long day at work, everyone has a right to treat themselves to something sweet. So why not with a bowl of OREO Os?
  • 8. Advertisement Being aware of guilty pleasures can be connected with lust and confidence. Imagine a television advertisement with a young mother knowing a bowl of OREO Os may not be the right choice of snack, but understands that she can be confident even after having a filling bowl of cereal. Song choices in mind: Demi Lovato - Confident Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman
  • 9. Things just got #awkward With so many oreo products, this Instagram post allows the audience to feel as though they are breaking up with the OREO cookie and leaving it for the newly rebranded OREO Os Cereal.
  • 10. Celebrity Indorsement Advertisement #DANGEROUS Theres nothing wrong with being a little dangerous although, licking random doughnuts at a doughnut shop is something you shouldnt do. #Dangerous #TheOs
  • 11. Pop Culture Engineering Summary OREO Os is rebranded to make the everyday mother feel young and risky again. With platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube, OREO Os now has the opportunity to not only to be rediscovered by word of mouth, but by an audience who is constantly on the go and ready to settle down for something sweet.