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Popular Culture in
  Latin America
    Vivian Schelling
Popular culture expressions:

   salsa, samba
   religious rituals, magic, carnivals
   alternative theater, video and radio
   masks, pottery, weaving
   oral narratives
   the whole way of life
   language, dress, political culture
from subordinate classes and ethnic groups.
Popular culture and national identity

 In the 19th century the notion of popular
 culture became interwoven with the search
 for and affirmation of national identity.
Popular culture as folklore

1. Popular culture is the whole way of life.

 2. Peoples way of way of life produces symbolic
 forms: music, language, literature & cultural artifacts
Syncretic religious forms and
practices in Latin America:

    fiestas (festivities)
    autos sacramentales (morality plays)
    the figure of the devil
    the Virgin of Guadalupe
The use of popular culture in Latin
     America during the 20th century

   Populist government (40s and 50s) and military
    administrations (60s, 70s and 80s) appropriated
    popular culture to represent the nation.

   At the same time, those same administrations
    forced subordinate social classes and ethnic
    groups to adopt modern ways of life.
Modernity vs. Popular Culture:

   Popular culture offers alternative ways of
    life, identity, development and social order

   Popular culture is embedded in systems of
    belief different from Western culture
Mass culture and popular culture

Mass media have acted as mediators
between the State and the masses,
between the urban and the rural, tradition
and modernity. (183)
Mass culture forms


   transform abstract issues into private passions
   plots revolve around the emotional life of family
   incorporate the struggle between good and evil
    typical of oral narratives
   are open to the world of current events
   sites of mestizaje between the popular, the
    national, the transnational, the modern and the
   promote sentimental integration of Latin America
Popular Culture and Power Relations

 popular culture was seen as a form of
  resistance or oppositional culture
  prefiguring a new social order no longer
  characterized by alienation and human
  exploitation. (190)
Popular Culture and Power Relations

 Popular culture can be seen as a site of
 conflict between hegemonic and counter-
 hegemonic forces.
Popular Culture and concientizaci坦n

 In this form of cinema [or radio, or
 theather] the popular exists in a different
 mode to the cinematic productions of the
 1930s [] that is, as a commitment to use
 cinema as a form of consciousness
 raising. (196)
Popular Culture in Latin America today
The specificity of popular culture in Latin America
[] lies in the fact that folk traditions persist and
develop as part of the daily life and memory of poor
urban and rural communities. [] folklore in Latin
America still exists as a means for the construction
of identities: Afro, indigenous, gender, migrant. It
also endures as a reference point and material for
elite art and literature, and [] as a repository of
themes, images and forms of communication used
by mass culture. (198-199)

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Popular Culture in Latin America

  • 1. Popular Culture in Latin America Vivian Schelling
  • 2. Popular culture expressions: salsa, samba religious rituals, magic, carnivals alternative theater, video and radio masks, pottery, weaving oral narratives the whole way of life language, dress, political culture from subordinate classes and ethnic groups.
  • 3. Popular culture and national identity In the 19th century the notion of popular culture became interwoven with the search for and affirmation of national identity. (172)
  • 4. Popular culture as folklore 1. Popular culture is the whole way of life. 2. Peoples way of way of life produces symbolic forms: music, language, literature & cultural artifacts
  • 5. Syncretic religious forms and practices in Latin America: Pilgrimages fiestas (festivities) autos sacramentales (morality plays) the figure of the devil the Virgin of Guadalupe
  • 6. The use of popular culture in Latin America during the 20th century Populist government (40s and 50s) and military administrations (60s, 70s and 80s) appropriated popular culture to represent the nation. At the same time, those same administrations forced subordinate social classes and ethnic groups to adopt modern ways of life.
  • 7. Modernity vs. Popular Culture: Popular culture offers alternative ways of life, identity, development and social order Popular culture is embedded in systems of belief different from Western culture
  • 8. Mass culture and popular culture Mass media have acted as mediators between the State and the masses, between the urban and the rural, tradition and modernity. (183)
  • 9. Mass culture forms Radio Television Telenovela Film
  • 10. Telenovelas transform abstract issues into private passions plots revolve around the emotional life of family incorporate the struggle between good and evil typical of oral narratives are open to the world of current events sites of mestizaje between the popular, the national, the transnational, the modern and the traditional promote sentimental integration of Latin America
  • 11. Popular Culture and Power Relations popular culture was seen as a form of resistance or oppositional culture prefiguring a new social order no longer characterized by alienation and human exploitation. (190)
  • 12. Popular Culture and Power Relations Popular culture can be seen as a site of conflict between hegemonic and counter- hegemonic forces.
  • 13. Popular Culture and concientizaci坦n In this form of cinema [or radio, or theather] the popular exists in a different mode to the cinematic productions of the 1930s [] that is, as a commitment to use cinema as a form of consciousness raising. (196)
  • 14. Popular Culture in Latin America today The specificity of popular culture in Latin America [] lies in the fact that folk traditions persist and develop as part of the daily life and memory of poor urban and rural communities. [] folklore in Latin America still exists as a means for the construction of identities: Afro, indigenous, gender, migrant. It also endures as a reference point and material for elite art and literature, and [] as a repository of themes, images and forms of communication used by mass culture. (198-199)

Editor's Notes