This document presents the case of a 10-year-old boy named Hasib who presented with gradual abdominal distension and occasional pain for 3 months, as well as blood mixed vomiting for the past week. On examination, he was found to have mild anemia, abdominal distension, and an enlarged spleen. His provisional diagnosis was rupture of esophageal varices due to portal hypertension. Further investigations including endoscopy, imaging, and liver function tests were planned to confirm the diagnosis.
3. Particulars of the patients
Age:10 years
Date of admission :15/10/22
Date of examination :15/10/22
4. Chief complaints :
1)Gradual abdominal distension with occasional pain
for 3 months.
2)Passage of blood mixed vomiting for 3 times within
last 7 days.
5. History of present illness :
According to the statement of the patients mother he
was reasonably well about 3 months back. Then he
developed gradual abdominal distension which was
associated with occasional left sided upper abdominal
pain. The pain is mild in nature, non radiating,
aggravated by playing and eating and relieved by
taking analgesic. He also developed vomiting for 3
times in last 7 days.
6. Vomitus was profuse in amount, foul smelling,reddish
in colour, contain digested food materials. He has no
history of blood transfusion, per rectal bleeding,
abdominal trauma.
His bowel and bladder habit is normal.
7. History of past illness :
There is a history of mild jaundice 1 year back which
subside by taking medication from local physician.
8. Birth history :
Hasib was born by normal vaginal delivery at term with
an average weight. After delivery her umbilical cord
was cut with brand new blade and tied with healthy
9. Feeding history :
Exclusive breast feeding upto the age of 6 months.
Then complementary feeding continued with
appropriate weaning food . Now he is on family diet.
12. Family history :
2nd issue of non consanguineous parents. There is no
positive family history of any bleeding disorder or such
types of health problem.
16. Temperature -98属F
BCG mark present
Ear,Nose,Throat normal
Lymph nodes not palpable
Spine- normal
Hernial orifice intact
17. Systemic examination :
Gastro intestinal system :
Inspection :
Mouth and oral cavity : No bleeding
manifestation. Gum and oral mucosa healthy.
18. Abdomen was mild distended, flanks were full,
umbilicus was centrally placed,everted. There was no
engorsed vein and visible peristalsis.
Palpation: Abdominal temperature is normal. It was
non tender and soft in consistency.
Spleen was enlarged, about 4 cm along its long axis
towards RIF,borders were sharp,surface smooth, firm
in consistency, splenic notch was present in the upper
border of spleen.
19. Liver was palpable just below the right costal margin
and upper border of the liver dullness found in 4th
intercostal space in midclavicular line.
Fluid thrill was absent.
Percussion : Shifting dullness was present.
Auscultation : Bowel sound was present.
20. Nervous system :
Patient was conscious, oriented about time,
Cranial nerve was intact.
Motor functions were normal.
There was no flapping tremor.
Gait was normal.
Sensory functions were normal.
21. Cardiovascular system :
1st and 2nd heart sound were audible in all cardiac
areas. There was no added sound.
22. Respiratory system
Breath sound was vesicular, there was no added
Other system examination revealed no abnormality.
23. Salient feature
Master Hasib,10 years old, 2nd issue of non
consanguineous parents, hailing from Muktagachha,
presented to me with the complaints of gradual
abdominal distension associated with occasional
abdominal pain for last 3 months. The pain is
situated in the left hypochondriac region which is
mild in nature, aggravated by playing and eating,
subside by taking medication.
24. There is also haematemesis for 3 times within last 7
days. Vomitus was profuse in amount,foul
smelling,reddish in colour,contain digested food
particles. He has no history of blood transfusion, per
rectal bleeding, abdominal trauma.
His bowel and bladder habit is normal.
Hasib was ill-looking, co-operative, mild anaemic, non
icteric,non edematous.
25. His pulse rate was 70 beats/min. Respiratory rate- 20
breath/min. Blood pressure -90/60 mm of hg.There was
no stigmata of chronic liver disease.
Abdomen was mild distended, flanks were full,
umbilicus was centrally placed and everted. There was
no visible engorsed vein and peristalsis.
Abdominal temperature was normal. It was non tender
and soft in consistency.
26. Spleen was enlarged 4 cm from left costal margin
towards RIF, non tender, firm in consistency, surface
smooth, sharp border,splenic notch present in the
upper border. Liver was palpable just below the right
costal margin and upper border of liver dullness was
present in 4th intercostal space.
Fluid thrill was absent. Shifting dullness and bowel
sound was present. Other systemic examination
revealed no abnormality.