This document provides information about various web, presentation, and identity design projects completed by WEB WORKS. It lists several clients for web design projects, including FastPCnet, Telibrahma, and Thomas Jr. Photographers. It also lists details on five presentation design projects for clients like Thomas Jr., Wipro Technologies, and Solutions. Finally, it lists five clients that identity design work was completed for, including Celtycs Consulting,, and Greycaps India Pvt. Ltd. It closes by thanking the viewer for looking at the portfolio and inviting them to download a resume.
3. WEB WORKS Client : FastPCnet - a US based Data Center URL :
4. WEB WORKS Client : Telibrahma Software Company URL :
5. WEB WORKS Client : Thomas Jr Photographers Portfolio URL :
6. WEB WORKS Client : Solutions URL : http://www.solidworksap/ passionfordesign
7. WEB WORKS Client : Solutions URL : / cosmosday
8. eDM Flash ADs IBM Intel Cisco Nortel SHRM IBM Intel iCos Rational Software IBM Business Partner Core2Duo IIPC Advanced Series Nortel Overdrive Business Education IBM Imprint 2007 Core2Duo 001 Core2Duo 002 Core2Duo 003 WEB WORKS