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Zachary Jones
Unit I
Things fall apart:
Confusion and frustration led for the people to kill a
man on an iron horse. They didnt understand
that this was just a bicycle. Misunderstanding
leads things to fall apart.
I didnt really understand what I was
supposed to be interpreting and I didnt
have the slightest clue to what an
interpretation was. The explanation for
this interpretation was to better
understand out they lived. I explained
how their houses were and their lives
compared to us today. This did not
pertain to my essay for Things Fall Apart. I
got a one out of five and that effected my
grade very badly.
When we were working on this unit I learned how to properly
create a title page. I also learned how to find evidence to
support my thesis.
I struggled with understanding some parts of the story which
made it more difficult for me to write about it. I did my
interpretation and got a very bad grade. I learned that I need
to put more effort into my interpretations.
Unit II
Q: What does it take to be a civilization?
A: To be a civilization you must have some sort of protection and people to do
different jobs like being a scribe or a merchant. Some civilizations only need
protection because they never settle in one area.
Also, there needs to be merchants and trade routes that go through the town. Merchants are the ones that brought the things that
people need to survive and things that people want.
There are two types of civilization. There are the complex civilizations and the pastoral nomads. The Nomads did not farm because they
were always moving and changing where they were living. They would harvest the animals and use them for food and shelter and
clothing. That lifestyle was much different than a complex civilization. In a more complex civilization they can grow food for
themselves and have everything all in one permanent city. They did not have to move from where they were so people could get
jobs to run the civilization. The smarter people who could read and write were the scribes.
There was an hierarchy that ran the civilizations. The kings and queens would rule over everyone and under them there would be a
priest who would guide the king and queen, and below the priests there would be the smart scribes and they would do the math
for the farmers and make sure that no one was steeling things or making money and not paying taxes.
The peasants were the labor workers and the ones who grew the food and did all of the work making goods for the merchants above
them to sell to people in markets.
The pastoralists dont have technology so they
dont have to take care of so much and protect
everything. It says that they only had to protect
their livestock but in a large city they had to
have a whole military to protect one area.
The Royal Standard of Ur
The Tomb of Menna
The Royal Standard of Ur
This panel shows the discipline in the order the
artist depicts the individuals with central power
located in the king. The king rules all but the
priest is right next to him guiding him and telling
him what is best for the kingdom. The priest had
most of the power because he was the one who
could get the advice from the gods.
The Tomb of Menna
In this panel there really isnt any proof of leaders. There
are the stronger people and the weaker people. The
social hierarchy doesnt play in as much because they
all do the same job. They all protect each other but
some people are in charge of protecting the tribe and
the livestock. They would trade with the complex
civilizations and with other pastoral nomads.
Social Hierarchy/Business Hierarchy
This unit was easy to learn because everything I needed to
write about is write in the book. My grade went up in my
interpretation this unit and it looks much better than the
last one, obviously.
The Tomb of Menna and the Royal Standard of Ur
comparison was my best piece of work. I took out the
most important evidence and I used the documents that
say what people are using in the panels to incorporate
them together.
Unit III & IV
In this unit we compared the five different religions of 1200 BCE - 500 CE:
Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, Judaism, and Confucianism. These religions came up
when people were in distress and didnt have anything else to look to. When
plagues and wars came upon people they wanted to ask someone to help and have
hope for someone. Not always did people look to a god of some sort. There were
different philosophies that they came up with.
The 42 reasons for the fall of Rome shows different flaws that Rome had. My claim for
my essay was excessive urbanization led to disease, mistreatment of the poor, and
neglected living conditions led to a decline in population and loyalty was lost
eventually leading to the internal collapse of Rome. I made this claim because I felt
that all of these reasons connected in the fall. When a person neglects their living
conditions and mistreatment of the poor can create terrible diseases. When people
started to die and population decreased the economy changed a lot and no one was
doing work.
Unit 3 and 4 go together because they are both about religion and Rome. Unit
4 shows more of what happened after religion started to help people and
spread. It shows how religions and philosophy gave people hope that they
will get through hard times.
On this unit I found it harder to write an essay because I didnt have all of the
right evidence. I learned how to pull out more evidence for essays and
how to cite them and create a good reference page.
I presented my interpretation pretty well and had all of evidence I had for the
entire unit. I did not have any good claims so I did not get the best grade I
could. In the interpretation I wrote out different stories from the religions
and wrote a summary on them and then I presented how to stories
connect with the religion. There was evidence showing how some of the
religions were the same. I didnt show any work on philosophies and that
is something that I could have worked towards.
Map makers had a huge jobs making legible and accurate maps with only
sailing the coasts of continents. They would have to look at the shape from
a horizontal view and make their best judgment on the shape. The maps
were actually very accurate and as time went on people could collect all of
the maps and begin to put together a map of the world. Different types of
maps came out and everyone was combining maps with each other
making them more accurate and more like the actual shape of the
In the documents it says that once the Americas were discovered people from
all of Europe started to flow to the new world and claim land for
themselves. There were wars and fights against the natives and against
each other. Eventually people just settled for what they won and started
creating new countries and bargaining with the natives and trading with
them. The Europeans were taking advantage of the natives lack of
knowledge and traded them childish and cheap objects for land and gold.
Unit V
By the end of the unit I had a better understanding of
what I needed to be summarizing and taking notes
on. By the end of the documents my overall claims
and summaries were longer and more in depth.
Staying on topic and getting my homework in on time
every day was the goal for this unit and I not only
did that but I was putting more effort into my
interpretations and essays.
Visual Metaphor
I used the music notes because they go from
slow and steady beats to a faster tempo. The
quarter notes are the slowest ones out of all
of them and they are at the beginning
because I couldnt go very fast when doing my
work but as I progressed throughout the year I
could do my homework more fluently like the
32nd notes which are very fast.

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  • 2. Unit I Things fall apart: Confusion and frustration led for the people to kill a man on an iron horse. They didnt understand that this was just a bicycle. Misunderstanding leads things to fall apart.
  • 3. I didnt really understand what I was supposed to be interpreting and I didnt have the slightest clue to what an interpretation was. The explanation for this interpretation was to better understand out they lived. I explained how their houses were and their lives compared to us today. This did not pertain to my essay for Things Fall Apart. I got a one out of five and that effected my grade very badly.
  • 4. Reflection When we were working on this unit I learned how to properly create a title page. I also learned how to find evidence to support my thesis. I struggled with understanding some parts of the story which made it more difficult for me to write about it. I did my interpretation and got a very bad grade. I learned that I need to put more effort into my interpretations.
  • 5. Unit II Q: What does it take to be a civilization? A: To be a civilization you must have some sort of protection and people to do different jobs like being a scribe or a merchant. Some civilizations only need protection because they never settle in one area. Also, there needs to be merchants and trade routes that go through the town. Merchants are the ones that brought the things that people need to survive and things that people want. There are two types of civilization. There are the complex civilizations and the pastoral nomads. The Nomads did not farm because they were always moving and changing where they were living. They would harvest the animals and use them for food and shelter and clothing. That lifestyle was much different than a complex civilization. In a more complex civilization they can grow food for themselves and have everything all in one permanent city. They did not have to move from where they were so people could get jobs to run the civilization. The smarter people who could read and write were the scribes. There was an hierarchy that ran the civilizations. The kings and queens would rule over everyone and under them there would be a priest who would guide the king and queen, and below the priests there would be the smart scribes and they would do the math for the farmers and make sure that no one was steeling things or making money and not paying taxes. The peasants were the labor workers and the ones who grew the food and did all of the work making goods for the merchants above them to sell to people in markets.
  • 6. The pastoralists dont have technology so they dont have to take care of so much and protect everything. It says that they only had to protect their livestock but in a large city they had to have a whole military to protect one area.
  • 7. The Royal Standard of Ur vs. The Tomb of Menna
  • 8. The Royal Standard of Ur This panel shows the discipline in the order the artist depicts the individuals with central power located in the king. The king rules all but the priest is right next to him guiding him and telling him what is best for the kingdom. The priest had most of the power because he was the one who could get the advice from the gods.
  • 9. The Tomb of Menna In this panel there really isnt any proof of leaders. There are the stronger people and the weaker people. The social hierarchy doesnt play in as much because they all do the same job. They all protect each other but some people are in charge of protecting the tribe and the livestock. They would trade with the complex civilizations and with other pastoral nomads.
  • 11. Reflection This unit was easy to learn because everything I needed to write about is write in the book. My grade went up in my interpretation this unit and it looks much better than the last one, obviously. The Tomb of Menna and the Royal Standard of Ur comparison was my best piece of work. I took out the most important evidence and I used the documents that say what people are using in the panels to incorporate them together.
  • 12. Unit III & IV Religion: In this unit we compared the five different religions of 1200 BCE - 500 CE: Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, Judaism, and Confucianism. These religions came up when people were in distress and didnt have anything else to look to. When plagues and wars came upon people they wanted to ask someone to help and have hope for someone. Not always did people look to a god of some sort. There were different philosophies that they came up with. Rome: The 42 reasons for the fall of Rome shows different flaws that Rome had. My claim for my essay was excessive urbanization led to disease, mistreatment of the poor, and neglected living conditions led to a decline in population and loyalty was lost eventually leading to the internal collapse of Rome. I made this claim because I felt that all of these reasons connected in the fall. When a person neglects their living conditions and mistreatment of the poor can create terrible diseases. When people started to die and population decreased the economy changed a lot and no one was doing work.
  • 14. Reflection Unit 3 and 4 go together because they are both about religion and Rome. Unit 4 shows more of what happened after religion started to help people and spread. It shows how religions and philosophy gave people hope that they will get through hard times. On this unit I found it harder to write an essay because I didnt have all of the right evidence. I learned how to pull out more evidence for essays and how to cite them and create a good reference page. I presented my interpretation pretty well and had all of evidence I had for the entire unit. I did not have any good claims so I did not get the best grade I could. In the interpretation I wrote out different stories from the religions and wrote a summary on them and then I presented how to stories connect with the religion. There was evidence showing how some of the religions were the same. I didnt show any work on philosophies and that is something that I could have worked towards.
  • 15. Map makers had a huge jobs making legible and accurate maps with only sailing the coasts of continents. They would have to look at the shape from a horizontal view and make their best judgment on the shape. The maps were actually very accurate and as time went on people could collect all of the maps and begin to put together a map of the world. Different types of maps came out and everyone was combining maps with each other making them more accurate and more like the actual shape of the continent. In the documents it says that once the Americas were discovered people from all of Europe started to flow to the new world and claim land for themselves. There were wars and fights against the natives and against each other. Eventually people just settled for what they won and started creating new countries and bargaining with the natives and trading with them. The Europeans were taking advantage of the natives lack of knowledge and traded them childish and cheap objects for land and gold. Unit V
  • 17. Reflection By the end of the unit I had a better understanding of what I needed to be summarizing and taking notes on. By the end of the documents my overall claims and summaries were longer and more in depth. Staying on topic and getting my homework in on time every day was the goal for this unit and I not only did that but I was putting more effort into my interpretations and essays.
  • 18. Visual Metaphor I used the music notes because they go from slow and steady beats to a faster tempo. The quarter notes are the slowest ones out of all of them and they are at the beginning because I couldnt go very fast when doing my work but as I progressed throughout the year I could do my homework more fluently like the 32nd notes which are very fast.