Strategic research agenda for cocoa coffee Wageningen UR 09062014Verina Ingram
The document discusses developing strategic research agendas for cocoa and coffee. It notes that cocoa and coffee face persistent problems related to demand, prices, quality, farmer livelihoods, and sustainability issues. While much research exists, it is often fragmented and not accessible to all stakeholders. The document proposes developing collaborative research agendas to provide guidance, coordinate efforts, and disseminate information, while recognizing diversity of needs. A survey of stakeholders found interest in joining a multi-stakeholder platform to share and communicate research results to help address key research gaps in areas like agronomy, climate change, and productivity.
This document lists 10 reasons why you should not use a free blog service. It notes that free blog domains like and can negatively impact website authority, force ads, offer limited customization, plug-in support, and control over ads. Free blogs also risk being closed down or made paid, look unprofessional, may not allow selling or transferring the blog, or signing up for ad networks due to the domain name. The document recommends taking blogging seriously by not using a free service.
Quick testprofessionalkanakarajankandasamyLiton Islam
QuickTest Professional is a test automation tool that uses VBScript as its scripting language. It is a record and playback tool that can record user actions on an application and replay them back. QTP recognizes each application element as an object and provides methods to work with them. The book discusses viewing QTP as a development tool rather than just a testing tool and presents techniques for advanced problem solving, debugging, working with objects and various programming concepts. It is intended for test engineers, analysts and others interested in learning expert techniques for using QTP.
Beyond xUnit example-based testing: property-based testing with ScalaCheckFranklin Chen
Test-Driven Development has become deservedly popular in the past decade, with easy-to-use xUnit unit testing frameworks leading the way toward encouraging developers to write tests. But xUnit has limitations: how does one know one has written enough test cases for a desired behavior? And what if the behavior is conditional on other behavior? Property-based testing, first popularized for Haskell with the QuickCheck library, but available now for other languages as well, offers a powerful addition to one's testing toolkit.
I will discuss the concepts of property-based testing and illustrate them concretely using ScalaCheck for Scala, and point toward similar test frameworks in other languages.
This document provides information on Tarzan Co., Ltd. and Jialai Knitting Co., Ltd. Tarzan Co. was established in 1970 in Taiwan and imports and exports knitted sweaters. It has 6 employees and a capital of NT$6,000,000. Jialai Knitting Co. was established in 1992 in Shantou City, China and produces 1 million pieces of knitted items per year for export, mainly to Japan. It has 300 workers and factories areas of 3,000 square meters. Both companies provide contact information and details on management, production equipment, and facilities.
The Fight for Marjah - Recent Counterinsurgency Operations In Southern Afghan...william.m.thomson
The document summarizes counterinsurgency operations conducted in Marjah, Afghanistan from early 2010 to present. It details Operation Moshtarak, launched in February 2010, which aimed to clear insurgents from the Taliban stronghold of Marjah and implement a population-centric counterinsurgency strategy. The operations struggled with establishing legitimate governance and policing in Marjah and convincing locals of security under a new authority. The case study of Marjah provides lessons for future COIN operations in securing populations and governance in insurgent areas of Afghanistan.
There are three main types of galaxies: spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies. Spiral galaxies include the Milky Way galaxy and can also be barred. Elliptical galaxies range in shape from spherical to oval. Irregular galaxies have no defined shape and contain significant amounts of gas.
Forest-poverty-commodity links in the Congo Basin: A value chain perspectiveVerina Ingram
1) The document discusses forest-poverty-commodity links in the Congo Basin, focusing on non-timber forest products (NTFPs) value chains and their significance for livelihoods.
2) Fieldwork was conducted from 2007-2010 in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo on 9 NTFP chains involving interviews with over 4,300 actors.
3) The research found that NTFPs make meaningful economic contributions to actors' livelihoods, especially for women and rural communities, but that overexploitation and lack of sustainable practices threaten the long-term viability of these resources and livelihoods.
Halifax¡¯s Finance and Insurance Industry: Our OpportunityHalifax Partnership
This document analyzes Halifax's finance and insurance industry as an opportunity for growth. It finds that Halifax is already a significant regional financial hub, home to the regional offices of Canada's big banks and over 50% of Maritime Province insurance firms. The finance, insurance and real estate sector employs around 14,000 in Halifax and contributes greatly to the provincial GDP. Recent years have seen an increase in international financial services firms locating to Halifax. The document cites Halifax's existing cluster, low costs, educated workforce, and business-friendly environment as strengths for continued growth in the sector.
This document outlines new features in SharePoint 2010 across several categories including composites, insights, InfoPath forms, Nintex workflows, Excel services, Excel REST API, BCS SQL connectivity, and report builder. It also notes that SharePoint 2010 includes all features from 2007 with an improved UI and custom branding capabilities as well as migration tools. The document concludes with a request for any questions.
Plan Amsterdam, over de brettenzone en Sloterdijk met onze bijdrage!Wouter Valkenier
In het eerste artikel, een nadere kennismaking met
de verschillende deelgebieden Sloterdijk I, II, III, IV en
Sloterdijk Centrum, ofwel de Sloterdijken. Daarna meer
over de oorzaken voor de hernieuwde dynamiek in
het gebied. In het tweede artikel wordt dieper ingegaan
op de nieuwe woonfunctie in Sloterdijk Centrum,
het kantorengebied rond station Sloterdijk. Waarom
mag het nu wel? Waar mogen mensen precies wonen.
En, hoe gaat de gemeente dit aanpakken?
Het derde artikel gaat over het groen. Elke Amsterdammer
heeft groen op loop- en fietsafstand. Zo ook
de nieuwe bewoners. De Bretten is een natuurgebied
dat deels is aangelegd, maar grotendeels zelf is ontstaan.
Een relatief onbekend juweeltje, maar ook daar zal
vanzelf verandering in komen. Er is gewoonweg veel
te zien en te beleven voor de Amsterdammer.
Pluto is located over 2 billion miles from Earth in space and is too far away to see with the naked eye. It is composed of ice, rock, and craters. Pluto was discovered in the 1930s and has three moons: Nix, Hydra, and Char. A space craft called New Horizons arrived at Pluto in 2015 to learn more about it since scientists cannot observe details of Pluto from Earth. Temperatures on Pluto are extremely cold at -232 Celsius, making it impossible to live there due to the thin atmosphere and weak gravity. A proposed robot would collect dust samples on Pluto to help scientists learn more about its composition through pictures and analysis back on Earth.
The document describes two individuals. The first is 31 years old, born in 2010, with a deceased mother named Cinderella who was of unknown age and a father named Rockafella who is 30 years old and female. They have two daughters named Schmoodle who is 72 and Fumdinglo who is 91. The second individual is named Leafspoof, is 12 years old, and has a mother named Choob who is 3 years old and male and a father named Joogly who is 79 years old and also male. They have one daughter named Jumble who is of unknown age.
This document contains the layout and elements for a magazine front cover and feature article spread. The front cover includes the magazine title, main headline, secondary lead, selling line, graphic feature, bar code, and kicker. The feature article spread is a double-page layout with the headline, pull quote, flash, and graphic featured above the multi-column text of the article interspersed with a feature shot. The contents page lists the feature section with kickers, cover lines, and page numbers.
The document provides an overview of knowledge management and knowledge engineering. It discusses the differences between tacit and explicit knowledge. It also summarizes several models for knowledge management processes and activities, including acquiring, selecting, using, internalizing, and generating knowledge. Key frameworks covered include the SECI model, Frapaiolo's KM processes, and CommonKADS, a methodology for knowledge management system development.
The document discusses the need for open data and linked data to work together for a better web world. It describes The DataTank project, which publishes open data as RDF triples and provides version control for triple stores with direct provenance tracking. The DataTank received an achievement certificate for its contributions to open source software. The presentation outlines the current architecture of The DataTank and R&Wbase, its triple version control system, and discusses future directions including supporting global open data initiatives.
PA EI Leadership Meeting: Technology to Suppoty EI LeadersJenny Brown
Jenny Brown presented on using technology to support early intervention leaders. She showed examples of using tools like Tagxedo, Polleverywhere, and iMovie to help with administration, direct services, and professional development. Brown discussed finding the right technology tools to build caregiver capacity and support child development, such as using a flip camera, iPad, or laptop to share information, model skills, and allow for reflection. Going forward, she recommended exploring free and paid apps and websites that can be used for classes, meetings, trainings and self-review.
Rocks are natural solid mixtures of mineral particles or fragments. There are three main types of rocks: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. Igneous rocks form from cooling magma or lava. Metamorphic rocks form from existing rocks being squeezed or heated, forming new rocks and mineral bands. Sedimentary rocks form from compressed sediment. Rocks continuously change between these forms through the rock cycle.
The document provides biographical information about Lady Gaga and analyzes her unique fashion style. It notes that she is inspired by glam rock artists like David Bowie and pop singers like Madonna. Her choice of clothing in the pop industry makes her stand out and can be seen as a way to express herself or assert power as the only woman who dresses that way. It also briefly mentions the Scottish alternative rock band The Fratellis and includes lyrics from two of their songs.
The Fight for Marjah - Recent Counterinsurgency Operations In Southern Afghan...william.m.thomson
The document summarizes counterinsurgency operations conducted in Marjah, Afghanistan from early 2010 to present. It details Operation Moshtarak, launched in February 2010, which aimed to clear insurgents from the Taliban stronghold of Marjah and implement a population-centric counterinsurgency strategy. The operations struggled with establishing legitimate governance and policing in Marjah and convincing locals of security under a new authority. The case study of Marjah provides lessons for future COIN operations in securing populations and governance in insurgent areas of Afghanistan.
There are three main types of galaxies: spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies. Spiral galaxies include the Milky Way galaxy and can also be barred. Elliptical galaxies range in shape from spherical to oval. Irregular galaxies have no defined shape and contain significant amounts of gas.
Forest-poverty-commodity links in the Congo Basin: A value chain perspectiveVerina Ingram
1) The document discusses forest-poverty-commodity links in the Congo Basin, focusing on non-timber forest products (NTFPs) value chains and their significance for livelihoods.
2) Fieldwork was conducted from 2007-2010 in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo on 9 NTFP chains involving interviews with over 4,300 actors.
3) The research found that NTFPs make meaningful economic contributions to actors' livelihoods, especially for women and rural communities, but that overexploitation and lack of sustainable practices threaten the long-term viability of these resources and livelihoods.
Halifax¡¯s Finance and Insurance Industry: Our OpportunityHalifax Partnership
This document analyzes Halifax's finance and insurance industry as an opportunity for growth. It finds that Halifax is already a significant regional financial hub, home to the regional offices of Canada's big banks and over 50% of Maritime Province insurance firms. The finance, insurance and real estate sector employs around 14,000 in Halifax and contributes greatly to the provincial GDP. Recent years have seen an increase in international financial services firms locating to Halifax. The document cites Halifax's existing cluster, low costs, educated workforce, and business-friendly environment as strengths for continued growth in the sector.
This document outlines new features in SharePoint 2010 across several categories including composites, insights, InfoPath forms, Nintex workflows, Excel services, Excel REST API, BCS SQL connectivity, and report builder. It also notes that SharePoint 2010 includes all features from 2007 with an improved UI and custom branding capabilities as well as migration tools. The document concludes with a request for any questions.
Plan Amsterdam, over de brettenzone en Sloterdijk met onze bijdrage!Wouter Valkenier
In het eerste artikel, een nadere kennismaking met
de verschillende deelgebieden Sloterdijk I, II, III, IV en
Sloterdijk Centrum, ofwel de Sloterdijken. Daarna meer
over de oorzaken voor de hernieuwde dynamiek in
het gebied. In het tweede artikel wordt dieper ingegaan
op de nieuwe woonfunctie in Sloterdijk Centrum,
het kantorengebied rond station Sloterdijk. Waarom
mag het nu wel? Waar mogen mensen precies wonen.
En, hoe gaat de gemeente dit aanpakken?
Het derde artikel gaat over het groen. Elke Amsterdammer
heeft groen op loop- en fietsafstand. Zo ook
de nieuwe bewoners. De Bretten is een natuurgebied
dat deels is aangelegd, maar grotendeels zelf is ontstaan.
Een relatief onbekend juweeltje, maar ook daar zal
vanzelf verandering in komen. Er is gewoonweg veel
te zien en te beleven voor de Amsterdammer.
Pluto is located over 2 billion miles from Earth in space and is too far away to see with the naked eye. It is composed of ice, rock, and craters. Pluto was discovered in the 1930s and has three moons: Nix, Hydra, and Char. A space craft called New Horizons arrived at Pluto in 2015 to learn more about it since scientists cannot observe details of Pluto from Earth. Temperatures on Pluto are extremely cold at -232 Celsius, making it impossible to live there due to the thin atmosphere and weak gravity. A proposed robot would collect dust samples on Pluto to help scientists learn more about its composition through pictures and analysis back on Earth.
The document describes two individuals. The first is 31 years old, born in 2010, with a deceased mother named Cinderella who was of unknown age and a father named Rockafella who is 30 years old and female. They have two daughters named Schmoodle who is 72 and Fumdinglo who is 91. The second individual is named Leafspoof, is 12 years old, and has a mother named Choob who is 3 years old and male and a father named Joogly who is 79 years old and also male. They have one daughter named Jumble who is of unknown age.
This document contains the layout and elements for a magazine front cover and feature article spread. The front cover includes the magazine title, main headline, secondary lead, selling line, graphic feature, bar code, and kicker. The feature article spread is a double-page layout with the headline, pull quote, flash, and graphic featured above the multi-column text of the article interspersed with a feature shot. The contents page lists the feature section with kickers, cover lines, and page numbers.
The document provides an overview of knowledge management and knowledge engineering. It discusses the differences between tacit and explicit knowledge. It also summarizes several models for knowledge management processes and activities, including acquiring, selecting, using, internalizing, and generating knowledge. Key frameworks covered include the SECI model, Frapaiolo's KM processes, and CommonKADS, a methodology for knowledge management system development.
The document discusses the need for open data and linked data to work together for a better web world. It describes The DataTank project, which publishes open data as RDF triples and provides version control for triple stores with direct provenance tracking. The DataTank received an achievement certificate for its contributions to open source software. The presentation outlines the current architecture of The DataTank and R&Wbase, its triple version control system, and discusses future directions including supporting global open data initiatives.
PA EI Leadership Meeting: Technology to Suppoty EI LeadersJenny Brown
Jenny Brown presented on using technology to support early intervention leaders. She showed examples of using tools like Tagxedo, Polleverywhere, and iMovie to help with administration, direct services, and professional development. Brown discussed finding the right technology tools to build caregiver capacity and support child development, such as using a flip camera, iPad, or laptop to share information, model skills, and allow for reflection. Going forward, she recommended exploring free and paid apps and websites that can be used for classes, meetings, trainings and self-review.
Rocks are natural solid mixtures of mineral particles or fragments. There are three main types of rocks: igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. Igneous rocks form from cooling magma or lava. Metamorphic rocks form from existing rocks being squeezed or heated, forming new rocks and mineral bands. Sedimentary rocks form from compressed sediment. Rocks continuously change between these forms through the rock cycle.
The document provides biographical information about Lady Gaga and analyzes her unique fashion style. It notes that she is inspired by glam rock artists like David Bowie and pop singers like Madonna. Her choice of clothing in the pop industry makes her stand out and can be seen as a way to express herself or assert power as the only woman who dresses that way. It also briefly mentions the Scottish alternative rock band The Fratellis and includes lyrics from two of their songs.
SaidanaturalistaenseadadainsualibretadecampoBel¨¦n Lorenzo
1. foto¡¯s die laten zien wat ik het liefst doe: Werken met mensen. Op locatie en in de studio.. G E E K Z W E T S L O O T F O T O G R A F I E & F I L M