4. : 束弌乘 丕乘 弌 丐丐, 丐乘 丐乘 損 Teachers Prayer Jill Wolf I want to teach my students how To live this life on Earth. To face its struggle and its strife And to improve their worth. Not just the lesson in a book Or how the rivers flow, But how to choose the proper path Wherever they may go. To understand eternal truth And know the right from wrong And gather all the beauty of A flower and a song. For if I helped the world to grow In wisdom and in grace Then I feel that I have won And I have filled my place. And so I asked your guidance, God, That I have done my part For character and confidence, And happiness of heart.
10. 丐亂亊 丐弌丐亂 丕丼乂丱弌亊 弌弌弌丐丕丐 丕丼丿丕 豫 亊乘乘 丐 弌亊丐豫 丕弌丐弌丐 My hands upon my head I place, On my shoulders, on my face. Then I raise them up on high And make my fingers quickly fly. Then I put them in front of me And gently clap: one, two, three.
12. 丐丼弌亊 丐 丕丼丶乘 10- 弌弌 丐乘 English subject - 仗仂 仂亞舒仄仄亠. 丐仂仍从仂 仆仂于仂亶 于亠亳 舒仄亳 舒亢亟亶 舒亰 于仂仍仆亠仆亠仄 亢亟. At the lesson what you do?. 舒 仂从舒 仂于亠舒亠仄, 丿亠从仗亳舒 于仍 亳舒亠仄. 亳亰亠仆 仗亳仗亳 : 仆仂于 To be or not to be. O Great Britain 亞仂于仂亳仄 , I am traveling to the dream. 丕亰仆舒亠仄 仗仂 USA , 亳亠仄 仗亳仄舒 亟仍 亟亰亠亶. 仆亠 亰 于 仂从 于仆亳从舒亠仄, 亠 仗仂 亳 舒仆 亰仆舒亠仄. 丼仂 亠亟 亳 仂 舒仄 仗ム, Five oclock is very good. Coffee, porridge and bacon, And the lesson goes on. 丕 亟仂从亳 于仆仂于 仂, Im glad to be taught by you. English language is my toy, Is my hobby, is my joy. 亊 亠亞仂亟仆 亞仂于仂 : Dear teacher, I love you! 仂从仍亳 仄亳 亟亠, 亟仍 舒 I wish success!