This document is a portfolio by Krystyna Lagowski summarizing her healthcare writing work. It describes several articles she authored for Baycrest Foundation publications between 2008-2010 on topics like the benefits of bilingualism in delaying dementia, using technology to help those with mild cognitive impairment, the effects of diet on brain health, cognitive behavioural therapy, profiles of donors, and the therapeutic effects of meditation. The publications include the Baycrest Foundation Breakthroughs magazine and Baycrest Bulletin.
2. Krystyna Lagowski Page OneAn exciting discovery at Baycrest showed that being bilingual can delay dementia by up to four years. This discovery was showcased in the 2008 issue of Baycrest Foundation Breakthroughs magazine.A unique glossy perfect bound publication focused on research editorial tied to donor funding, it was distributed by insertion into 70,000 Globe and Mail subscriber issues, and 30,000 issues of the Canadian Jewish News.Contd
4. Krystyna Lagowski Page ThreeMemory and the Machine explains how everyday technology can be harnessed to help individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and was featured in the 2008 Baycrest Foundation Breakthroughs.Contd
7. Krystyna Lagowski Page SixBrain Food examined the facts and fallacies about diets that can help promote good brain health. It appeared in the 2009 Baycrest Foundation Breakthroughs.Contd
10. Krystyna Lagowski Page NineMind over Mood focused on the many benefits of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and appeared in the 2010 Baycrest Foundation Breakthroughs.Contd
13. Krystyna Lagowski Page TwelveThis profile of entrepreneur and philanthropist David Cynamon appeared in the 2009 Fall/Winter issue of the Baycrest Bulletin.
14. Krystyna Lagowski Page ThirteenWith the phenomenal success of Baycrest Foundation Breakthroughs, it was decided to merge the Foundation publication with Baycrest Centres Bulletin, and rename it Breakthroughs. This article about the therapeutic effects of mindful meditation appeared in Breakthroughs, Fall 2010.Contd