My name is Ardian Perdana Putra, or you can call me Ardee. I was born in Kampung Melayu, January 28, 1983. I finished my undergraduate studies in Biology ITB in October 2010 and a master's degree in Disaster Management UNHAN in May 2012.
I have various hobby and interests, especially related with arts and creativity. One of the most are photography and graphic design. I have been involved in the graphic design industry since 2003. Some of my works have been used by various companies, organizations and individuals.
I’m an INFP person, which is highly self-motivated as an [I]ntraverted, has a visionary futuristic view as an i[N]tuitive, empathic spirit as a [F]eeling, and I’m also a [P]erciever which make me an out-of-the-box thinker.
For correspondency, please call/text/Whatsapp me on +6282125788781, FB: ardianperdana or twitter: delcardino.
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Portfolio Ardian Perdana Putra 20150702
1. DesignPortfolio
? Web Design and Development
? Logo Creation
? Printed Publication
? Digital Image Manipulation
Address : Kapuk Rawa Gabus RT.
007/011, Cengkareng Jakbar
Phone : 082125788781
Email :
Weblog :
4. Web Design and Development
Web Portal Design Prototype for
PT. Naylal Moona Umroh
Web Portal Design and
Management for Indonesian Army
Batalyon (Yonif 323/Raider)
5. ? Official Website of Ganesha Publishing
House (,
? Official Website of Trixie Jaya
( , offline)
? Ardian Perdana Putra’s Personal Blog
(, offline)
? CV Ariega ( dan, offline)
? Dwi Arianto Nugroho’s Personal website
(, offline)
? Dept. Dukungan Aktivitas Mahasiswa PP
IA-ITB (, online)
? PT. Putra Utamatek website
(, online)
Web Design and Development
7. ? Layout and Artistic of Islamic Bulletin Al-Hayaat (Department of Biology –ITB,
2005) – Format: Mini Booklet, Size: A6, Number of Pages: 16
Printed Publication
8. ? Book Layout of ‘Key To The New World’ (Campaign Material of ‘Hatta Radjasa for
IA-ITB 2007-2012’)
Printed Publication
9. ? Catalogue Page & Poster of Ganesha Indomedia for Ganesha Entrepreneur Expo
2007 (IA ITB, Nov 2007)
Printed Publication
10. ? Book Cover for ‘Key To The New
World (Campaign Material of ‘Hatta
Radjasa for IA-ITB 2007-2012’)
? Book Cover for ‘SIGIT’ (Biography of
Alm. Sigit Firmansyah, ITB Student
Activist 2008)
Printed Publication