This document provides information about a family gathering event to take place on Sunday, February 22, 2015. It will include educational and interactive games led by a certified trainer, with benefits including gifts and creative documentation of the event. Pricing is provided for a half-day in-town event with 10 games for Rp 8,500,000 or a full-day out-of-town event with 15 games for Rp 11,500,000, excluding souvenirs, accommodations or transportation.
3. We was Here
Family Gathering
Sunday, February 22, 2015
4. Educative and Interactive games
Sunday, February 22, 2015
All Gifts from Us
Creative Documentation
+ =
Family Gathering
Certified Trainer
5. Half day event
In Town => Rp 8,500,000 (10 games)
(not include Souvenir)
Specifications & Pricing
Sunday, February 22, 2015
1. Games
2. Name Tag Peserta
3. Foto Dokumentasi
4. Obat-Obatan
5. Trainer (bukan instruktur)
Full day event
Out Town => Rp 11,500,000 (15 games)
(not include Souvenir, penginapan & transportasi)