OHHO Media to prężenie rozwijająca się, warszawska agencja kreatywna, działająca w obszarze mediów tradycyjnych i cyfrowych. Wykorzystując nowe technologie, specjalizujemy się w projektowaniu interaktywnym oraz identyfikacji wizualnej.
Zajmujemy siÄ™ tworzeniem unikatowych kreacji wizerunkowych. Analizujemy, opracowujemy i budujemy strategiÄ™ rozwoju marki.
Kampanie marketingowe - modele współpracy z klientem Krakweb
Współpraca Klient - Agencja naszymi oczami. Proponowane przez Krakweb modele współpracy z klientem przy prowadzeniu kampanii marketingowej w Internecie. Modele rozliczeń, podział odpowiedzialności.
This document summarizes the services offered by The Glitch, a digital marketing agency. They specialize in marrying strategy with technology to create digital stories and experiences for brands. Their services include creative and content development, e-commerce strategy, social media marketing, and integrated marketing campaigns. They have experience working with over 45 brands across various industries. The document provides examples of campaigns they have run, including interactive apps, command centers for events, and custom digital experiences.
MEA Digital is an analytics-focused agency with offices in San Diego and New York City. We help our clients bridge the gap between branding and performance marketing by optimizing their media mix, creative positioning, and budgets across strategically appropriate channels. As a result, we're able to connect what's meaningful to their customers with what's profitable for their businesses.
Credentialing is the process of verifying a practitioner's qualifications to participate in a healthcare organization. It involves primary source verification of licensure, education, training, experience and competence. Re-credentialing occurs every two years. There are three types of credentialing: primary source verification, centralized credentialing, and delegated credentialing which is performed by a third party organization. The credentialing process determines a practitioner's clinical privileges which specify the scope and limits of their approved practice within the organization. Privileges can have different statuses such as approved, temporary, emergency or have limitations. The goal of credentialing and privileging is to ensure quality care through oversight of practitioner competency.
eXo Digital Agency is a Digital Media Agency based in Jakarta. Serving local and international brands such as: L.A. Lights Streetball, Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Sentralive, Anker Beer, Electronic Arts, SCEE, Outspark and others with improving their BRAND image online.
Creative Sponge is a marketing agency that prides itself on its proactive approach and innovative solutions. It works closely with clients as an extension of their marketing team, providing strategic guidance and expertise. The agency has a proven track record of delivering successful marketing campaigns across various industries, as shown by its growing client list and portfolio of work.
This document summarizes the services provided by Certius, a company that helps international businesses assess opportunities and establish themselves in Iran. Certius offers comprehensive solutions to help clients enter the Iranian market, including performing market research, developing marketing and branding strategies, setting up distribution and sales networks, finding local partners, and providing legal and financial services. Certius works with a network of partner companies to ensure clients have access to specialized expertise in areas like human resources, tax, and auditing.
Our latest design brochure creds. Check out some of our client work here.
TEN Creative are an award winning design agency in Norwich, Norfolk UK. We work on design for print and digital media, ranging from websites and managed email campaigns to complete brand development via integrated marketing.
The document summarizes the services offered by LEAP, a creative agency based in Jakarta and Hong Kong. LEAP provides design, publishing, and interactive services including branding, publications, websites, and custom content management systems. They work with clients across various industries from finance to fitness. The document highlights sample projects in design, publishing, and interactive media to showcase LEAP's work.
Mix Digital is a full service digital marketing agency expertising in digital marketing strategy, social media marketing, web design & development, search marketing. We helps brand interacting sustainably with target audiences via digital platforms
The document discusses defining the relationship between an agency and its client. It emphasizes open communication, mutual respect, empowerment, and treating the agency as an extension of the client's internal team. The agency values smarts, egalitarianism, mentoring, trust, accountability, and making contributions to others' success. It also notes the importance of responsiveness, information flow, feedback, feeling part of the team, and making a visible difference.
Research and findings in Volume 1 revealed several key shifts in marketer/agency relationships and major discrepancies on topics such as: areas that brands and agencies believe are most valuable to clients, reasons clients walk away from agency relationships and the biggest talent shortfalls within client organizations. In this edition, we continue to explore some of those same findings, offering very different perspectives and lines of reasoning in an effort to challenge our own assumptions and improve our analysis of important industry issues.
For the full 2016 SoDA Report, Vol. 1, please visit www.sodareport.com.
*Please note that certain anchor links will only work if the publication is downloaded locally.
Credentialing is the process of verifying a practitioner's qualifications to participate in a healthcare organization. It involves primary source verification of licensure, education, training, experience and competence. Re-credentialing occurs every two years. There are three types of credentialing: primary source verification, centralized credentialing, and delegated credentialing which is performed by a third party organization. The credentialing process determines a practitioner's clinical privileges which specify the scope and limits of their approved practice within the organization. Privileges can have different statuses such as approved, temporary, emergency or have limitations. The goal of credentialing and privileging is to ensure quality care through oversight of practitioner competency.
eXo Digital Agency is a Digital Media Agency based in Jakarta. Serving local and international brands such as: L.A. Lights Streetball, Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Sentralive, Anker Beer, Electronic Arts, SCEE, Outspark and others with improving their BRAND image online.
Creative Sponge is a marketing agency that prides itself on its proactive approach and innovative solutions. It works closely with clients as an extension of their marketing team, providing strategic guidance and expertise. The agency has a proven track record of delivering successful marketing campaigns across various industries, as shown by its growing client list and portfolio of work.
This document summarizes the services provided by Certius, a company that helps international businesses assess opportunities and establish themselves in Iran. Certius offers comprehensive solutions to help clients enter the Iranian market, including performing market research, developing marketing and branding strategies, setting up distribution and sales networks, finding local partners, and providing legal and financial services. Certius works with a network of partner companies to ensure clients have access to specialized expertise in areas like human resources, tax, and auditing.
Our latest design brochure creds. Check out some of our client work here.
TEN Creative are an award winning design agency in Norwich, Norfolk UK. We work on design for print and digital media, ranging from websites and managed email campaigns to complete brand development via integrated marketing.
The document summarizes the services offered by LEAP, a creative agency based in Jakarta and Hong Kong. LEAP provides design, publishing, and interactive services including branding, publications, websites, and custom content management systems. They work with clients across various industries from finance to fitness. The document highlights sample projects in design, publishing, and interactive media to showcase LEAP's work.
Mix Digital is a full service digital marketing agency expertising in digital marketing strategy, social media marketing, web design & development, search marketing. We helps brand interacting sustainably with target audiences via digital platforms
The document discusses defining the relationship between an agency and its client. It emphasizes open communication, mutual respect, empowerment, and treating the agency as an extension of the client's internal team. The agency values smarts, egalitarianism, mentoring, trust, accountability, and making contributions to others' success. It also notes the importance of responsiveness, information flow, feedback, feeling part of the team, and making a visible difference.
Research and findings in Volume 1 revealed several key shifts in marketer/agency relationships and major discrepancies on topics such as: areas that brands and agencies believe are most valuable to clients, reasons clients walk away from agency relationships and the biggest talent shortfalls within client organizations. In this edition, we continue to explore some of those same findings, offering very different perspectives and lines of reasoning in an effort to challenge our own assumptions and improve our analysis of important industry issues.
For the full 2016 SoDA Report, Vol. 1, please visit www.sodareport.com.
*Please note that certain anchor links will only work if the publication is downloaded locally.
8. 2 Ogród przydomowy w stylu nowoczesnym Dom w nowoczesnym stylu zbudowano na bardzo wysokim cokole – wejście do domu i wjazd do garażu znajdują się na wysokości +60 cm w stosunku do poziomu gruntu. Z tego względu wokół domu zaprojektowano układ tarasów, wspartych murkami oporowymi. Cały ogród cechuje minimalizm i geometryczny układ elementów. Projekt w trakcie realizacji.
14. 3 Koncepcja ukształtowania terenu - ogród w Biernatkach Ogród charakteryzuje si ę spadkiem terenu w kierunku S-W. Wymaga zatem utworzenia tarasów wspartych murkami oporowymi.
16. Propozycja II – swobodne kształty murków oporowych
17. 4 Projekt koncepcyjny ogrodu przydomowego w Szczytnikach Projekt opracowano dla cz ęś ci działki wokół domu. Fragment, oznaczony jako zagajnik brzozowy, został przeznaczony do zagospodarowania w pó ź niejszym terminie. Z tego wzgl ę du zaprojektowano w niektórych miejscach wzdłu ż granicy działki w ą skie pasy ro ś lin, które w przyszło ś ci zostan ą zlikwidowane, a w ich miejscu powstan ą przejścia, ł ą cz ą ce obie cz ęś ci ogrodu w cało ść kompozycyjn ą .
19. 5 Projekt koncepcyjny ogrodu w stylu japo ń skim Ogród o bardzo małej powierzchni został na ż yczenie klientki wystylizowany na ogród japoński. Projekt został zrealizowany w listopadzie 2009 roku.
21. 6 Projekt koncepcyjny wypoczynkowego ogródka działkowego Działka o powierzchni 300 m2 znajduje si ę na terenie Pracowniczych Ogródków Działkowych w Poznaniu. Zieleń zaprojektowano w taki sposób, aby tworzyła naturaln ą zasłon ę przed wzrokiem ciekawskich s ą siadów, ale nie pozbawiała ogrodu przestrzeni. Projekt w trakcie realizacji.
23. 6 Projekt niewielkiego ogrodu przy szeregowcu Ogródek przy szeregowcu ma wymiary 6 x 15 metrów. Na ż yczenie klientki zaprojektowano wgł ę bnik, obsadzony wokół ro ś linami. Ma on zapewnić mieszkańcom szeregowca odrobin ę prywatno ś ci. Projekt w trakcie realizacji.