The document provides tips and resources for students to discover their passion, network effectively, tell their story, and find their dream job. It recommends visiting advising centers, attending info sessions, doing assessments and workshops to discover passion. It also suggests creating Handshake and LinkedIn accounts, networking videos, and practice interviews to network effectively. Students should have their resume reviewed and upload it to Portfolium. The document provides Portfolium adoption rates by major and class at BYU-Idaho and notes implementation phases include students, employers, and alumni.
2. Discover Your Passion
• Visit the Career and Academic Advising Center and
take a personality or strengths assessment
• Attend an employer information session
• Go to a career workshop
3. Network Effectively
• Create your Hand Shake account
• Have your LinkedIn profile reviewed by the
Career Networking Center
• Watch the Networking 101 video
• Find and Connect with Alumni Professionals
4. • Have your resume reviewed and upload it on
• Watch the Christopher Galbraith’s second P2B talk on
• Do a practice interview at the Career Networking
Tell Your Story
5. Your Dream Job The only way to do great work is
to love what you do. If you
haven't found it yet, keep
looking. Don't settle. As with all
matters of the heart, you'll know
when you find it.
-- Steve Jobs
27. Portfolium Adoption Rates
BYU-Idaho Students (Level-Zero Tool)
• 15,818 (September 2018)
Top Users by Major/Department
1. Business Management (2,019 of 8,704)
2. General Studies (1,246 of 6,759)
3. Marriage & Family Studies (963 of 3,754)
4. Public Health (883 of 3,316)
5. Computer information Technology (499 of 1,534)
Users by Class
Freshman 3,451 (32.5%)
Sophomore 2,359 (22.6%)
Junior 3,163 (24.6%)
Senior 3,3019 (22.8%)