Porting an iOS app to Android is not a solution for lack of downloads or marketing problems, and should only be considered after an app has reached 100-250 million downloads and triggered medium-sized funding. To successfully port an app, managers must provide Android developers with assets like images and design documents from the iOS version, as well as access to the original iOS developers and designers for feedback, rather than just expecting a port to fix underlying issues.
2. Ports do not Fix Marketing
Capitalization Venture Funding triggers usually
at 100 Million to 250 Million dowwnloads
Lack of downloads is a marketing and UI set of
problems, NOT A Porting Solution
A correct UseCase for porting is when the
number of downloads has triggered a medium
sized funding round
3. Proper Resources for the Android
Image assets of the iOS edition application
UML diagrams of the business logic of the iOS
Full question and feedback access to the actual
iOS application developer
Full question and feedback to the deesign or
creative lead
4. Conclusion
To get a successful port from iOS to Android,
You as the Manager should strive to implement
the suggestions in the previous two slides.
Listening to the Android Developer instead of
the sounds just passing through an empty
braincase helps you win as a Manager.