This document outlines the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act of 2013 in India. It was created to prevent, prohibit, and address sexual harassment at workplaces with 10 or more employees. Key points include:
- It was passed in 2013 and is based on previous Vishakha Guidelines from 1997 that first defined sexual harassment and established women's rights in the workplace.
- It applies to all women engaged in any work and covers both organized and unorganized sectors.
- Employers must create Internal Complaints Committees to address sexual harassment complaints and ensure women's safety and protection at work.
This 3 sentence summary provides the high level information about the document:
The document outlines the process for drafting a policy on the prevention of sexual harassment (POSH) in the workplace. It defines key terms, establishes an internal complaints committee and complaint resolution process, including conducting inquiries and providing interim relief. The process aims to effectively deal with complaints in a fair and unbiased manner in accordance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act.
Ritu recently joined a company and Parvez was assigned as her trainer. After her training ended, Ritu joined Parvez's team. Parvez repeatedly asked Ritu to have lunch, which she initially accepted, but as her workload increased she declined his invitations. However, Parvez continued asking her to lunch through messages and emails despite her declining his previous offers.
Comprehensive Understanding of the POSH Act, 2013Neha Shrimali
This course is designed to provide a deep understanding of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act, 2013, aimed at fostering a safe and inclusive workplace environment. Through an engaging presentation, participants will learn about the legal framework, obligations, and practical strategies to address and prevent sexual harassment at the workplace.
Key Highlights:
Overview of the POSH Act, 2013
Importance and objectives of the Act.
Understanding sexual harassment and its implications.
Roles and Responsibilities
Role of Employers and the Internal Committee (IC).
Responsibilities of employees in creating a harassment-free environment.
Building Awareness
Recognizing inappropriate behavior.
Reporting mechanisms and maintaining confidentiality.
Redressal Mechanisms
Structuring the IC and its functions.
Investigative procedures and handling complaints effectively.
Best Practices for Prevention
Workplace policies and awareness programs.
Promoting gender sensitivity and inclusivity.
Learning Outcomes:
Gain clarity on the legal aspects of the POSH Act, 2013.
Understand the process of addressing complaints and preventing harassment.
Learn how to create and sustain a respectful workplace culture.
Target Audience:
This course is ideal for HR professionals, IC members, managers, employees, and organizational leaders committed to promoting workplace safety and compliance.
The course will include an interactive presentation, case studies, group discussions, and actionable insights to enhance understanding and implementation.
Empower your team to create a safer, more inclusive workplace with this essential training on the POSH Act, 2013.
The Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) at Workplace Act of India PPTmpavi257
POSH Act, 2013
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 (also referred to as the POSH Act) came into existence in 2013. It has its foundations in the Vishaka Guidelines, and establishes a mechanism for dealing with sexual harassment complaints in the workplace.The Company is also committed to promote a work environment that is conducive to the professional growth of its employees and encourages equality of opportunity.
The Company will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment and is committed to take all necessary steps to ensure that its employees are not subjected to any form of harassment.
This policy applies to all categories of employees of the Company including permanent, temporaries, trainees and employees on contract at Company Premises. This policy is also equally applicable for all employees irrespective of their position - managerial or sub- ordinates.
Sexual harassment may be one or a series of incidents involving unsolicited and unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature (irrespective of gender).
Sexual Harassment includes
Any unwelcome sexually determined behavior (direct or implied) such as physical contact and advances (verbal, written or physical)
Unwelcome communications or invitations
Demand or request for sexual favors
Sexually cultured remarks
Showing pornography
Creating a hostile work environment and any other unwelcome sexually determined behavior (physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct) of a sexual nature.
Anyother type ofsexually-oriented conduct, verbalabuse or joking that is sex-oriented
Transmitting/posting emails, texts, or pictures of a sexual nature through office or personal equipment
Intrusive personal questions about sexual activity
The document provides information on preventing sexual harassment in the workplace under Indian law. It defines sexual harassment, outlines what behavior constitutes harassment, and discusses the legal protections and complaint process. Unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile work environment is considered sexual harassment. Employers are responsible for preventing harassment and protecting employees who make complaints.
The document discusses sexual harassment in the workplace. It defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment. There are two main types of sexual harassment: quid pro quo, where submission to sexual conduct is required for job benefits, and hostile work environment, involving offensive comments and behaviors. Sexual harassment includes physical contact, abusive sounds, sexually colored remarks, stalking, vulgar jokes, demands for sexual favors, and other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. The purpose is to understand what constitutes sexual harassment and how to file complaints.
The document discusses the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, also known as the POSH Act. It aims to prevent and address sexual harassment against women at work. The key points are:
1) The POSH Act applies to all employers in India regardless of number of employees, gender, industry, or legal status. It covers all types of workplaces both private and public.
2) Sexual harassment can take the form of quid pro quo harassment or creating a hostile work environment.
3) Every workplace with 10 or more employees must form an Internal Complaints Committee to address complaints. Districts must also have a
Indian Law on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace - 2013Sukanya Patwardhan
This presentation gives a brief overview of the recently enacted law on the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace. If you want this presentation please send me a mail with your name and the purpose to receive this ppt.
Safety of women is of utmost importance in our society, be it personal space or professionalspace. To ensure their safety, it is vital to make them aware of their vulnerability to sexualharassment in their surroundings.
Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 has beenframed and put to operations on 9th December, 2013 to safeguard women at workplace.
However, a large chunk of Government and private workforce is still in the dark about theprovisions and effectiveness of the statute. It is more likely that when the problem is notaddressed, the harassment will get worse resulting in attrition of women workforce and manyother negative impacts.
There have also been scenarios where despite men being innocent, have been booked underPOSH by women just to satisfy of their personal vendetta.
IC Members should be given a thoroughunderstanding of redressal process and hence theyshould be well equipped with the knowledge of the said law.
This document provides information about preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. It defines sexual harassment and what constitutes inappropriate behavior. It outlines the responsibilities of employers and district officers to create policies against harassment and establish complaints committees. Workplace is defined broadly to include both organized and unorganized sectors. Impacts of harassment can be professional, such as decreased performance, and personal, including stress and low self-esteem. The document explains the forms harassment can take and behaviors that do not qualify. Responsibilities of authorities and requirements for internal and local complaints committees are also summarized.
The document provides information about sexual harassment policies and procedures for employees. It defines sexual harassment, outlines what behavior is considered harassment and what is not, discusses implications of harassment, and instructs employees to report any concerns to the company's Internal Complaints Committee. The purpose is to ensure employees understand their legal obligations regarding harassment and know the proper steps to take if an issue arises.
The document summarizes the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 in India. It defines key terms like employee, employer, workplace and sexual harassment. It outlines the process for filing complaints and conducting inquiries through internal complaints committees. The duties of employers include providing a safe work environment, training programs, and treating harassment as misconduct. Non-compliance can result in fines up to INR 50,000 or business closure. The goal of the law is to protect women from sexual harassment and ensure an enabling work environment.
Sexual Harassment Of Women At Workplace Act'2013 ; Prepared by RameshKumar,HRRamesh Kumar
Latest update including the recent amendments with detailed notes explains what, why and how to implement in workforce. Create anti- sexual harassment policy
This presentation talks about the Prevention Of Sexual Harassment Act (POSHA), and tells you as an employer what are the compliance you need to make sure, in-terms of forming an ICC or LCC etc.,
Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace in IndiaAdv Rajasekharan
The presentation provides an overview of "the Provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act" & its rules.
The law came into force on 9th December 2013, replacing Supreme Court's Vishaka Guidelines 1977. (Updated this presentation on 22 April 2014).
This document provides training on the prevention of sexual harassment (POSH) at an organization. It defines sexual harassment and the different types, including quid pro quo, hostile work environment, verbal, physical, and non-verbal harassment. It outlines legal authorities and regulations, common misconceptions, possible effects, responsibilities of management and individuals, and ways to prevent harassment. The training aims to refresh understanding of what constitutes harassment and help recognize and accept roles and responsibilities in preventing a hostile work environment.
The document provides an overview of sexual harassment prevention training. It defines sexual harassment and gives examples of blatant and pervasive harassment. It emphasizes that harassment can be unintentional and discusses how to avoid accidental harassment through appropriate workplace behavior and following company policies. Employees are advised to report any unwelcome conduct and not ignore potential issues.
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013 (POSH Act)CS Jigar Shah
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 or POSH Act protects women from sexual harassment at the workplace. It requires employers with 10 or more employees to form an internal committee to investigate complaints. The committee must include a presiding officer and members from the organization as well as an outside expert. Employers who do not comply with the POSH Act can face fines up to 50,000 rupees. The Act aims to provide a safe work environment free of sexual harassment.
The law has been passed in order to protect the women from sexual harassment and help her have a safe working environment.
The ACT is meant to save women only unlike in other countries where they have sexual harassment ACT to protect all. We think a lot of improvements need to be taken care in the act. It is more like the beta version.
The Act puts additional burden on the employer. Non compliance of the act shall attract monetary penalty and might even lead to closure of business.
Do read the our views slide on the last page.
There are numerous associations that are exclusively founded on preparing organisations against individuals with predatory workplace behaviour. Preparing and workshops to form corporates PoSH agreeable. Yet, the essential point here is, are those workshops or preparing really leaving an impact on the disposition of representatives? Do the workshop modules depict the truth of Sexual Harassment? There are rare kinds of people that aren't kidding about really making the work environments safer for ladies representatives.
Sexual harassment in the workplace - how to recognize it, establishing procedures to report it, and how to prevent it.
Sexual harassment at the workplace remains a serious problem, with studies finding that 40-90% of women have experienced some form of it. It includes unwelcome sexual behavior that creates a hostile environment. While laws and guidelines exist, many victims still do not report it due to fear and lack of awareness of policies and support structures. Continued efforts are needed to address the issue and protect worker rights and dignity.
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. How to deal with diversity at workplace. Conducting enquiry in compliant cases. Equitable justice. Vishaka Judgement and development thereafter.
This document provides an overview of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act (POSH) of 2013 in India. It defines key terms like sexual harassment, workplace, aggrieved woman, and explains the salient features of the POSH law. It discusses the background and need for the law, as well as complaint filing process and rights of complainants and respondents. The document also presents examples of sexual harassment and responsibilities of Internal Complaints Committees in investigating complaints.
Restrictive interpretation is油the process of determining the meaning of something
Interpretation is limited by certain rules or principles, and cannot be expanded beyond them
Avoids any broad or extended meanings
Restrictive construction refers to interpreting a legal text strictly and narrowly, limiting its meaning to what is explicitly stated, without assuming any implied meanings
Commonly applied in penal statutes, tax laws, and constitutional provisions to prevent judicial overreach. Concerns about judicial overreach when laws are interpreted broadly.
Challenges in statutory clarity, leading to debates on legislative intent.
Potential injustice if laws are interpreted too narrowly, leading to unintended consequences
While its true that the quote, Lets kill all the lawyers came from the stroke of Shakespeares pen in Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2, there are many things that we, as lawyers, can learn from the Bard. Remarkably, the lawyer who stands before a jury finds himself in the very same position as that of a Shakespearean actor: he or she must rely exclusively on their words, their voice, and their bodies, including their gestures and their mannerisms, to tell the story.
It should come as no surprise that audiences back in Shakespeares day had a sharp ear for listening. However, in todays age of smart phones, electronic devices, and short attention spans, everything about progress has taken us further and further away from being expressive with our words. Look no further than hashtags, emojis, and text messages with abbreviated words that we need our kids to help us decipher.
In the twenty-first century, we face the challenge of marrying the Elizabethan tradition with our modern tradition. In marrying these two traditions, this presentation will extend beyond the Bard and explore those techniques used by great wordsmiths from songwriters to storytellers and orators whose voices and words resonate with truth. Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride.
The document discusses the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, also known as the POSH Act. It aims to prevent and address sexual harassment against women at work. The key points are:
1) The POSH Act applies to all employers in India regardless of number of employees, gender, industry, or legal status. It covers all types of workplaces both private and public.
2) Sexual harassment can take the form of quid pro quo harassment or creating a hostile work environment.
3) Every workplace with 10 or more employees must form an Internal Complaints Committee to address complaints. Districts must also have a
Indian Law on Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace - 2013Sukanya Patwardhan
This presentation gives a brief overview of the recently enacted law on the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace. If you want this presentation please send me a mail with your name and the purpose to receive this ppt.
Safety of women is of utmost importance in our society, be it personal space or professionalspace. To ensure their safety, it is vital to make them aware of their vulnerability to sexualharassment in their surroundings.
Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 has beenframed and put to operations on 9th December, 2013 to safeguard women at workplace.
However, a large chunk of Government and private workforce is still in the dark about theprovisions and effectiveness of the statute. It is more likely that when the problem is notaddressed, the harassment will get worse resulting in attrition of women workforce and manyother negative impacts.
There have also been scenarios where despite men being innocent, have been booked underPOSH by women just to satisfy of their personal vendetta.
IC Members should be given a thoroughunderstanding of redressal process and hence theyshould be well equipped with the knowledge of the said law.
This document provides information about preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. It defines sexual harassment and what constitutes inappropriate behavior. It outlines the responsibilities of employers and district officers to create policies against harassment and establish complaints committees. Workplace is defined broadly to include both organized and unorganized sectors. Impacts of harassment can be professional, such as decreased performance, and personal, including stress and low self-esteem. The document explains the forms harassment can take and behaviors that do not qualify. Responsibilities of authorities and requirements for internal and local complaints committees are also summarized.
The document provides information about sexual harassment policies and procedures for employees. It defines sexual harassment, outlines what behavior is considered harassment and what is not, discusses implications of harassment, and instructs employees to report any concerns to the company's Internal Complaints Committee. The purpose is to ensure employees understand their legal obligations regarding harassment and know the proper steps to take if an issue arises.
The document summarizes the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 in India. It defines key terms like employee, employer, workplace and sexual harassment. It outlines the process for filing complaints and conducting inquiries through internal complaints committees. The duties of employers include providing a safe work environment, training programs, and treating harassment as misconduct. Non-compliance can result in fines up to INR 50,000 or business closure. The goal of the law is to protect women from sexual harassment and ensure an enabling work environment.
Sexual Harassment Of Women At Workplace Act'2013 ; Prepared by RameshKumar,HRRamesh Kumar
Latest update including the recent amendments with detailed notes explains what, why and how to implement in workforce. Create anti- sexual harassment policy
This presentation talks about the Prevention Of Sexual Harassment Act (POSHA), and tells you as an employer what are the compliance you need to make sure, in-terms of forming an ICC or LCC etc.,
Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace in IndiaAdv Rajasekharan
The presentation provides an overview of "the Provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act" & its rules.
The law came into force on 9th December 2013, replacing Supreme Court's Vishaka Guidelines 1977. (Updated this presentation on 22 April 2014).
This document provides training on the prevention of sexual harassment (POSH) at an organization. It defines sexual harassment and the different types, including quid pro quo, hostile work environment, verbal, physical, and non-verbal harassment. It outlines legal authorities and regulations, common misconceptions, possible effects, responsibilities of management and individuals, and ways to prevent harassment. The training aims to refresh understanding of what constitutes harassment and help recognize and accept roles and responsibilities in preventing a hostile work environment.
The document provides an overview of sexual harassment prevention training. It defines sexual harassment and gives examples of blatant and pervasive harassment. It emphasizes that harassment can be unintentional and discusses how to avoid accidental harassment through appropriate workplace behavior and following company policies. Employees are advised to report any unwelcome conduct and not ignore potential issues.
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013 (POSH Act)CS Jigar Shah
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 or POSH Act protects women from sexual harassment at the workplace. It requires employers with 10 or more employees to form an internal committee to investigate complaints. The committee must include a presiding officer and members from the organization as well as an outside expert. Employers who do not comply with the POSH Act can face fines up to 50,000 rupees. The Act aims to provide a safe work environment free of sexual harassment.
The law has been passed in order to protect the women from sexual harassment and help her have a safe working environment.
The ACT is meant to save women only unlike in other countries where they have sexual harassment ACT to protect all. We think a lot of improvements need to be taken care in the act. It is more like the beta version.
The Act puts additional burden on the employer. Non compliance of the act shall attract monetary penalty and might even lead to closure of business.
Do read the our views slide on the last page.
There are numerous associations that are exclusively founded on preparing organisations against individuals with predatory workplace behaviour. Preparing and workshops to form corporates PoSH agreeable. Yet, the essential point here is, are those workshops or preparing really leaving an impact on the disposition of representatives? Do the workshop modules depict the truth of Sexual Harassment? There are rare kinds of people that aren't kidding about really making the work environments safer for ladies representatives.
Sexual harassment in the workplace - how to recognize it, establishing procedures to report it, and how to prevent it.
Sexual harassment at the workplace remains a serious problem, with studies finding that 40-90% of women have experienced some form of it. It includes unwelcome sexual behavior that creates a hostile environment. While laws and guidelines exist, many victims still do not report it due to fear and lack of awareness of policies and support structures. Continued efforts are needed to address the issue and protect worker rights and dignity.
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. How to deal with diversity at workplace. Conducting enquiry in compliant cases. Equitable justice. Vishaka Judgement and development thereafter.
This document provides an overview of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act (POSH) of 2013 in India. It defines key terms like sexual harassment, workplace, aggrieved woman, and explains the salient features of the POSH law. It discusses the background and need for the law, as well as complaint filing process and rights of complainants and respondents. The document also presents examples of sexual harassment and responsibilities of Internal Complaints Committees in investigating complaints.
Restrictive interpretation is油the process of determining the meaning of something
Interpretation is limited by certain rules or principles, and cannot be expanded beyond them
Avoids any broad or extended meanings
Restrictive construction refers to interpreting a legal text strictly and narrowly, limiting its meaning to what is explicitly stated, without assuming any implied meanings
Commonly applied in penal statutes, tax laws, and constitutional provisions to prevent judicial overreach. Concerns about judicial overreach when laws are interpreted broadly.
Challenges in statutory clarity, leading to debates on legislative intent.
Potential injustice if laws are interpreted too narrowly, leading to unintended consequences
While its true that the quote, Lets kill all the lawyers came from the stroke of Shakespeares pen in Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2, there are many things that we, as lawyers, can learn from the Bard. Remarkably, the lawyer who stands before a jury finds himself in the very same position as that of a Shakespearean actor: he or she must rely exclusively on their words, their voice, and their bodies, including their gestures and their mannerisms, to tell the story.
It should come as no surprise that audiences back in Shakespeares day had a sharp ear for listening. However, in todays age of smart phones, electronic devices, and short attention spans, everything about progress has taken us further and further away from being expressive with our words. Look no further than hashtags, emojis, and text messages with abbreviated words that we need our kids to help us decipher.
In the twenty-first century, we face the challenge of marrying the Elizabethan tradition with our modern tradition. In marrying these two traditions, this presentation will extend beyond the Bard and explore those techniques used by great wordsmiths from songwriters to storytellers and orators whose voices and words resonate with truth. Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride.
Murder defence cases require strategic legal expertise, thorough investigations, and a deep understanding of criminal law. Criminal attorneys play a vital role in ensuring accused individuals receive a fair trial, protecting their rights throughout the process.
2024's Top Legal Minds Influential Leaders in Law.pdfCIO Look Magazine
Rafael Soares, the CEO of Fluid HR is a seasoned lawyer with over a decade of experience and has dedicated his career to reshaping the legal field through technology.
Companies that have successfully transformed their environment with Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) guidelines have adhered to the POSH Act 2013 and other relevant workplace harassment laws.
Role of Atlanta Car Accident Attorneys in Securing JusticePeach Firm
Looking for experienced car accident attorneys in Atlanta, Georgia? If yes, contact Peach Firm. Our skilled legal team is dedicated to helping you secure the compensation you deserve. Our expert attorneys are here to fight for your rights and ensure you receive the justice and compensation you need.
Why Hybrid and Fully Remote Law Firms Are More Profitablejohn823664
In this presentation, we explore how hybrid and fully remote law firms are reshaping the legal industry, offering unparalleled profitability, flexibility, and a competitive edge. From cost savings to accessing a global talent pool, hybrid and remote work models are not only the future of law firms but also a strategic move for growth and success.
Learn about the key benefits of adopting these models, including improved work-life balance for attorneys, enhanced client service, and reduced overhead costs. We also dive into how is playing a pivotal role in helping law firms navigate this transformation, providing access to pre-vetted legal talent, ensuring compliance, and streamlining recruitment processes.
This presentation provides valuable insights on how law firms can embrace the future of work, enhance productivity, and remain competitive in the evolving legal market.
Take the next step to unlock your law firm's potential with hybrid and remote work models, powered by
Key Topics Covered:
Benefits of hybrid and remote work for law firms
Cost savings and increased profitability
How to access a global legal talent pool
Enhancing client service and retaining top talent
Solutions to common challenges in hybrid and remote law firms
How supports law firms in this transition
Start transforming your law firm today!
Posh - report,responibilities, and Reportingteeamm003
The POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) Act, 2013, is a landmark legislation designed to protect employees, particularly women, from workplace harassment while upholding their right to dignity and safety.
This ebook provides a comprehensive exploration of the theme of perfectionism, the inner critic, and the importance of being present in both personal and professional contexts, particularly in legal settings.
1. Silencing the Inner Critic: We begin with a focus on freeing oneself from self-judgment and the judgment of others. I emphasize the importance of slowing down racing thoughts and acknowledging that worrying does not alter the past, nor does it change the future.
2. Perfectionism: I discuss the concept of perfectionism and how it is not only unattainable but also uninteresting. I suggest that audiences are drawn to authenticity rather than flawless performances. The idea is reinforced with examples, such as how mistakes can lead to valuable outcomes. Being human is inherently messy and striving for perfection often stems from past criticism and fear of judgment.
3. Cultural Obsession with Perfection: I discuss society's obsession with perfection, from social media selfies to curated appearances, and the stifling nature of this pursuit on creativity.
4. Authenticity in Legal Practice: I share personal insights from my experience in law, noting that imperfections in presentations can enhance authenticity and resonate more deeply with jurors. The lessons learned suggest that genuine emotion and real-life experiences are more impactful than polished performances.
5. The Power of Words: The significance of words is highlighted, particularly in the courtroom, where they can evoke strong emotions and influence the jury's perception. The balance between passion in advocacy and careful word choice is emphasized, as well as the necessity of being mindful of the energy and emotions conveyed through words.
6. Engaging the Jury: I discuss the dynamics of jury interaction, emphasizing that jurors desire a captivating experience and are often rooting for the lawyer to engage them. Strategies for empowering the jury and acknowledging their role in the courtroom are suggested to foster goodwill and enhance the overall trial experience.
7. Being Present: A significant portion of the presentation focuses on the importance of being present in the moment. Individuals spend a considerable part of their day lost in thoughts of the past or future, leading to stress and anxiety. I encourage mindfulness practices, such as meditation, to cultivate a non-judgmental mind and improve focus on the present.
8. Managing Thoughts and Expectations: Techniques for managing thoughts and expectations are discussed, including the idea of viewing thoughts as passing cars rather than allowing them to derail focus. The importance of setting realistic expectations and being adaptable in the face of objections during legal proceedings is highlighted.
9. Final Thoughts: I conclude with a call to embrace the present moment fully, suggesting that true freedom and spontaneity arise from engaging fully with life as it unfolds.
The Government of India released the DPDP Act in Aug 2023.
The related rules were released in Jan 2025 and the feedback was solicited from all the stakeholders .This is a feedback on the proposed DPDP Rules
It's The Little Things: Observations on Curiosity, Connection, and Courage .pdfJack Pringle
A lawyers professional obligations, including diligence (Rule 1.3), communication (Rule 1.4), confidentiality (Rule 1.6), safeguarding property (Rule 1.15), place significant duties on attorneys, and require constant attention and vigilance.
At the same time, the dizzying ways in which communications and technology tools are changing the way lawyers and their clients work make maintaining competence (Rule 1.1) a constant learning challenge and a continuous work in progress.
And when new computer technologies, growing caseloads, budget constraints, and new competitors force changes in the way we do our jobs, some of the tools that have served us well in the past may fall a little short. Without sufficient mental clarity, cognitive function, and energy, maintaining professional competence, client service, and keeping pace with change can be a tall order.
As a result, managing change when the new becomes the normal can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, too many of us react to the distresses of our professional and personal challenges by isolating ourselves and turning to unhealthy and dangerous actions and habits.
This presentation offers a little bit of perspective on some of the reasons the jobs we do often make us more susceptible to isolation and destructive behaviors, argues that a healthy mind is a crucial tool for anyone navigating change and uncertainty, and offers some practical strategies for surviving- and hopefully thriving- in an uncertain world. A healthy lawyer has the tools to satisfy her professional obligations
This presentation will also address some of the cognitive biases (reasoning flaws) that may affect not only legal decision-making processes, but health and well-being choices. By learning to be aware of cognitive bias and the way it may influence our thoughts and actions, we can improve our decisionmaking process- and hopefully our choices.
Agency - Definition - Requisites Kinds - Creation of Agency - Rights and duties of agent. Delegation, scope of agents authority, relaxation of principal with third parties - Position of principal and agent in relation to third parties - Personal liability of agent - Termination of agency Identification of different kinds of agency transactions in day to day life in the commercial world; Liability of the principal for acts of the agent including misconduct and tort of the agent Liability of the agent towards the principal. Personal liability towards the parties - Methods of termination of agency contract - Liability of the principal and agent before and after such termination.
How to Get Post-Graduation Work Permit in Canadadavydovandrews
This presentation provides an in-depth guide on obtaining a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) and the importance of certified translation services for documentation in Canada
The Importance of Intellectual Property Law in Business.pdfLexisNexisStore
Intellectual Property (IP) law plays a vital role in protecting business innovations, brand identity, and creative assets. This presentation explores the different types of IPpatents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secretsand how legal frameworks help businesses secure exclusive rights, prevent infringement, and maintain a competitive advantage. It also highlights the risks of not protecting IP, the enforcement of IP laws, and best practices for safeguarding intellectual assets. Additionally, the session covers emerging trends such as AI, blockchain, and digital content in IP law. Understanding and leveraging IP law effectively can help businesses enhance their market position, generate revenue, and ensure long-term success.