Patrika has clinched the number 1 spot for news daily in Madhya Pradesh, according to the IRS 2013. Patrika saw a massive increase of 24.82 lakhs new readers, giving it a total average readership of 43.26 lakhs, which is 9.01 lakhs more than its closest competitor DB Corp. Patrika holds strong readership positions among both male and female readers as well as in urban and rural areas of Madhya Pradesh.
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1. Patrika clinches No. 1 spot in Madhya Pradesh
Patrika is No.1 news daily in MP: IRS 2013
Patrika snatches the No. 1 spot in MP: IRS 2013
The second largest Indian state, Madhya Pradesh has been one of the least developed states in the
country due to a large tribal population. It is the 6th most-populated state, with a population of 7.5
crores. Madhya Pradesh is also known as "heart of India" as it is located in the central part of the
country. While Bhopal is the capital of this state, commercial hub Indore is its largest city. Apart from
these two cities, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Ujjian and Sagar are some of the important cities of MP.
The 'heart of India' consists 51 districts which are divided into 10 divisions. The state is rich in mineral
resource and is also the largest reserves of diamond and copper in the country. In 2010 11, the MP
was awarded by the National Tourism Awards for registering a huge growth in the number of tourists
visiting this state.
Being the center point of Hindi heartland, a wide range of Hindi dailies are published in MP with
'Patrika' being on the leadership position. The newspaper industry of the state has been through a major
turn around in past few years with Patrika achieving an absolute leadership position within 6 years of
its launch in the state.
The rapidly growing Hindi news daily Patrika has toppled the leader of 69 years with sublime quality
and authenticity of its content and a concern to the common people's life. As per the Indian Readership
Survey 2013 (the largest continuous readership research study in the world), Patrika stood at No. 1
position in the state with a total average issued readership of 43.26 lakhs, which is 9.01 lakhs more than
its closest competitor DB Corp.
Patrika is the fastest growing Hindi newspaper in MP with a massive increase of 24.82 lakhs in the
number of readers as compared to the last year. It is the leading newspaper in Bhopal and Jabalpur,
whereas lacking behind with a marginal difference in Indore and Gwalior.
Patrika holds very strong position amongn both male and female readers with 27.27 lakhs and 16 lakhs
average issued readership respectively, as compared to DB Corp's 26.90 lakhs male and 13.04 lakhs
female readers in the state. Patrika holds a massive reader base in both urban and rural areas of MP
with an average issued readership of 18.12 lakh in rural and 25.14 lakh in urban segment.