Creating a Scrum team it is not an easy task, mainly when the participants comes from projects that they are used to perform traditional software development processes where most of team members participate just executing orders dictated by a strong plan and huge schedule. Creating a Scrum team from scratch requires a lot of coaching at the beginning and patience to wait team speed up, as one of the most valuable foundations is the culture of self management and the strong team member collaboration. The Positive Influence Degree framework was created to breach the cultural barrier of team members used to the traditional software development, helping project managers to create strong Scrum teams with less effort, risk and obstacles. This easy to use framework has helped one of the biggest IT consulting companies of Brazil ramping up from scratch at least four Scrum teams and one traditional one in three different projects in the last nine months.
2. The Author
Eros Silva is Scrum master, specialist in Software Engineering, by
Federal University of Pernambuco (ETFPE), and has been working with
Scrum since 2006. Eros is high experienced leading teams, 10 years old
experienced, including not just only IT teams, but cross functional ones.
Eros Silva plays the manager role In Accenture Brazil and is currently
running a program in Nokia Brazil, an outsourcing with two projects, and
a program in Natura Brazil with 4 projects all projects using Scrum.
3. Objective
Provide an overview about what is
the Positive Influence Degree
framework and how to apply it to
create a collaborative team
4. Motivation
The Game
Key Metrics
Recognition and Rewarding
Next Steps
5. Motivation
Rating an individual is hard process;
Scrum teams are supposed as self manager. Why totally exclude the
rating process ?
Only Manager Vision (OMV) Factor ;
Build a Scrum team with team members with a old vision of
software engineering/management it is a hard process;
Once Ive made my part it is done
How to easily measure proactivity, collaboration and reward it?
Key skills of a Scrum team member;
6. Motivation
Is the premise about a Scrum team must be built with more
skilled/experienced professional truth?
What the is the best Scrum team formation?
Please consider experience and technical skill;
It is hard having a team composed by just high experienced members;
The most common scenario is having a mix;
As Scrum Master, the show it is just that!
Making professionals collaborating ASAP is the second step;
7. Motivation
The Game
Key Metrics
Recognition and Rewarding
Next Steps
8. Introduction
The main point is letting each team member choosing
the person that has most positively influenced him
considering a pre-determined time box;
The process is characterized by visual and mutual
recognition using a board and quick ceremonies;
9. Introduction
Motivate mutual recognition and build a more proactive and
collaborative team;
The deadline to smoothly build the collaborative culture it is the third
working week;
Other objectives:
Motivate the team including it into feedback process;
Avoid having just the Manager vision;
An easy way to reward the team and individuals identifying who most
positively influences the colleagues;
Improve the team communication;
Improve team self esteem;
10. Introduction
Key Concepts
The framework is quite simple and composed by games;
The main point is letting team members point out who has most
positively influenced during a pre-determined time box;
Reward the team and individuals based on the team perspective;
The team; The Scrum team
Act over other team members to positively
The influencer: influence somehow
Who has received the positive influence
The influenced; from somebody (influencer actor)
Just a facilitator and a silent watcher
the Manager:
11. Introduction
Key Concepts
What is proactivity?
Positive influence
What is Proactivity ? Team building
Positive Positive
attitudes behaviour
13. Introduction
Key Concepts PI identification
It must be always an individual initiative that helped other team
member or the company to achieve the results;
It could also be an really individual important achievement or an
strong individual effort in order to make better something;
It is really important the initiative has impacted
positively the company/team directly or in an
indirect way.
14. Introduction
Key Concepts - PI identification
PI examples:
A hand when someone is delayed;
An article send that helped someone performing the job faster or better;
A training or workshop presented to the team;
An relevant achievement that helped the company/team;
A enhancement of individual or team productivity by applying some tool,
methodology or process;
An explanation of some technical/methodology that helped someone to
better perform some activity;
A problem anticipation that has saved time or has increased the quality;
15. Introduction
Key Concepts - Metric
Both two metrics are based on Positive Influence Point (PIP)
It is the positive influence identification (one stick on the board)
Team Metric: Team classification;
Individual Metric: Individual classification based on a Objective (PIO)
16. Motivation
The Game
Key Metrics
Recognition and Rewarding
Next Steps
17. The Game
2 games with the following rules:
Being visual cognitive: the team must be visually connected or sometimes
closed in a circle;
Being quick, efficient and not fancy;
Easy to apply and control with not complex tools or bureaucracy;
No leadership controlling or disturbing, just a facilitator guaranteeing all
items are being followed ;
Freedom to quick expose individual points within a time box;
18. The Game
Establish a time box at the project beginning for
Positive Influence Ceremony (PIC);
Positive Influence Game (PIG);
Communicate what is the current team classification and the Positive
Influence Objectives (PIO) for each team member, privately, according
each team member level (Senior, Junior etc)
Create a board visible with each team members name on a most
visible place of the room where the team spends most time in;
19. The Game
Positive Influence Ceremony
Happens everyday just after the daily Scrum;
The team creates a circle and everyone have a chance
to point out who has influenced him in the past 24 hours;
The identification is made verbally where the influenced
will say loudly enough the influencer name and quickly
how he was influenced or impacted positively.
Slightly after, the influenced person will clue a sticker
within the influencer area identifying:
Short description
20. Process Description
Positive Influence Game
Happens after a number of pre-determined PICs
The visual aspect is very important
raising a sense of union;
21. Process Description
Positive Influence Game
Each time someone point out other a member both people be
interconnected by a string;
The person who has influenced will
have his string extremity signet by a
red arrow;
Make a visual representation of
the positive network relationship;
Easy to identify who is has and
has not added value to the team;
22. Motivation
The Game
Key Metrics
Recognition and Rewarding
Next Steps
23. Key Metrics
It is possible evaluating individuals and the team;
The team is part of the evaluation process as this metric is
taken into consideration over hole evaluation process;
It is possible to see graphically how team is collaborating;
Metrics runs around the concept of
Resilience Network;
The resilient network is drawn based on the
results of a PIG and, based on this, the team is
classified according the relationships between
each participant;
24. Key Metrics
Introduction Resilient Network
In psychology, resilience
is defined as a dynamic process that individuals exhibit
positive behavioral adaptation when they encounter
significant adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or even
significant sources of stress[2].
Within computer science (network field) , resilience is
the ability to provide and maintain an acceptable level of
service in the face of faults and challenges to normal
25. Key Metrics
Introduction Resilient Network
Related in PID, team resilience
takes advantage of team collaboration to build a strong
unit counting with each individual skills and positive
behavior to overcome barriers, adapting themselves due
projects adversity, being capable to stand straight faced
with obstacles and finally to maintain an acceptable level
of services faced all previous challenges.
26. Key Metrics
The process must be as clear as possible
The team will be motivated as the OMV is less strength;
Both who collaborates and who do not will be noticed now;
Giving the chance of evaluate each other transparently and with no
wheedling stimulates the sense of ownership and responsibility
The team classification was created making a relation with some sports
The individual classification is based on PIPs rewarded by team
members during the games;
27. Key Metrics
Evaluating individuals
The PID is measurable using a percentage of influenced professionals
calculated using the team headcount;
The Positive Influence Objective (PIO) is issued to each professional
and the project beginning based on their skills;
Seniors must influence most team members (80%);
Juniors will influence less team members (20%)
28. Key Metrics
Evaluating individuals
Study Case
Doug is a junior programmer and the PIO will be established as 20%;
#10 Team members
Influence 100%
Forecast of a Junior programmer
PIO = 20% (two members)
29. Key Metrics
Evaluating individuals
Study Case
When the PIG finishes the Dougs PID is 50%
When a professional repeatedly cross
his PIO, it is signal of growing:
knowledge, or
Experience, or
Team working, or
a raise of commitment, or
The individual is performing
activities in a field where he is a
A wrong PIO settlement
30. Key Metrics
Evaluating individuals
It is important notice it is possible follow the professional growth based
on the experience each team member is acquiring during time
It is also a fact that the metric is a thermometer and other factors must be
taken into consideration when evaluating or rewarding individuals using this
An individual performing activities in a field where he is an specialist;
The role performed in some moment could affect individual performance;
Individuals working in a leadership role must evaluated in a different way, as
his job is just influence positively the others
31. Key Metrics
Team evaluation
You can classify how proactive is a team by analyzing the historical
data and defining:
Rugby team ( > 60% of team members contribution);
Polo team ( from 40% to 59% of team members contribution):
Poker team ( < 40% of team members contribution);
One important note is that the classification does not takes into
consideration the total amount of PIPs, but the presence of contribution
of each team member
32. Key Metrics
Team evaluation
Poker team Super heroes team members
Individual players;
Individual targets;
Individual benefits;
Short term results;
First stage of collaboration;
33. Key Metrics
Team evaluation
Polo team - You need a horse to play
Transition from Poker team;
Most of times very fast, but less strength;
Player always dependent by tools;
Good player but bad horse problem;
Few players and good strategy;
Each player most of time just do what he is
supposed to;
Between the intervals, you need the
audience fill the roles with grass;
34. Key Metrics
Team evaluation
Rugby team - All together to achieve the goal
Connected and cohesive team
Unique goal vision;
Group strength;
No tools needed
Team spirit and wellness;
Long term results; 34
35. Motivation
The Game
Key Metrics
Recognition and Rewarding
Next Steps
36. Recognition and Rewarding
Within most of companies, the recognition process is a black box where
the manager point is the only abstract one for rewarding or promotion;
This process premise is known as the one being more unfair as possible
instead being as fair as possible
Theframework adds one more important variable, the team
It pushes individuals to act directly contributing to the process, instead of
being outside as spectator complaining like a baby;
As such important recognizing the individual is recognizing the team
The recognition must be constant, intensive and public as Scrum is.
37. Recognition and Rewarding
Key Points
Since the overall objective is to build a more proactive team, it is weird
rewarding just an individual when a team is disperse;
Choose a number of Sprints to count in order to recognize or reward,
avoid having just rough data and remember each one must have enough
team show how capable it is;
Make clear the recognition process including variables, rewarding
involved, the period and what you expect;
It is important the public recognition, for example building a celebration
party, or lunch, and sending emails to both team members and
managers. The framework must be applied as visual as possible;
38. Recognition and Rewarding
Key Points
Avoid comparing bananas with apples;
If the team is not big enough, try to create a list of most influencers and
ask the team to vote in who has achieved the better result for the company;
Avoid rewarding individuals faced with a poor team evaluation;
Try also relating individual rewarding with some other important target
to the team, for example, as obligatory premise the customer fully
accepting the sprints;
Scrum Masters or any leadership roles also receipt PIPs from team
members, but must be rewarded in separate process
It is not fair as the main role of these guys is influencing positively the
39. Recognition and Rewarding
Key Points
Try to just reward individuals when each team member has, at least,
one PIP;
Stimulate all individuals pushing each other in order to achieve of
at least one PIP;
40. Motivation
The Game
Key Metrics
Recognition and Rewarding
Next Steps
41. Next Steps
Make cross team positive influence viable;
It is difficult to scale;
Multi-location teams (a software could help);
Study the resilient network patterns;
Study and register the case where a team was disinterested about
using the framework after a long period of time;
Long term teams;