The document provides examples of using possessives and possessive adjectives with gerunds. For each example, it identifies the action being performed and the performer. It then rewrites the sentence using a possessive or possessive adjective followed by a gerund to describe the action. The examples show how to indicate who is performing an action using possessive structures.
3. Possessive + Gerund My brother litters. I卒m really annoyed by it. WHAT卒S THE ACTION? LITTERS WHO IS THE PERFORMER? MY BROTHER I卒m annoyed by my brother 卒s litter ing .
4. Possessive + Gerund John smokes cigarettes. The doctor objects to it. WHAT卒S THE ACTION? SMOKES CIGARETTES WHO IS THE PERFORMER? JOHN The doctor objects to John 卒s smok ing cigarettes .
5. Possessive adjective + gerund He plays his MP3 player in the library. I don卒t appreciate that. WHAT卒S THE ACTION? PLAYS HIS MP3 PLAYER IN THE LIBRARY WHO IS THE PERFORMER? HE I don卒t appreciate his play ing his MP3 player in the library .
6. Possessive adjective + gerund She talks on the cell phone all the time. We don卒t mind it. WHAT卒S THE ACTION? TALKS ON THE CELL PHONE ALL THE TIME WHO IS THE PERFORMER? SHE We don卒t mind her talk ing on the cell phone all the time.