This document proposes adding personalized promotion to e-commerce recommendation systems. It introduces a novel willingness-to-pay elicitation procedure applicable to e-commerce. The method models consumer willingness-to-pay for products as a regression function of interaction features between consumers and products. An experiment with 120k skin care products from Amazon and 483 records from 79 subjects was used to evaluate the approach. Results showed the potential for personalized pricing and promotion to be useful in e-commerce recommendation.
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1. E-commerce Recommendation with Personalized Promotion
Qi Zhao1
, Yi Zhang2
, Daniel Friedman3
Technology and Information Management 2
Computer Science 3
Experiment Setting
Existing e-commerce recommendation algorithms treat the
properties, including the price, of the product fixed.
Price plays an important role in consumer purchase decision
and can be personalized according to individual preference.
The key is to estimate consumer's Willingness-to-Pay (WTP)
The major contributions of the proposed work are,
Our work is the first attempt to add personalized
promotion into e-commerce recommender systems.
We introduced a novel WTP elicitation procedure that
is applicable to e-commerce system.
We have various interesting observations that could
be very useful for further research on personalized
pricing or promotion in e-commerce.
Method Overview WTP Modeling
Let denote consumer 's WTP on product , and
denote the interaction feature between and , is
modeld as regression function w.r.t ,
The model parameter vector can be inferred by minimizing
the emperical loss on the training data as follows,
where L is loss function which measures the goodness of fit.
In our experiment, gradient boosting trees (GBT) and linear
regression were adopted as regression function and quadratic
function is used for L.
120k skin care products from Amazon.
We recuirt experiment subjects from Amazon Mechnical Turk.
We pay each subject $0.5 for finishing the task.
Subject bids at least 5 products.
We set lottery $100.
We collected 483 records from 79 subjects.
Evaluation Metric
root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) for regression error.
Conversion rate for the occurance of purchase.
Seller gross revenue for effectiveness of WTP prediction
first ranked brand
most selected brand
list price
number of reviews
brand variety
Amazon rec. rank
average rating
user rank
switch brand
30 0 50 100 150
WTP w.r.t Amazon list price
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
WTP w.r.t average rating
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
WTP w.r.t Amazon promotion
0 1
WTP w.r.t Amazon list price