Poster presented at the dissemination workshop held by the Water and Land Resource Center (WLRC) of the Addis Ababa University under the title "Key Innovations for Sustainable Water and Land Resources Management" on 11th and 12th of March 2019 in Bahir Dar.
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Poster DAFNE Project overview
1. DAFNE: Use of a Decision-Analytic Framework to explore the
WEF NExus in complex & trans-boundary water resources
systems of fast growing developing countries
Project funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European
Union, GA no. 690268.
Started on 2016, 14 partners (6 European, 4 African & 1
Asian countries)
The project entails 8 work packages with 31 deliverables
Compilation of data to characterize the hydrologic,
engineering developments, social systems, economic
systems, and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
Definition of the objectives of infrastructure & agricultural
Identification of stakeholders & their concerns, needs,
expectations, & their knowledge
Identification & assessment of robust water management
alternatives, or temporal sequences thereof (pathways)
Hydrological processes and sediment yield modelling
Ecosystem service modeling (water yield, hydropower
potential, water purification & sediment retention)
Description of Work packages
& Deliverables
Global trends in population growth & economic prosperity increases the demand for water, energy, & food
(WEF), with more severe impact in fast-growing economies. The constraints on WEF could well hamper
economic development, lead to social & geopolitical tensions, & cause lasting environmental damage.
DAFNE advocates an integrated & adaptive water resources planning & management approach that
explicitly addresses the WEF nexus from a novel participatory & multidisciplinary perspective. This
includes social, economic, & ecologic dimensions, involves both public & private actors enhances
resource efficiency & prevents the loss of ecosystem services in regions where large infrastructures exist
or being built & intensive agriculture is expanding.
Project Rationale
DAFNE expected outcomes with innovative aspects
Advances in environmental monitoring: remote sensing combined with UAV-based collection to supplement the currently limited ground monitoring capacity at a low cost
Comprehensive modelling and integrated WEF model
Water management and planning based on robust DAF (Decision Analytical Framework)
Methods and tools to facilitate and promote stakeholder engagement and participation in decision-making
Improved methods for practical interaction between science and policy leading to a strong applicability of the above innovations
Transfer of knowledge on methods, monitoring and modeling (Geo-portal)
Swiss federal institute
of technology Zurich
Politecnico Di Milano
International Centre
for Research on the
Environment & the
Economy- ICRE8
KU Leuven Department of
Earth & Environmental
University of Aberdeen.
School of Law Institutional
University of Osnabrueck.
Institute of Environmental
Systems Research
International Water
Management Institute
African Collaborative
Center for Earth
System Science
University of Zambia
Eduardo Mondlane
VISTA Remote Sensing
in Geosciences GMBH
European Institute for
Participatory Media E.V.
Water & Land Resources
Centre (WLRC)
DAFNE aims to analyze & quantify the WEF nexus with respect to tradeoffs between conflicting objectives, such as hydropower production vs irrigation ; land exploitation vs
Its overall objective is to establish a Decision Analytic Framework (DAF) for Participatory and Integrated Planning (PIP)
Project Objectives
1st NSL meeting stakeholders identifying WEF-
related issues (Zambezi and Omo Turkana)
Photo showing resource (WEF) nexus cluster
DAFNE Project Overview
Yilikal Anteneh (PhD) &
Amare Bantider (PhD)