The document describes 4 versions and a final poster design for a movie. Version 1 had a negative image effect and separated branding elements. Version 2 changed the image and title. Version 3 removed sections and added static to the background. Version 4 changed the title, hashtag, and website and made text break the fourth wall. The final poster removed some text to focus more on breaking the fourth wall.
2. Poster: Version 1
- Image has a negative effect
- Title, institutional logo, website and
hash tags separated into a black bar
3. Poster: Version 2
- Image has a red half instead of
negative half
- Title changed to The Static has
4. Poster: Version 3
- Title changed back to Apex
- The poster is no longer split
into sections due to static
effect added to background
- Image changed
- Colours have been removed
- Text added to sum up the
5. Poster: Version 4
- Title of the film changed to The
Fourth Wall
- Hashtag and website changed
- Text made to break the fourth
6. Poster: Final
- Some text removed focusing more
on the concept of Breaking the
fourth wall