1. 仍亞舒亳 凌了粒留溜留 仂亳 仆舒 亟亢舒于舒舒 亳 仂弍仆仂舒
Bulg叩ria Bulgaria
Bulgaristan Bulgaria Country and Community History
Bulg叩ria Bulgarien
弌仍亠亟 9 亠仗亠仄于亳 1944 亞. After September 9th, 1944
仆舒仗于舒 仄舒舒弍仆舒 仗仂仍亳亳亠从舒, comes a major political,
亳从仂仆仂仄亳亠从舒 亳 仂亳舒仍仆舒 economic and social change
仗仂仄礌舒 于 弍仍亞舒从仂仂 仂弍亠于仂. in the Bulgarian community.
舒 8 仆仂亠仄于亳 1948 亞仂亟亳仆舒 On 8th November 1948 recently
仂于舒 于舒亳 舒舒仍仆仂 亳仍亳亠 built primary school Yane
亊仆亠 弌舒仆亟舒仆从亳 于 舒亰仍仂亞. Sandanski in Razlog open a door
for a school classes.
舒 10 舒仗亳仍 1979 亞. 亳亰仍亳舒 On April 10th, 1979 flies off the
仗于亳 弍仍亞舒从亳 从仂仄仂仆舒于 first Bulgarian astronaut Georgi
亠仂亞亳 于舒仆仂于. Ivanov.
亠亰 1981 亞仂亟亳仆舒 仍亞舒亳 In 1981 Bulgaria notes the 1300
仂弍亠仍磶于舒 1300 亞仂亟亳仆亳 仂 years of the establishment of
亰亟舒于舒仆亠仂 仆舒 弍仍亞舒从舒舒 the Bulgarian state.
On November 10th, 1989 began
舒 10 仆仂亠仄于亳 1989 亞仂亟亳仆舒
the transition of Bulgaria to
亰舒仗仂于舒 仗亠仂亟 仆舒 仍亞舒亳
democracy and market economy.
从仄 亟亠仄仂从舒亳 亳 仗舒亰舒仆舒
丕 亊仆亠 弌舒仆亟舒仆从亳 亰舒仗仂于舒 Primary school "Yane Sandanski"
仗于亳 仗仂亠从 仗仂 仗仂亞舒仄舒 begins the first project under
弌仂从舒-仂仄亠仆从亳 仗亠亰 the "Socrates-Comenius" during
丕亠弍仆舒舒 1999/2000 亞仂亟亳仆舒. the school year 1999/2000
舒 1 礌舒亳 2007 亞仂亟亳仆舒 On January 1st, 2007 Bulgaria
仍亞舒亳 舒仆舒 仗仍仆仂仗舒于亠仆 became a full member of the
仍亠仆 仆舒 于仂仗亠亶从亳 ミ European Union.