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珂温乙霞温姻看姻壊噛叩乙                       Az orsz叩g 辿s a helyi k旦z旦ss辿g t旦rt辿nelme
                                   Ungarn     Hungria
                                   Ungheria     Ungaria            Country and Community History
                                   丕仆亞舒亳     粒粒留溜留

1945 叩prilis: A II. Vil叩gh叩bor炭 v辿ge. Az orsz叩g  k端l旦n旦sen        April 1945 : The end of World War II. The whole country -
Budapest  romokban hever. Szovjet 辿rdekszf辿ra.                    especially Budapest - is in ruins. Soviet sphere of interest.
                                                                   August 1947: Blue chit elections  Cheating on behalf of the
1947 augusztus: K辿kc辿dul叩s v叩laszt叩sok  a baloldal v叩laszt叩si
                                                                   communist party, the beginnings of the one-party-only regime.
csal叩sa, az egyp叩rtrendszer ki辿p鱈t辿s辿nek kezdete.
                                                                   1948-1953: The R叩kosi era  Personal cult, the dictatorship
1948-1953: R叩kosi-korszak  szem辿lyi kultusz, R叩-                  of the communist party leader, M叩ty叩s R叩kosi, forced socialist
kosi M叩ty叩s kommunista p叩rtvezet diktat炭r叩ja, er-                            changes, new constitution: In the Peoples Republic of
szakos szocialista 叩talak鱈t叩s, 炭j alkotm叩ny: Magyar-                           Hungary all power belongs to the working class whose
orsz叩g N辿pk旦zt叩rsas叩g, minden hatalom a dolgoz坦 n辿-                            leading force is the Hungarian Workers' Party(MDP).
p辿, melynek 辿lcsapata a kommunista p叩rt (MDP), 叩lla-                           Socialization, centrally planned economy, huge invest-
mos鱈t叩s, k旦zponti tervgazd叩lkod叩s, a neh辿zipar nagy-                           ments in heavy industry, surrender of agricultural
ar叩ny炭 fejleszt辿se, a mezgazdas叩gban beszolg叩lta-                 goods, farmers forced into co-operative farms, enemies of the
t叩s, t辿eszes鱈t辿s, az oszt叩lyellens辿gek 端ld旦z辿se, az                working class persecuted, ban on civil societies, a net of
egyes端letek felsz叩mol叩sa, bes炭g坦h叩l坦zat, VH, koncepci坦s perek,    informers for the State Protection Authority (VH), show
az egyh叩zak megf辿leml鱈t辿se, korl叩toz叩sa, vezetik beb旦rt旦nz辿se.    trials, the imprisonment of church leaders.
Illusztr叩ci坦: R叩kosi M叩ty叩s 辿s a kommunista c鱈mer                  Illustration: M叩ty叩s R叩kosi and the communist coat of arms
                                                                   23 October-11 November 1956  Revolution and freedom
1956. okt坦ber 23-november 11.  Forradalom 辿s
                                                                                    fight  Imre Nagy, Prime Minister, Cardinal
szabads叩gharc  Nagy Imre minisztereln旦ks辿ge,
                                                                                    Mindszenty freed from prison, workers councils,
Mindszenty b鱈boros kiszabadul a b旦rt旦nbl, munk叩s-
                                                                                    Hungary exits the Warsaw Pact. The might of
tan叩csok alakul叩sa, 珂温乙霞温姻看姻壊噛叩乙 kil辿p a Vars坦i
                                                                                    the soviet army crushes the freedom fight.
Szerzd辿sbl. A szovjet hadsereg t炭lereje eltipor-
                                                                                    Protests and volleys. Workers Militia.
ja a szabads叩gharcot. T端ntet辿sek 辿s sort端zek.
                                                                                    Emigration wave. Illustration: Imre Nagy and
Munk叩srs辿g. Kiv叩ndorl叩si hull叩m.
                                                                                    Cardin al J坦zsef Mindszenty
Illusztr叩ci坦: Nagy Imre 辿s Mindszenty J坦zsef
                                                                   1956-1989: The K叩d叩rera  J叩nos K叩d叩r, communist party
1956-1989: K叩d叩r-korszak  K叩d叩r J叩nos kommu-                      leader heads the retaliation. Re-establishing the communist
nista p叩rtvezet alatt elbb megtorl叩s, visszarende-                           order, From 1968: economic changes, second jobs,
zd辿s a kommunista 叩llamrendbe, majd 1968-t坦l gaz-                             household plots, summer houses, private cars allowed,
das叩gi v叩ltoz叩sok, h叩zt叩ji, mell辿k叩ll叩sok, nyaral坦 辿s                          rising living standards, but: on foreign loans. Soft
aut坦 v叩s叩rl叩s, az 辿letsz鱈nvonal emelked辿se, de: k端l-                           dictatorship: prohibited, pocketed, patronized
f旦ldi k旦lcs旦n旦k felv辿tele 叩r叩n. Puha diktat炭ra: tiltott,                       activities, limited possibility to travel into capitalist
t撤rt, t叩mogatott tev辿kenys辿gek, korl叩tozott utaz叩si                            countries. Hungary is the merriest hut in the
lehets辿g kapitalista orsz叩gokba, 珂温乙霞温姻看姻壊噛叩乙 a szo-              communist block.
cialista t叩bor 'legvid叩mabb barakk'-ja.                            Illustration: J叩nos K叩d叩r and the new coat of arms
Illusztr叩ci坦: K叩d叩r J叩nos 辿s az 炭j c鱈mer
                                                                   1989-1991: The disintegration of the Communist block and
1989-1991: A szocialista t叩bor 辿s a Szovjet炭ni坦 sz辿tes辿se.         the Soviet Union. Change of regime in the Eastern block:
Rendszerv叩lt叩s a keleti blokk orsz叩gaiban: t旦bbp叩rti v叩lasz-        democratic changes, communist parties lose political power,
t叩sok, a kommunista p叩rtok kiszorul叩sa a hatalomb坦l, polg叩ri        bourgeois changes, the churches are free to fulfil their
叩talakul叩s, az egyh叩zak szabad szerepv叩llal叩sa.                     mission.
                                                                    Spring 1990 Democratic elections in Hungary. Civil coalition
1990 tavasz: Szabad v叩laszt叩sok 珂温乙霞温姻看姻壊噛叩乙on. Polg叩ri             government comes to power. The reform of the political and
koal鱈ci坦s korm叩ny alakul. A politikai 辿s a gazdas叩gi rendszer       economic system. Privatization. Compensation. The collapse of
叩talak鱈t叩sa. Privatiz叩ci坦. K叩rp坦tl叩s. A szocialista nagyv叩llala-    the socialist companies. New social problems: unemployment,
tok 旦sszeoml叩sa. j t叩rsadalmi probl辿m叩k: munkan辿lk端lis辿g,          homelessness, drug abuse, crime, moral crisis.
hajl辿ktalans叩g, droghaszn叩lat, b撤n旦z辿s, erk旦lcsi v叩ls叩g.            Illustration:the present-day coat of arms of Hungary
Illusztr叩ci坦: a jelenlegi magyar c鱈mer                             Hungary joins the Nato (1999) and the European Union (2004).

珂温乙霞温姻看姻壊噛叩乙 bel辿p a NATO-ba (1999) 辿s az Eur坦pai Uni坦ba           Financial support and economic restrictions.

(2004). T叩mogat叩sok 辿s korl叩toz叩sok. Gazdas叩gi v叩ls叩g (2008-)      Economic Recession (2008-)

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  • 1. 珂温乙霞温姻看姻壊噛叩乙 Az orsz叩g 辿s a helyi k旦z旦ss辿g t旦rt辿nelme Ungarn Hungria Ungheria Ungaria Country and Community History 丕仆亞舒亳 粒粒留溜留 Macaristan 1945 叩prilis: A II. Vil叩gh叩bor炭 v辿ge. Az orsz叩g k端l旦n旦sen April 1945 : The end of World War II. The whole country - Budapest romokban hever. Szovjet 辿rdekszf辿ra. especially Budapest - is in ruins. Soviet sphere of interest. August 1947: Blue chit elections Cheating on behalf of the 1947 augusztus: K辿kc辿dul叩s v叩laszt叩sok a baloldal v叩laszt叩si communist party, the beginnings of the one-party-only regime. csal叩sa, az egyp叩rtrendszer ki辿p鱈t辿s辿nek kezdete. 1948-1953: The R叩kosi era Personal cult, the dictatorship 1948-1953: R叩kosi-korszak szem辿lyi kultusz, R叩- of the communist party leader, M叩ty叩s R叩kosi, forced socialist kosi M叩ty叩s kommunista p叩rtvezet diktat炭r叩ja, er- changes, new constitution: In the Peoples Republic of szakos szocialista 叩talak鱈t叩s, 炭j alkotm叩ny: Magyar- Hungary all power belongs to the working class whose orsz叩g N辿pk旦zt叩rsas叩g, minden hatalom a dolgoz坦 n辿- leading force is the Hungarian Workers' Party(MDP). p辿, melynek 辿lcsapata a kommunista p叩rt (MDP), 叩lla- Socialization, centrally planned economy, huge invest- mos鱈t叩s, k旦zponti tervgazd叩lkod叩s, a neh辿zipar nagy- ments in heavy industry, surrender of agricultural ar叩ny炭 fejleszt辿se, a mezgazdas叩gban beszolg叩lta- goods, farmers forced into co-operative farms, enemies of the t叩s, t辿eszes鱈t辿s, az oszt叩lyellens辿gek 端ld旦z辿se, az working class persecuted, ban on civil societies, a net of egyes端letek felsz叩mol叩sa, bes炭g坦h叩l坦zat, VH, koncepci坦s perek, informers for the State Protection Authority (VH), show az egyh叩zak megf辿leml鱈t辿se, korl叩toz叩sa, vezetik beb旦rt旦nz辿se. trials, the imprisonment of church leaders. Illusztr叩ci坦: R叩kosi M叩ty叩s 辿s a kommunista c鱈mer Illustration: M叩ty叩s R叩kosi and the communist coat of arms 23 October-11 November 1956 Revolution and freedom 1956. okt坦ber 23-november 11. Forradalom 辿s fight Imre Nagy, Prime Minister, Cardinal szabads叩gharc Nagy Imre minisztereln旦ks辿ge, Mindszenty freed from prison, workers councils, Mindszenty b鱈boros kiszabadul a b旦rt旦nbl, munk叩s- Hungary exits the Warsaw Pact. The might of tan叩csok alakul叩sa, 珂温乙霞温姻看姻壊噛叩乙 kil辿p a Vars坦i the soviet army crushes the freedom fight. Szerzd辿sbl. A szovjet hadsereg t炭lereje eltipor- Protests and volleys. Workers Militia. ja a szabads叩gharcot. T端ntet辿sek 辿s sort端zek. Emigration wave. Illustration: Imre Nagy and Munk叩srs辿g. Kiv叩ndorl叩si hull叩m. Cardin al J坦zsef Mindszenty Illusztr叩ci坦: Nagy Imre 辿s Mindszenty J坦zsef 1956-1989: The K叩d叩rera J叩nos K叩d叩r, communist party 1956-1989: K叩d叩r-korszak K叩d叩r J叩nos kommu- leader heads the retaliation. Re-establishing the communist nista p叩rtvezet alatt elbb megtorl叩s, visszarende- order, From 1968: economic changes, second jobs, zd辿s a kommunista 叩llamrendbe, majd 1968-t坦l gaz- household plots, summer houses, private cars allowed, das叩gi v叩ltoz叩sok, h叩zt叩ji, mell辿k叩ll叩sok, nyaral坦 辿s rising living standards, but: on foreign loans. Soft aut坦 v叩s叩rl叩s, az 辿letsz鱈nvonal emelked辿se, de: k端l- dictatorship: prohibited, pocketed, patronized f旦ldi k旦lcs旦n旦k felv辿tele 叩r叩n. Puha diktat炭ra: tiltott, activities, limited possibility to travel into capitalist t撤rt, t叩mogatott tev辿kenys辿gek, korl叩tozott utaz叩si countries. Hungary is the merriest hut in the lehets辿g kapitalista orsz叩gokba, 珂温乙霞温姻看姻壊噛叩乙 a szo- communist block. cialista t叩bor 'legvid叩mabb barakk'-ja. Illustration: J叩nos K叩d叩r and the new coat of arms Illusztr叩ci坦: K叩d叩r J叩nos 辿s az 炭j c鱈mer 1989-1991: The disintegration of the Communist block and 1989-1991: A szocialista t叩bor 辿s a Szovjet炭ni坦 sz辿tes辿se. the Soviet Union. Change of regime in the Eastern block: Rendszerv叩lt叩s a keleti blokk orsz叩gaiban: t旦bbp叩rti v叩lasz- democratic changes, communist parties lose political power, t叩sok, a kommunista p叩rtok kiszorul叩sa a hatalomb坦l, polg叩ri bourgeois changes, the churches are free to fulfil their 叩talakul叩s, az egyh叩zak szabad szerepv叩llal叩sa. mission. Spring 1990 Democratic elections in Hungary. Civil coalition 1990 tavasz: Szabad v叩laszt叩sok 珂温乙霞温姻看姻壊噛叩乙on. Polg叩ri government comes to power. The reform of the political and koal鱈ci坦s korm叩ny alakul. A politikai 辿s a gazdas叩gi rendszer economic system. Privatization. Compensation. The collapse of 叩talak鱈t叩sa. Privatiz叩ci坦. K叩rp坦tl叩s. A szocialista nagyv叩llala- the socialist companies. New social problems: unemployment, tok 旦sszeoml叩sa. j t叩rsadalmi probl辿m叩k: munkan辿lk端lis辿g, homelessness, drug abuse, crime, moral crisis. hajl辿ktalans叩g, droghaszn叩lat, b撤n旦z辿s, erk旦lcsi v叩ls叩g. Illustration:the present-day coat of arms of Hungary Illusztr叩ci坦: a jelenlegi magyar c鱈mer Hungary joins the Nato (1999) and the European Union (2004). 珂温乙霞温姻看姻壊噛叩乙 bel辿p a NATO-ba (1999) 辿s az Eur坦pai Uni坦ba Financial support and economic restrictions. (2004). T叩mogat叩sok 辿s korl叩toz叩sok. Gazdas叩gi v叩ls叩g (2008-) Economic Recession (2008-)