Postpartum depression is a type of clinical depression that affects women, and less frequently men, after childbirth. It has a prevalence rate of 30% for women and 1-25.5% for men. There are genetic links through corticotropin-releasing factor and Hemicentin-1, which are involved in the stress response and estrogen receptor binding sites. Hormonal causes include oxytocin depletion, which plays a role in sexual reproduction and bonding during and after childbirth as well as breastfeeding. Symptoms include changes in sleep, energy, appetite, concentration, and thoughts of suicide or harming the baby due to feelings of inadequacy.
2. Postpartum DepressionPostpartum Depression
a type of clinicala type of clinical
depression which candepression which can
affect women, andaffect women, and
less frequently men,less frequently men,
typically aftertypically after
4. Genetic LinkGenetic Link
releasing factorreleasing factor ((CRFCRF))
a peptide hormonea peptide hormone
and neurotransmitterand neurotransmitter
involved in the stressinvolved in the stress
6. Hormonal CauseHormonal Cause
Oxytocin depletionOxytocin depletion
roles in sexualroles in sexual
reproduction, inreproduction, in
particular during andparticular during and
after childbirthafter childbirth
Birth & maternalBirth & maternal
7. SymptomsSymptoms
Changes in sleep
Low energy
Thoughts of suicide
Harming the baby (inadequacy)
Low libido