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Millward Brown: Point of View

Social Media: Fans and Followers Are an
End, Not a Means
The last couple of years have seen some massive changes in our world. The financial
bubble that reached its peak in 2007 popped, leaving us to enjoy what has been
dubbed The Great Recession. The Dow Jones plummeted, along with consumer

                                 But not everything declined. In the realm of social media, the number of Facebook users
                                 grew dramatically, blog readership increased, and a new phenomenon called Twitter
                                 exploded onto the scene. Its enough to make you think that using social media is the
                                 latest and best way to effectively build your brand. Various pundits suggest as much, and
                                 many brands seem to be buying into the idea.

Nigel Hollis                     However, I think that those who manage brands should look before they leap. I believe
Chief Global Analyst             that the race to utilize social media channels is representative of the same sort of irrational
Millward Brown
nigel.hollis@millwardbrown.com   exuberance that led the stock market to unprecedented heights and allowed people
www.mb-blog.com                  to have faith in incomprehensible financial instruments. For many brands, large-scale
                                 investment in social media campaigns is likely to prove just as ill-advised and imprudent. In
                                 other words, I think we may be witnessing a social media bubble.

                                 The Power of Social Media
                                 There is no denying that social media can be an incredible vehicle for change. One
                                 compelling example is the Facebook campaign that prevented X Factor winner Joe
                                 McElderry from reaching the top of the U.K. music charts last Christmas. The X Factor
                                 winner has been number one on the charts since 2005, so it was not surprising that
                                 after McElderry became the 2009 winner last December, the Telegraph announced that
                                 his debut single The Climb was the all-but-guaranteed number one in the Christmas

                                 But something else happened instead. Killing in the Name, a 1 7-year-old track by Rage
                                 Against the Machine (RATM), an American rock band formed in 1 1, snatched the
                                 number one slot from The Climb. This unlikely upset was the result of a campaign started
                                 on Facebook early in December by husband-and-wife team Jon and Tracy Morter as a
                                 protest against X Factors monopoly of the Christmas chart. The news media picked up
                                 on the story, causing thousands of people to join the campaign; the number of fans on
                                 the Facebook page exceeded 800,000 (more than Google, Pepsi, or Wal-Mart). What
                                 is more, those fans acted. In the crucial pre-Christmas week, Killing in the Name sold
Millward Brown: Point of View Social Media: Fans and Followers Are an End, Not a Means

over 500,000 copies. While 1 million people viewed the X
                               9.5                                    Cola, and Red Bull. I related the number of fans these brands
Factor finale and 6 million voted for McElderry, only 450,000         had on Facebook (all had more than 250,000) to data from
bought The Climb.                                                   Millward Browns BrandZ database (specifically, U.S. data
                                                                      from 2009), and compared the results for these successful
A number of factors contributed to the success of the RATM            social media brands with other brands in the same product
campaign. First, the effort had the authenticity borne of its         categories.
grass roots. It was founded by real people advancing a real
agenda, and that agenda was one that tapped into a current            My first observation was that the five different product
concern  the suspicion that big business was manipulating          categories attracted very different numbers of fans. On
the public psyche for its own ends. Next, the vehicle chosen to       average, the soft drink brands included in our BrandZ
advance the cause (the song Killing in the Name) was highly         study had over 1   6,000 fans while airlines had barely 1,000.
appropriate. The songs expletive-laden lyrics expressed the          I believe this is directly related to the number of people who
right note of anti-establishment sentiment, and the song              are actively involved with a category on a regular basis. The
carried positive associations for people who remembered it            level of satisfaction with brands in a category also seemed to
from the 1990s.                                                       correspond with the number of fans the category attracted.
                                                                      Only 1 percent of U.S. air travelers are satisfied with the
Interestingly, these factors are quite similar to those that define   brands available to them, while 56 percent of soft drink buyers
iconic brands. Does that suggest that achieving success with a        claim to be totally satisfied with their brand choices.
social media campaign may be as difficult and elusive a goal
as becoming an iconic brand? Can Facebook work the same               My next observation was that, in most categories, one or two
way for a consumer brand as it did for the RATM campaign?             brands attracted the lions share of fans. Those brands are not
                                                                      necessarily the biggest or the oldest, but rather the ones with
                                                                      a distinctive positioning that sets them apart from competitors.
                                                                      For example, in the case of domestic U.S. airlines, Southwest is
                                                                      the dominant brand, followed by Virgin America, a newcomer
                                                                      to the United States. I believe that Virgins commitment to
                                                                      excellent service and customer satisfaction is what enabled it
                                                                      to draw more fans than American Airlines, United, or Delta.

                                                                      My final observation was that the playing field did not appear
                                                                      to be level for brands competing on Facebook. It seemed
                                                                      easier for some brands to gain traction simply due to their
                                                                      product category and their positioning. But there is an even
                                                                      larger obstacle to be overcome by many brands. Brands that
                                                                      are already big and successful start with a major advantage.
                                                                      The more loyal customers you have, the more fans you tend
                                                                      to have on Facebook. Therefore, it is the big brands that get
                                                                      the most out of Facebook  not necessarily the new and
The Characteristics of Successful Facebook Brands                     trendy ones.
I undertook an analysis to address these questions. I identified
                                                                      Using the Millward Brown Brand Pyramid, I compared the
1 brands that have been held up for their effective use of
                                                                      composite brand equity of the two groups of brands. The
social media: Southwest, Honda, VW, McDonalds, Pizza Hut,
                                                                      comparison (see Figure 1) demonstrated that successful
Subway, KFC, Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Starbucks, Coca-

                                               息2010 Millward Brown
Millward Brown: Point of View Social Media: Fans and Followers Are an End, Not a Means

                                                                      It is the big brands that get the most out of Face-
    Figure 1: Successful social media
    brands tend to be stronger brands                                 book. The more loyal customers you have, the more
                                                                      fans you tend to have on Facebook.
                     Successful            Other Brands               comparethemarket.com, now has nearly 700,000 fans on
                                                                      his Facebook fan page (which was created as part of the ad
  Bonding                   11                          2             campaign). The combination of tightly integrated online and
                                                                      offline marketing heightened interest in the brand, drove traffic
  Advantage                                          26               to comparethemarket.com, and increased quotes by 45 percent
                                                                      compared to the previous year.
  Performance               53                       37
                                                                      Beyond Facebook
  Relevance                 66                       43               While Facebook is the biggest social media network, it is not a
                                                                      homogeneous community, nor is it the only channel through
  Presence                  81                       54               which brands can connect with consumers. In fact, Millward
                                                                      Brown identifies eight different types of social media: pure-
                                                                      plays, blogs, syndication, peer-2-peer, wikis and collaboratives,
                                                                      open source, tagging and rating, and consumer reviews. Each
social media brands start with 50 percent more Presence               type serves different purposes and audiences. Among the
(familiarity with what the brand stands for) and finish with five     pure-play vehicles, a low-reach, high-engagement medium
times as much Bonding (the strongest measure of attitudinal           such as Twitter offers the chance to make that all-important
loyalty). The overall correlation between Bonding and the             ongoing and personal connection.
number of Facebook fans across all brands in the five product
categories was 0.69. The successful brands have an average But Twitter users arent using the channel to be informed
of 1.6 million fans each, while the remaining brands (those that about brands. They are using it because they want to hear
have Facebook pages) have an average of 1   40,000 fans each.     from people. Brands with social-media savvy know this and
                                                                  often designate a lead Tweeter to represent the company and
Mass Exposure Is a Catalyst to Social Media Success               engage people. Tony Hsieh, the CEO of online shoe retailer
One final element must be considered by brands thinking Zappos, is the archetypal corporate Tweeter. He follows over
of marketing through Facebook: the need for mass media 36,000 people and is followed by over 32,000. His tweets
coverage. Most notable social media campaigns have relied on help engage customers and allow them an inside peek at how
mass media to gain critical momentum. The Rage Against the the company works.
Machine campaign would likely have languished unnoticed by
the vast majority of people if the traditional media had not picked   Fans and Followers Have Their Own Agendas
it up and publicized it. The same is true of some of the classics
                                                                Dynamic Logics AdReaction 2009 study found that while 59
of viral marketing: KFCs Subservient Chicken benefited from  percent of Internet users are actively engaged with social
widespread media support, and Doves Evolution was boosted    networking sites, only 1 percent of those people use the
by a strong PR campaign from Edelman New York.                  networks to follow or keep up with brands. Those that do follow
                                                                brands do so in an average of three categories, and they do so
Integration of mass media and social media helps transcend the to gain access to information, discounts, and giveaways.
disparate personal connections that drive social media in order
to achieve critical mass. The meerkat Aleksandr Orlov, created This presents a challenge for a brand. To pander to a small
to star in a TV campaign for the U.K. financial comparison site percentage of your target with discounts and added-value

                                               息2010 Millward Brown
Millward Brown: Point of View Social Media: Fans and Followers Are an End, Not a Means

giveaways can undermine your brands status and profitability; Most notable Facebook campaigns have relied on
what you should focus on is engaging people with new mass media to gain critical momentum.
information and ideas that improve the customer experience.
                                                                         What value can your brand offer beyond freebies and
Build a Strong Brand and Fans Will Follow
                                                                          discounts? Games, puzzles, and competitions were
Because people use social media to connect with people                    popular means for engaging people long before the
and brands that they know, respect, and admire, social media              advent of social media. Remember, while social media
makes a great channel for engaging existing customers. But                may be a new communication channel, the motivations,
fans and followers are not a means to building a brand; rather,           interests, and desires of the people who use it are not
they are an end. Social media cant help to build brands                  new; they are the same as they have always been.
                                                                         How do you sustain the initial engagement beyond a
                                                                          simple sign of affinity? Even large successful brands
                                                                          must continually find new ways to engage fans that are
                                                                          consistent with their basic appeal; otherwise the novelty
                                                                          of fandom will quickly wear off. Coca-Colas Expedition
                                                                          206 offers fans a chance to vicariously explore the world
                                                                          through the eyes of three happiness ambassadors
                                                                          tasked with finding out what makes people happy in the
                                                                          206 countries in which Coke is sold.

                                                                     Whatever your chosen strategy is, remember: There is no
                                                                     substitute for creativity and consistency. Find an idea that will
                                                                     resonate with your target audience and is in keeping with your
                                                                     brands positioning. Promote what you do widely, in whatever
without the other ingredients that make brands strong: an
                                                                     ways are most appropriate. Then listen to the response and
effective business model, a great brand experience, clarity
                                                                     respond in turn.
of positioning, and the ability to disrupt the status quo in a
product category.

As I stated in my Point of View Make Friends Dont Pitch Them,         To read more about social media, visit our blog at
creating a strong presence in social media is a good vehicle for         www.mb-blog.com.
confirming a brands benefits and validating its commitment
                                                                         If you liked Social Media: Fans and Followers are an
to its users. However, any marketers still considering how to
                                                                         End, not a Means, you might also be interested
construct a social media strategy that will build buzz, saliency,
and a deeper engagement with loyal brand advocates would
do well to ask themselves the following questions:                        Make Friends Dont Pitch Them (Aug 2008)
                                                                          What Makes An Iconic Brand (Sept 2007)
   Do people care enough about my brand and category to                  Brand Building Along the Media Long Tail (July 2007)
    engage with it? If not, maybe social media is not for you.            Have new media undermined the advantages held
   What types of social media sites offer the most potential?            by big brands? (MB-Blog)
    What would be the best bet  a pure play or a blog? An               Share this POV:
    active presence on multiple sites might be necessary to
    engage even a small proportion of existing customers.

                                              息2010 Millward Brown

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  • 1. Millward Brown: Point of View Social Media: Fans and Followers Are an End, Not a Means The last couple of years have seen some massive changes in our world. The financial bubble that reached its peak in 2007 popped, leaving us to enjoy what has been dubbed The Great Recession. The Dow Jones plummeted, along with consumer confidence. But not everything declined. In the realm of social media, the number of Facebook users grew dramatically, blog readership increased, and a new phenomenon called Twitter exploded onto the scene. Its enough to make you think that using social media is the latest and best way to effectively build your brand. Various pundits suggest as much, and many brands seem to be buying into the idea. Nigel Hollis However, I think that those who manage brands should look before they leap. I believe Chief Global Analyst that the race to utilize social media channels is representative of the same sort of irrational Millward Brown nigel.hollis@millwardbrown.com exuberance that led the stock market to unprecedented heights and allowed people www.mb-blog.com to have faith in incomprehensible financial instruments. For many brands, large-scale investment in social media campaigns is likely to prove just as ill-advised and imprudent. In other words, I think we may be witnessing a social media bubble. The Power of Social Media There is no denying that social media can be an incredible vehicle for change. One compelling example is the Facebook campaign that prevented X Factor winner Joe McElderry from reaching the top of the U.K. music charts last Christmas. The X Factor winner has been number one on the charts since 2005, so it was not surprising that after McElderry became the 2009 winner last December, the Telegraph announced that his debut single The Climb was the all-but-guaranteed number one in the Christmas chart. But something else happened instead. Killing in the Name, a 1 7-year-old track by Rage Against the Machine (RATM), an American rock band formed in 1 1, snatched the 99 number one slot from The Climb. This unlikely upset was the result of a campaign started on Facebook early in December by husband-and-wife team Jon and Tracy Morter as a protest against X Factors monopoly of the Christmas chart. The news media picked up on the story, causing thousands of people to join the campaign; the number of fans on the Facebook page exceeded 800,000 (more than Google, Pepsi, or Wal-Mart). What is more, those fans acted. In the crucial pre-Christmas week, Killing in the Name sold
  • 2. Millward Brown: Point of View Social Media: Fans and Followers Are an End, Not a Means 2 over 500,000 copies. While 1 million people viewed the X 9.5 Cola, and Red Bull. I related the number of fans these brands Factor finale and 6 million voted for McElderry, only 450,000 had on Facebook (all had more than 250,000) to data from bought The Climb. Millward Browns BrandZ database (specifically, U.S. data from 2009), and compared the results for these successful A number of factors contributed to the success of the RATM social media brands with other brands in the same product campaign. First, the effort had the authenticity borne of its categories. grass roots. It was founded by real people advancing a real agenda, and that agenda was one that tapped into a current My first observation was that the five different product concern the suspicion that big business was manipulating categories attracted very different numbers of fans. On the public psyche for its own ends. Next, the vehicle chosen to average, the soft drink brands included in our BrandZ advance the cause (the song Killing in the Name) was highly study had over 1 6,000 fans while airlines had barely 1,000. appropriate. The songs expletive-laden lyrics expressed the I believe this is directly related to the number of people who right note of anti-establishment sentiment, and the song are actively involved with a category on a regular basis. The carried positive associations for people who remembered it level of satisfaction with brands in a category also seemed to from the 1990s. correspond with the number of fans the category attracted. Only 1 percent of U.S. air travelers are satisfied with the 8 Interestingly, these factors are quite similar to those that define brands available to them, while 56 percent of soft drink buyers iconic brands. Does that suggest that achieving success with a claim to be totally satisfied with their brand choices. social media campaign may be as difficult and elusive a goal as becoming an iconic brand? Can Facebook work the same My next observation was that, in most categories, one or two way for a consumer brand as it did for the RATM campaign? brands attracted the lions share of fans. Those brands are not necessarily the biggest or the oldest, but rather the ones with a distinctive positioning that sets them apart from competitors. For example, in the case of domestic U.S. airlines, Southwest is the dominant brand, followed by Virgin America, a newcomer to the United States. I believe that Virgins commitment to excellent service and customer satisfaction is what enabled it to draw more fans than American Airlines, United, or Delta. My final observation was that the playing field did not appear to be level for brands competing on Facebook. It seemed easier for some brands to gain traction simply due to their product category and their positioning. But there is an even larger obstacle to be overcome by many brands. Brands that are already big and successful start with a major advantage. The more loyal customers you have, the more fans you tend to have on Facebook. Therefore, it is the big brands that get the most out of Facebook not necessarily the new and The Characteristics of Successful Facebook Brands trendy ones. I undertook an analysis to address these questions. I identified Using the Millward Brown Brand Pyramid, I compared the 1 brands that have been held up for their effective use of 2 composite brand equity of the two groups of brands. The social media: Southwest, Honda, VW, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, comparison (see Figure 1) demonstrated that successful Subway, KFC, Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Starbucks, Coca- 息2010 Millward Brown
  • 3. Millward Brown: Point of View Social Media: Fans and Followers Are an End, Not a Means 3 It is the big brands that get the most out of Face- Figure 1: Successful social media brands tend to be stronger brands book. The more loyal customers you have, the more fans you tend to have on Facebook. Successful Other Brands comparethemarket.com, now has nearly 700,000 fans on his Facebook fan page (which was created as part of the ad Bonding 11 2 campaign). The combination of tightly integrated online and offline marketing heightened interest in the brand, drove traffic Advantage 26 to comparethemarket.com, and increased quotes by 45 percent 44 compared to the previous year. Performance 53 37 Beyond Facebook Relevance 66 43 While Facebook is the biggest social media network, it is not a homogeneous community, nor is it the only channel through Presence 81 54 which brands can connect with consumers. In fact, Millward Brown identifies eight different types of social media: pure- plays, blogs, syndication, peer-2-peer, wikis and collaboratives, open source, tagging and rating, and consumer reviews. Each social media brands start with 50 percent more Presence type serves different purposes and audiences. Among the (familiarity with what the brand stands for) and finish with five pure-play vehicles, a low-reach, high-engagement medium times as much Bonding (the strongest measure of attitudinal such as Twitter offers the chance to make that all-important loyalty). The overall correlation between Bonding and the ongoing and personal connection. number of Facebook fans across all brands in the five product categories was 0.69. The successful brands have an average But Twitter users arent using the channel to be informed of 1.6 million fans each, while the remaining brands (those that about brands. They are using it because they want to hear have Facebook pages) have an average of 1 40,000 fans each. from people. Brands with social-media savvy know this and often designate a lead Tweeter to represent the company and Mass Exposure Is a Catalyst to Social Media Success engage people. Tony Hsieh, the CEO of online shoe retailer One final element must be considered by brands thinking Zappos, is the archetypal corporate Tweeter. He follows over of marketing through Facebook: the need for mass media 36,000 people and is followed by over 32,000. His tweets coverage. Most notable social media campaigns have relied on help engage customers and allow them an inside peek at how mass media to gain critical momentum. The Rage Against the the company works. Machine campaign would likely have languished unnoticed by the vast majority of people if the traditional media had not picked Fans and Followers Have Their Own Agendas it up and publicized it. The same is true of some of the classics Dynamic Logics AdReaction 2009 study found that while 59 of viral marketing: KFCs Subservient Chicken benefited from percent of Internet users are actively engaged with social widespread media support, and Doves Evolution was boosted networking sites, only 1 percent of those people use the 3 by a strong PR campaign from Edelman New York. networks to follow or keep up with brands. Those that do follow brands do so in an average of three categories, and they do so Integration of mass media and social media helps transcend the to gain access to information, discounts, and giveaways. disparate personal connections that drive social media in order to achieve critical mass. The meerkat Aleksandr Orlov, created This presents a challenge for a brand. To pander to a small to star in a TV campaign for the U.K. financial comparison site percentage of your target with discounts and added-value 息2010 Millward Brown
  • 4. Millward Brown: Point of View Social Media: Fans and Followers Are an End, Not a Means 4 giveaways can undermine your brands status and profitability; Most notable Facebook campaigns have relied on what you should focus on is engaging people with new mass media to gain critical momentum. information and ideas that improve the customer experience. What value can your brand offer beyond freebies and Build a Strong Brand and Fans Will Follow discounts? Games, puzzles, and competitions were Because people use social media to connect with people popular means for engaging people long before the and brands that they know, respect, and admire, social media advent of social media. Remember, while social media makes a great channel for engaging existing customers. But may be a new communication channel, the motivations, fans and followers are not a means to building a brand; rather, interests, and desires of the people who use it are not they are an end. Social media cant help to build brands new; they are the same as they have always been. How do you sustain the initial engagement beyond a simple sign of affinity? Even large successful brands must continually find new ways to engage fans that are consistent with their basic appeal; otherwise the novelty of fandom will quickly wear off. Coca-Colas Expedition 206 offers fans a chance to vicariously explore the world through the eyes of three happiness ambassadors tasked with finding out what makes people happy in the 206 countries in which Coke is sold. Whatever your chosen strategy is, remember: There is no substitute for creativity and consistency. Find an idea that will resonate with your target audience and is in keeping with your brands positioning. Promote what you do widely, in whatever without the other ingredients that make brands strong: an ways are most appropriate. Then listen to the response and effective business model, a great brand experience, clarity respond in turn. of positioning, and the ability to disrupt the status quo in a product category. As I stated in my Point of View Make Friends Dont Pitch Them, To read more about social media, visit our blog at creating a strong presence in social media is a good vehicle for www.mb-blog.com. confirming a brands benefits and validating its commitment If you liked Social Media: Fans and Followers are an to its users. However, any marketers still considering how to End, not a Means, you might also be interested construct a social media strategy that will build buzz, saliency, in: and a deeper engagement with loyal brand advocates would do well to ask themselves the following questions: Make Friends Dont Pitch Them (Aug 2008) What Makes An Iconic Brand (Sept 2007) Do people care enough about my brand and category to Brand Building Along the Media Long Tail (July 2007) engage with it? If not, maybe social media is not for you. Have new media undermined the advantages held What types of social media sites offer the most potential? by big brands? (MB-Blog) What would be the best bet a pure play or a blog? An Share this POV: active presence on multiple sites might be necessary to engage even a small proportion of existing customers. 息2010 Millward Brown