The document discusses an English presentation created by Group 1 about mass media and technology and communication. It covers English language competency standards and indicators related to listening, speaking, reading and writing. It also discusses topics like gerunds, adjective clauses, imperative sentences and the words "for", "during" and "while". It includes sample test questions to assess competency.
The document provides information about the national exam for junior high school students in Indonesia for the 2004/2005 school year. It specifies that the exam for the subject of English will take place on June 7, 2005 from 08.00 to 10.00. It provides general instructions for students, including filling out their personal information, the time limit of 120 minutes, the number of questions (60), and guidelines for working on the exam such as checking their answers before submitting.
The document provides information about a national exam for junior high school students in Indonesia that took place on June 7, 2005 from 8:00-10:00. It includes general instructions for students taking the exam such as filling out identifying information, the time limit, number of questions, and rules about materials allowed. It then provides two reading comprehension passages followed by questions to test reading comprehension.
This document contains a test for 10th grade students with four sections:
I. Students are asked to match definitions to vocabulary words related to online shopping.
II. Students translate jewelry and shopping related words to Mongolian.
III. Students complete sentences using "would like" or "like" to express preferences.
IV. Students complete sentences using the passive voice in present or past tense. The test covers a range of vocabulary and grammar points.
This document provides information about a mid-semester exam for 9th grade students taking Bahasa Inggris (English language) at SMP Sub Rayon 05 Purwantoro on October 17, 2012 from 07:30 to 09:30 Western Indonesian Time. It gives general instructions for students to follow when taking the exam, such as writing their name and class, checking for errors before answering, and prioritizing easier questions first. It also provides specific instructions for different sections of the exam.
The document appears to be an English exam for an 8th grade student consisting of 25 multiple choice questions testing vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension. Some questions assess understanding of parts of speech, sentence structure, and meanings of words in context. The summary provides high-level information about the document type and content without including specifics that could enable answering the questions.
The document provides a summary of an English language exam for 6th grade primary education students in Thailand. It includes 40 multiple choice questions testing various language skills like reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary and cultural understanding. The questions cover topics like stories, personal information, plans, instructions, opinions and social interactions.
The first document provides sample answers to reading comprehension and cloze test passages, with answers for multiple choice questions about 10 passages each. The second document provides exercises for sentence transformation, building, and summarization based on sample texts. The third document provides sample texts and instructions for writing summaries, letters, and passages on various topics.
This document appears to be an English exam for 9th grade students in Vietnam. It contains multiple choice questions testing students' knowledge of English phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing. The questions cover topics such as pronunciation, word stress patterns, grammar, vocabulary, comprehending passages and completing sentences. The exam aims to evaluate students' mastery of essential English skills. It consists of 150 minutes without additional time and seems designed to comprehensively assess students' English language abilities.
This document contains an English exam with multiple choice questions testing comprehension of several short passages. The passages are about various topics including kangaroos, how to make a pencil box from recycled materials, pollution, and short notes. The exam tests understanding of main ideas, details, vocabulary and pronoun referents in the given texts.
The document provides a reading comprehension practice exercise for cognates in English and Spanish. It contains a brief introduction on reading comprehension strategies like context clues, synonyms, antonyms, and cognates. It then provides 10 paragraphs with unfinished sentences for students to draw conclusions based on the context. It also includes an additional practice exercise with indirect editing questions to identify errors in passages. The exercises are meant to help students prepare for college entrance exams by improving their reading comprehension abilities.
The document describes an embarrassing experience the writer had while attending a local singing contest in the town square. They went alone to the contest to avoid being bored at home. While watching under a big tree, they mistakenly pinched and called out to a boy they thought was their classmate, but it turned out to be a stranger. The writer was left feeling embarrassed by the incident.
1. The document provides a reading comprehension exam for English as a foreign language. It includes questions about responding to situations, identifying language functions in dialogues, choosing the correct answers, finding mistakes in sentences, summarizing passages, and translating between Arabic and English.
2. The exam tests a variety of English language skills including speaking, reading, writing, and translation. It covers vocabulary, grammar, comprehension of dialogues and passages.
3. The questions progress from identifying correct responses to situations to choosing answers, finding errors, summarizing, and translating between the two languages. This allows the exam to comprehensively evaluate students' mastery of the English language.
This document contains a practice test for a 7th grade Vietnamese language exam. It tests students on phonetic skills, grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing. The phonetic section asks students to identify words pronounced differently. The grammar section contains multiple choice questions testing structures and vocabulary. The reading comprehension section contains a passage for students to answer questions about. The writing section asks students to form questions, sentences and complete a letter with the correct verbs and prepositions. It provides the answers and assesses students' performance.
The document is an English exam for junior high students containing multiple choice questions testing comprehension of short passages and grammar concepts. It includes 20 questions testing: [1] understanding of short dialogues, [2] retelling events from a passage about a visit to the doctor, [3] basic grammar including verb tenses and articles, [4] comprehension of short descriptive passages. The exam assesses a range of English language skills for junior high level students.
50 畛 thi + 叩p 叩n h畛c sinh gi畛i ti畉ng anh 9 Jackson Linh
This document contains an English exam for 9th grade students consisting of multiple choice questions testing vocabulary and grammar. The exam has four sections: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading Comprehension, and Writing. The vocabulary section contains questions about word definitions, completing sentences with appropriate words, and matching phrasal verbs to definitions. The grammar section contains exercises on using correct verb tenses and prepositions. The reading comprehension section includes fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and multiple choice questions about passages. The writing section asks students to rewrite sentences, combine sentences, and write a letter responding to a friend's request for travel advice. The exam provides a scoring breakdown and total possible points for each section.
1. The passage discusses the differences between generations and the generation gap. It states that the old cannot easily adapt to rapid societal changes, which leads them to complain about the young.
2. While the young have a bright future ahead, the old have more experience. However, both sides need each other - the young can learn from the elders' experiences, while the old rely on the young for support.
3. The generation gap can be reduced through understanding between the two groups.
This document is a test for an English exam for 9th grade students in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2011. It contains 3 sections - Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar. The Phonetics section contains questions to test students' ability to distinguish different pronunciations of words. The Vocabulary and Grammar section contains multiple choice questions to test students' knowledge of vocabulary and ability to complete sentences using correct grammar. The test is 150 minutes long and students are not allowed to use any materials other than the test paper.
The document contains an English exam for secondary school students in Egypt. It tests students on their language functions, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, and translation skills. The reading comprehension sections include passages on habitat loss in the Amazon and preparing for exam topics. Students must answer multiple choice and short answer questions about the passages. Other sections cover situations, mini-dialogues, grammar, quotations from The Prisoner of Zenda novel, writing, and translation. The exam evaluates students' ability to communicate effectively in English across different tasks.
Tuy畛n t畉p 200 畛 thi HSG m担n Ti畉ng Anh l畛p 9 v 畛 thi tuy畛n sinh vo l畛p 10 ...B畛i d動畛ng To叩n l畛p 6
Tuy畛n t畉p 200 畛 thi HSG m担n Ti畉ng Anh l畛p 9 v 畛 thi tuy畛n sinh vo l畛p 10 tr棚n ton qu畛c. Li棚n h畛 畉t mua ti li畛u ti畉ng anh b畛i d動畛ng HSG THCS li棚n h畛 theo s畛 m叩y: 0919.281.916.
Here are the key points to remember about using the second conditional:
- We use the second conditional to talk about imaginary or hypothetical situations, not real situations.
- The question will start with "What would you do if..." followed by a condition in the past tense (e.g. "cheated", "found", "gave").
- The response uses "would" as the auxiliary verb, followed by the base form of the main verb (e.g. "I'd tell the teacher", "I'd give it to my mum", "I'd tell her").
So in summary for the example questions:
1) We are talking about an imaginary situation
2) "If"
The document contains an English language test for gifted and talented 9th grade students in Vietnam. The test has multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions that assess grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and rewriting sentences. It covers topics like pronunciation, verbs, prepositions, word forms, comprehension of a passage on British traditions, and rewriting sentences with the same meaning. The test has a total of 80 possible points and uses a 20-point grading scale.
This document is an exam for a class at the Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat "Luhur Pekerti" in Indramayu, Indonesia. It contains multiple choice, fill in the blank, and short answer questions testing English grammar concepts like tense, verbs, parts of speech, and conjunctions. The questions cover topics like simple past tense, past continuous tense, future tense with "be going to", and conjunctions like concessive, coordinating, correlative.
This document appears to be a practice exam for a general enrollment exam in 2007. It contains multiple choice questions testing grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and communication skills. The reading comprehension section provides a passage about dolphin intelligence with questions to follow. Overall, the summary examines different aspects of language proficiency through a variety of question types related to grammar, vocabulary, reading and communication.
Scientists should spend more time observing animal behavior to predict natural disasters rather than investing in expensive equipment. In 1970, Chinese scientists noticed farm animals behaving strangely before an earthquake, allowing them to evacuate a city and save thousands. Japanese scientists also found that catfish become more active before moderately strong quakes. While humans cannot detect subtle changes in the earth's magnetic field before quakes, some animals appear sensitive to these changes. Scientists now want to determine which animals are affected to help save more lives in the future.
A group of students spent 66 days surviving at sea in a life raft after their yacht sank off the coast of Central America. They were able to catch fish and desalinate water during this time to survive until they were spotted by a fishing boat and rescued after over 2 months at sea.
Bahan ajar kurikulum 2013 bahasa inggris kelas 8 chapter 1Risko Pederico
To summarize:
- The document provides examples of expressions used by teachers and students to get attention, check understanding, give opinions, and show appreciation when speaking English.
- Mrs. Ina uses expressions like "Everybody, may I have your attention, please" to get students' focus in the classroom.
- Teachers and students check each other's understanding using questions like "Do you understand?" and "Do you know what I mean?".
- Giving and asking for opinions is done through statements such as "What do you think?" and "What do you think of the picture?".
- Appreciation is shown with expressions like "Thank you", "It's beautiful", and "Great job
The document provides 50 questions and answers for an English exam for 9th grade students. It includes sections on vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing. Some key details:
- The vocabulary section contains multiple choice and phrase matching questions.
- The grammar section focuses on verb tenses and prepositions.
- Reading comprehension passages cover topics like paper making and environmental issues. Questions test understanding of details and main ideas.
- Writing prompts assess rewriting sentences, combining sentences, and completing unfinished ones.
Dokumen tersebut berisi ringkasan tentang penambahan animasi, suara, dan video pada presentasi PowerPoint. Terdapat penjelasan tentang cara menambahkan berbagai jenis animasi dan mengatur waktunya, mengatur efek transisi antar slide, menambahkan hyperlink, serta menambahkan file video dan suara ke dalam presentasi.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang cara membuat presentasi di Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, termasuk cara membuat dokumen baru, mengatur layout slide, menambahkan teks, gambar, dan clip art.
This document contains an English exam with multiple choice questions testing comprehension of several short passages. The passages are about various topics including kangaroos, how to make a pencil box from recycled materials, pollution, and short notes. The exam tests understanding of main ideas, details, vocabulary and pronoun referents in the given texts.
The document provides a reading comprehension practice exercise for cognates in English and Spanish. It contains a brief introduction on reading comprehension strategies like context clues, synonyms, antonyms, and cognates. It then provides 10 paragraphs with unfinished sentences for students to draw conclusions based on the context. It also includes an additional practice exercise with indirect editing questions to identify errors in passages. The exercises are meant to help students prepare for college entrance exams by improving their reading comprehension abilities.
The document describes an embarrassing experience the writer had while attending a local singing contest in the town square. They went alone to the contest to avoid being bored at home. While watching under a big tree, they mistakenly pinched and called out to a boy they thought was their classmate, but it turned out to be a stranger. The writer was left feeling embarrassed by the incident.
1. The document provides a reading comprehension exam for English as a foreign language. It includes questions about responding to situations, identifying language functions in dialogues, choosing the correct answers, finding mistakes in sentences, summarizing passages, and translating between Arabic and English.
2. The exam tests a variety of English language skills including speaking, reading, writing, and translation. It covers vocabulary, grammar, comprehension of dialogues and passages.
3. The questions progress from identifying correct responses to situations to choosing answers, finding errors, summarizing, and translating between the two languages. This allows the exam to comprehensively evaluate students' mastery of the English language.
This document contains a practice test for a 7th grade Vietnamese language exam. It tests students on phonetic skills, grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and writing. The phonetic section asks students to identify words pronounced differently. The grammar section contains multiple choice questions testing structures and vocabulary. The reading comprehension section contains a passage for students to answer questions about. The writing section asks students to form questions, sentences and complete a letter with the correct verbs and prepositions. It provides the answers and assesses students' performance.
The document is an English exam for junior high students containing multiple choice questions testing comprehension of short passages and grammar concepts. It includes 20 questions testing: [1] understanding of short dialogues, [2] retelling events from a passage about a visit to the doctor, [3] basic grammar including verb tenses and articles, [4] comprehension of short descriptive passages. The exam assesses a range of English language skills for junior high level students.
50 畛 thi + 叩p 叩n h畛c sinh gi畛i ti畉ng anh 9 Jackson Linh
This document contains an English exam for 9th grade students consisting of multiple choice questions testing vocabulary and grammar. The exam has four sections: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading Comprehension, and Writing. The vocabulary section contains questions about word definitions, completing sentences with appropriate words, and matching phrasal verbs to definitions. The grammar section contains exercises on using correct verb tenses and prepositions. The reading comprehension section includes fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and multiple choice questions about passages. The writing section asks students to rewrite sentences, combine sentences, and write a letter responding to a friend's request for travel advice. The exam provides a scoring breakdown and total possible points for each section.
1. The passage discusses the differences between generations and the generation gap. It states that the old cannot easily adapt to rapid societal changes, which leads them to complain about the young.
2. While the young have a bright future ahead, the old have more experience. However, both sides need each other - the young can learn from the elders' experiences, while the old rely on the young for support.
3. The generation gap can be reduced through understanding between the two groups.
This document is a test for an English exam for 9th grade students in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2011. It contains 3 sections - Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar. The Phonetics section contains questions to test students' ability to distinguish different pronunciations of words. The Vocabulary and Grammar section contains multiple choice questions to test students' knowledge of vocabulary and ability to complete sentences using correct grammar. The test is 150 minutes long and students are not allowed to use any materials other than the test paper.
The document contains an English exam for secondary school students in Egypt. It tests students on their language functions, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, and translation skills. The reading comprehension sections include passages on habitat loss in the Amazon and preparing for exam topics. Students must answer multiple choice and short answer questions about the passages. Other sections cover situations, mini-dialogues, grammar, quotations from The Prisoner of Zenda novel, writing, and translation. The exam evaluates students' ability to communicate effectively in English across different tasks.
Tuy畛n t畉p 200 畛 thi HSG m担n Ti畉ng Anh l畛p 9 v 畛 thi tuy畛n sinh vo l畛p 10 ...B畛i d動畛ng To叩n l畛p 6
Tuy畛n t畉p 200 畛 thi HSG m担n Ti畉ng Anh l畛p 9 v 畛 thi tuy畛n sinh vo l畛p 10 tr棚n ton qu畛c. Li棚n h畛 畉t mua ti li畛u ti畉ng anh b畛i d動畛ng HSG THCS li棚n h畛 theo s畛 m叩y: 0919.281.916.
Here are the key points to remember about using the second conditional:
- We use the second conditional to talk about imaginary or hypothetical situations, not real situations.
- The question will start with "What would you do if..." followed by a condition in the past tense (e.g. "cheated", "found", "gave").
- The response uses "would" as the auxiliary verb, followed by the base form of the main verb (e.g. "I'd tell the teacher", "I'd give it to my mum", "I'd tell her").
So in summary for the example questions:
1) We are talking about an imaginary situation
2) "If"
The document contains an English language test for gifted and talented 9th grade students in Vietnam. The test has multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions that assess grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and rewriting sentences. It covers topics like pronunciation, verbs, prepositions, word forms, comprehension of a passage on British traditions, and rewriting sentences with the same meaning. The test has a total of 80 possible points and uses a 20-point grading scale.
This document is an exam for a class at the Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat "Luhur Pekerti" in Indramayu, Indonesia. It contains multiple choice, fill in the blank, and short answer questions testing English grammar concepts like tense, verbs, parts of speech, and conjunctions. The questions cover topics like simple past tense, past continuous tense, future tense with "be going to", and conjunctions like concessive, coordinating, correlative.
This document appears to be a practice exam for a general enrollment exam in 2007. It contains multiple choice questions testing grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and communication skills. The reading comprehension section provides a passage about dolphin intelligence with questions to follow. Overall, the summary examines different aspects of language proficiency through a variety of question types related to grammar, vocabulary, reading and communication.
Scientists should spend more time observing animal behavior to predict natural disasters rather than investing in expensive equipment. In 1970, Chinese scientists noticed farm animals behaving strangely before an earthquake, allowing them to evacuate a city and save thousands. Japanese scientists also found that catfish become more active before moderately strong quakes. While humans cannot detect subtle changes in the earth's magnetic field before quakes, some animals appear sensitive to these changes. Scientists now want to determine which animals are affected to help save more lives in the future.
A group of students spent 66 days surviving at sea in a life raft after their yacht sank off the coast of Central America. They were able to catch fish and desalinate water during this time to survive until they were spotted by a fishing boat and rescued after over 2 months at sea.
Bahan ajar kurikulum 2013 bahasa inggris kelas 8 chapter 1Risko Pederico
To summarize:
- The document provides examples of expressions used by teachers and students to get attention, check understanding, give opinions, and show appreciation when speaking English.
- Mrs. Ina uses expressions like "Everybody, may I have your attention, please" to get students' focus in the classroom.
- Teachers and students check each other's understanding using questions like "Do you understand?" and "Do you know what I mean?".
- Giving and asking for opinions is done through statements such as "What do you think?" and "What do you think of the picture?".
- Appreciation is shown with expressions like "Thank you", "It's beautiful", and "Great job
The document provides 50 questions and answers for an English exam for 9th grade students. It includes sections on vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing. Some key details:
- The vocabulary section contains multiple choice and phrase matching questions.
- The grammar section focuses on verb tenses and prepositions.
- Reading comprehension passages cover topics like paper making and environmental issues. Questions test understanding of details and main ideas.
- Writing prompts assess rewriting sentences, combining sentences, and completing unfinished ones.
Dokumen tersebut berisi ringkasan tentang penambahan animasi, suara, dan video pada presentasi PowerPoint. Terdapat penjelasan tentang cara menambahkan berbagai jenis animasi dan mengatur waktunya, mengatur efek transisi antar slide, menambahkan hyperlink, serta menambahkan file video dan suara ke dalam presentasi.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang cara membuat presentasi di Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, termasuk cara membuat dokumen baru, mengatur layout slide, menambahkan teks, gambar, dan clip art.
A little bird wants to visit her friend's house but must cross a dangerous area with a volcano that may erupt. The bird asks a tree for help locating the volcano so she can find a safer route to her friend's house. Readers are encouraged to click links to help guide the bird along her journey and avoid the erupting volcano.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi tentang daftar nama siswa dan guru pada kelompok 1 kelas 9 SMP N 18 Semarang yang membahas bab 1 mengenal Power Point. Dokumen tersebut juga menjelaskan menu, standar kompetensi, indikator, materi, dan soal latihan mengenai pengenalan Power Point.
Objek wisata umum di Jawa Barat meliputi peninggalan bersejarah seperti Gunung Tangkuban Perahu, kawah seperti Kawah Putih, pantai seperti Pantai Pangandaran dan Palabuhan Ratu, serta taman bunga seperti Taman Bunga Nusantara.
The document discusses standards and basic competencies related to Indonesian language skills. It covers comprehending and conveying meanings in short, simple spoken texts like procedures and reports for everyday interactions. It lists indicators like understanding procedures and reports, conveying content accurately. The material section discusses adjective clauses, imperative sentences, and the differences between "for", "during", and "while". It defines procedural texts and gives an example structure. Multiple choice and essay practice questions are provided at the end.
The document discusses standards and basic competencies related to Indonesian language skills. It covers comprehending and conveying meanings in short, simple spoken texts like procedures and reports for everyday interactions. It also addresses understanding and expressing meanings accurately, fluently, and appropriately in similar short monologues. Indicators and materials and examples are provided for adjective clauses, imperative sentences, and the use of for, during, and while in time expressions. A procedural text is defined and its typical structure of goal, materials, steps, and other elements is outlined. Sample questions and answers are given to practice these concepts.
1. The document introduces a team of people including Rijal Ariza Rang M. ul Hali Rizky Ardia and Haris n.
2. It then discusses competence standards and materials including gerunds, adjective clauses, imperative sentences, and the use of for, during, and while in time expressions.
3. The document concludes with an 8 question competence test on these topics with answer keys.
This document contains a 15-minute test with questions on pronunciation, grammar, verb forms, and making questions from responses. The test has four sections - pronunciation with word matching, choosing the best answer to complete sentences, providing the correct verb forms, and making questions to match responses. It evaluates students on English skills including pronunciation, grammar, verbs and forming questions.
This module focuses on becoming a discriminating and analytical learner. It contains a pretest to assess skills like identifying main ideas, distinguishing facts from opinions, and using correct verb forms. The module then covers activities to develop these skills, including choosing word meanings based on context, identifying synonyms, and summarizing a fable about honesty. The goal is to help learners answer whether information will help them make wise decisions.
This module focuses on helping learners become more discriminating and analytical in their reading and thinking. The objectives are to develop skills like identifying main ideas, distinguishing facts from opinions, recognizing word meanings from context, and demonstrating understanding of idioms. The instructions guide learners to complete a pre-test, activities, and post-test to assess and improve these skills. Key areas of focus are identifying purpose, bias, and relevance in information to make wise decisions.
Kelly, a dolphin at a marine center, has developed an intelligent strategy to get more fish from her trainers. When trash is dropped in her pool, she hides it under a rock. Then, when a trainer arrives, she gives them small pieces of the trash one at a time in exchange for a fish each time. This allows her to receive multiple fish rewards for one piece of trash. The article discusses measures of animal intelligence, including brain size and behavior. Dolphins exhibit complex social behaviors in the wild and may understand simple sentences in human language, showing their intelligence.
This document appears to be an English exam for 7th grade students in Vietnam. It contains multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions testing vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing. The exam is divided into 8 sections covering topics like pronunciation, word stress, grammar, sentence completion, letter writing, and identifying/correcting errors. It provides an answer key at the end to check responses. The exam is administered by the Hanoi - Amsterdam High School of Gifted Students in Vietnam and seems aimed at assessing English language proficiency in 7th grade students.
The document contains English exercises for Indonesian students. It includes fill-in-the-blank questions with verbs like "can" and "can't", converting time to British time format, essays with translation exercises, and choosing the correct answers to grammar and vocabulary questions. The exercises cover a range of topics including verbs, tenses, prepositions, comparisons, and reading comprehension passages about insects.
The document is a mid-semester exam for a 5th grade English class at SDIT Roudhotul Jannah school in Bekasi, Indonesia. The exam tests students on a reading passage about octopuses and includes multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions about the passage and English grammar. It aims to evaluate students' comprehension of the octopus text and their mastery of verbs, pronouns, prepositions and other English language concepts.
The document provides example sentences to practice various English language skills, including:
1) Putting verbs in the correct form
2) Unjumbling words to form sentences
3) Answering questions
4) Translating sentences from English to another language
The document contains multiple examples for students to work through for each skill.
DepEd k12 English 7 fourth quarter module 4Rachel Iglesia
This folktale teaches about the importance of honesty between friends. A crow and sparrow make a bet to see who can eat the most peppers, but the crow cheats by hiding peppers under the mat without the sparrow seeing. When the crow claims victory and says he will eat the sparrow according to their bet, the sparrow insists the crow first wash his beak since crows eat nasty things. This leads the crow on a futile quest to get water, make a pot, and dig clay, exposing the crow's dishonest nature at each attempt. Ultimately, the greedy crow is burned to ashes when fire is placed on his back, while the honest sparrow lives to a ripe old age.
The document provides a class guide for an English lesson for 6th grade students at Colegio Hogar de Nazareth. It covers the topics of past continuous versus past simple tenses. The lesson includes an introduction, motivation activities, concept explanation, practice exercises, evaluation, and homework assignments related to practicing forming sentences using the past tenses. Students will work on speaking, writing, reading and listening activities that involve identifying and using the past continuous and past simple verb forms.
The document contains a daily lesson log for an English class in Grade 6. It outlines the objectives, content, learning competencies, procedures and activities for the week. The lessons focus on comprehending texts, oral communication skills, writing for different audiences, and providing tactful feedback. Key activities include analyzing short stories, distinguishing text types, using graphic organizers, and role playing conversations. The goal is to help students improve their English language skills.
This document provides a grammar, vocabulary, and word formation assessment for 11th grade students. It contains 5 multiple choice questions testing grammar concepts, 5 testing vocabulary, and 3 testing word formations. The assessment also includes a short communication section matching 5 questions with responses. The document aims to test essential English language skills for 11th grade level.
English101 Short Refresher on Grammar.pptxeleanor baguio
How's your English? Now's the time to keep up. Brush on your basic grammar skills on spelling, punctuation, correct usage, homonyms, sentence structure, pronunciation, parts of speech - plus, you'll enjoy KAHOOTS game- on your own or with your team. I guarantee you'll have fun learning grammar once again.
1. The document provides a test on various topics including friendship, descriptions, past events, clothes, music, and the environment.
2. It contains questions testing grammar, vocabulary, translation, and composition writing.
3. The test has 7 sections and aims to evaluate language skills across different content areas.
Tuy畛n t畉p 畛 thi Violympic ti畉ng anh l畛p 10 t畉p 1nguyen cong vu
This document provides information about a book titled "Selection of IOE English Exam Questions for Grade 10, Volume 1". It was published by MCBooks Publishing Company, who holds the copyright. It contains 17 exam rounds with 2 tests each to help students practice. In addition to the book, audio lessons are provided to help with listening skills. The publisher hopes this material will be useful for students to improve their English.
2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsonal dan
monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan
report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari
4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional
monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan
report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari
5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek
sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk
berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari hari.
6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan
esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report
untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari hari.
2.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek
sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk
berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari hari dalam
teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
4.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek
sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan
secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari hari dalam teks
berbentuk procedure dan report.
5.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei
pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima
untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari hari
dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam
esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan
berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
1. Gerund
This always has the same function as a noun (although it
looks like a verb), so it can be used:
A. as the subject of the sentence
Example: Eating people is wrong.
B. after prepositions
Example: Can you sneeze without opening your mouth
She is good at painting.
C. after certain verbs
Example : like, hate, admit, imagine
D. in compound nouns
Example : a driving lesson, a swimming pool, bird-
watching, train-spotting
17. 2. Adjective Clause
An adjective clause usually begins with a relative
pronoun (which, that, who, whom, whose), a relative
adverb (where, when, why), or zero relative.
An adjective clause is used to describe a noun.
Example :
The car, which was red, belonged to Harun.
There are two main kinds of adjective clause.
A. Nondefining clauses : give extra information about
the noun, but they are not essential.
Example : The desk in the corner, which is
covered in books, is mine.
B. Defining clause : give essential information about
Example : The package that arrived this morning
is on the desk.
18. 3. Imperative sentence
A. We can use the imperative to give a direct order.
Example : Stand up straight.
B. We can use the imperative to give instructions.
Example : Open your book.
C. We can use the imperative to make an invitation.
Example : Come in and sit down. Make yourself at
D. We can use the imperative on signs and notices
Example : Insert one dollar
E. We can use the imperative to give friendly informal
Example : Speak to him. Tell him how you feel.
F. We can use the imperative more polite by adding do.
Example : Do sit down.
19. 4. For - during while
For during while are used in time expression as
shown below :
1. For
For is followed by a length of time : for 1 hour. It
answers the question : how long ?
2. During
During is followed by a noun : during the film. It means
through out the time or in the course of an action or
3. While
While is followed by a subject and a verb : while I was
watching the film. It means during the time that an action
was taking place.
Example :
I waited in front of the cinema for two hours.
Nobody made noise during the lesson.
1. . . . our stay in Austria, we visited a lot of
a. For c. During
b. While d. Since
2. I think I need to study polish . . . a few days
before I go there.
a. During c. For
b. Since d. While
3. My mother is a teacher. . . . .is your mother, Risa
a. Where c. When
b. Who d. What
4. Did you see Alice . . . your holiday ?
a. While c. Since
b. For d. During
5. John, . . . I met yesterday, is sick.
The correct word to complete the sentence is . . .
a. Wich c. Whom
b. Who d. Whose
6. I usually suggest . . . . hard before . . .
The correct word is . . . .
a. To think to do
b. Thinks does
c. Thinking doing
d. Think do
7. He tried . . . but nobody paid him a slightest
attention. The correct word is . . . .
a. To cough c. Coughed
b. Cough d. Coughing
The readers digest was founded as a pocket-
sized, nonfiction . . . (8). It is intended to inform
and to entertain its . . . (9) Compared with
common megazine, the readers digest has . . .
(10) pages.
8. a. Newspaper c. Encyclopedia
b. Dictionary d. Megazine
9. a. Readers c. Dealers
b. Writers d. Buyers
10. a. Less c. Fewer
b. More d. Wider
1. . . . . . . . . do you live ?
Answer : _______
2. . . . . . . . . is that boy ?
Answer : _______
3. . . . . . . . . do you go to school ?
Answer : _______
4. . . . were the main public sources of information.
What is the synonym of the word underlined ?
Answer : _______
5. Enzzo hates . . . . English.
What is the correct word above ?
Answer : _______
The internet is a medium of communication. It
(1) . . . computers through network connection. We
can using the internet. We can communicate with
the people around the world using the internet. We
can get a lot of informations from the internet and
we can also send e-mail to others. Nowdays, video
streaming can be (2) . . . through the internet. The
internet can help people to (3) . . . with others,
whether it is text, audio, video, or video-audio.
1. a. Connect c. Connected
b. Connects d. Connecting
2. a. Do c. Did
b. Does d. Done
3. a. Communication : c. Communicate
b. Communicating d. Communicated
4. Speech your winner English contest on
1 2 3 4 5 6
congratulation the in
7 8 9
The correct arrangement is . . . .
a. 7-6-2-3-9-8-4-1-5 c. 8-3-1-9-2-4-5-7-6
b. 1-3-8-2-5-4-6-7-9 d. 2-5-3-1-6-9-4-7-8
5. My father . . . is coming back, is in a bad mood.
The correct word to complete the sentence is . . . .
a. Who c. Whom
b. Whose d. Which
6. The cougar lives in deserts, forest, plains, and
mountains, but according to scientists . . . have studied
the animal. It is becoming endangered in some areas.
a. Which c. Whom
b. Who d. Whose
7. Abid : . . . book is yours ?
Umi : The book on the desk.
a. Which c. Whose
b. What d. Whom
8. Father : Mom, . . . book is on the floor ?
Mother : Its your sons.
a. What c. Which
b. Whose d. Wham
9. Many people read the newspaper every day.
The other word for every day is . . . .
a. Monthly c. Weekly
b. Daily d. Yearly
10. 1.) Put noodles into flasses of briskly boiling water.
2.) Your delicious noodles are ready to be served.
3.) Put the seasoning, vegetables oil and chilli powder
a bowl.
4.) Mix the noodles well with all of the seasoning.
5.) Cook the noodles and simmer for 3 minutes.
The best arrangement is . . . .
a. 4, 3, 5, 1, 2 c. 3, 5, 1, 4, 2
b. 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 d. 1, 5, 3, 4, 2
Combine the two sentences to make one, using an
adjective clause.
1. Stia has two sons. She is a doctor.
Answer : . . . . . .
2. I have a rabbit. It is very funny.
Answer : . . . . . .
3. The novel is very interisting. I want to buy it.
Answer : . . . . . .
Combine the two sentences to make one, using an
adjective clause.
1. Stia has two sons. She is a doctor.
Answer : Sita who has two sons is a doctor
2. I have a rabbit. It is very funny.
Answer : . . . . . .
3. The novel is very interisting. I want to buy it.
Answer : . . . . . .
Combine the two sentences to make one, using an
adjective clause.
1. Stia has two sons. She is a doctor.
Answer : Sita who has two sons is a doctor
2. I have a rabbit. It is very funny.
Answer : I have a rabbit which is very funny
3. The novel is very interisting. I want to buy it.
Answer : . . . . . .
Combine the two sentences to make one, using an
adjective clause.
1. Stia has two sons. She is a doctor.
Answer : Sita who has two sons is a doctor
2. I have a rabbit. It is very funny.
Answer : I have a rabbit which is very funny
3. The novel is very interisting. I want to buy it.
Answer : The novel that I want to buy is very interisting
Complete the following sentences with FOR, WHILE,
4. The students were sleeping ____ the lesson.
Answer : . . . . . .
5. The police are looking _____ a tall, black man who
was seen standing outside the bank just before the
robbery took place.
Answer : . . . . .
Complete the following sentences with FOR, WHILE,
4. The students were sleeping ____ the lesson.
Answer : during
5. The police are looking _____ a tall, black man who
was seen standing outside the bank just before the
robbery took place.
Answer : . . . . . .
Complete the following sentences with FOR, WHILE,
4. The students were sleeping ____ the lesson.
Answer : during
5. The police are looking _____ a tall, black man who
was seen standing outside the bank just before the
robbery took place.
Answer : for
1. B. 6. C.
2. C. 7. D
3. D. .
4. D. 8. D
5.B. .
9. A
1. Where Where do you
10. B
live ?
2. Who Who is that
boy ?
3. How How do you go to
school ?
4. Be able = Capable
6. B
2.D 7. C
3.C 8. B
4.A 9. B
5.A 10.D
1. Sita who has two sons is a doctor.
2. I have a rabbit which is very funny
3. The ovel that I want to buy us very
4. During
5. For
1. . . . . . . . . do you live ?
Answer : Where
2. . . . . . . . . is that boy ?
Answer : _______
3. . . . . . . . . do you go to school ?
Answer : _______
4. . . . were the main public sources of information.
What is the synonym of the word underlined ?
Answer : _______
5. Enzzo hates . . . . English.
What is the correct word above ?
Answer : _______
1. . . . . . . . . do you live ?
Answer : Where
2. . . . . . . . . is that boy ?
Answer : Who
3. . . . . . . . . do you go to school ?
Answer : _______
4. . . . were the main public sources of information.
What is the synonym of the word underlined ?
Answer : _______
5. Enzzo hates . . . . English.
What is the correct word above ?
Answer : _______
1. . . . . . . . . do you live ?
Answer : Where
2. . . . . . . . . is that boy ?
Answer : Who
3. . . . . . . . . do you go to school ?
Answer : How
4. . . . were the main public sources of information.
What is the synonym of the word underlined ?
Answer : _______
5. Enzzo hates . . . . English.
What is the correct word above ?
Answer : _______
1. . . . . . . . . do you live ?
Answer : Where
2. . . . . . . . . is that boy ?
Answer : Who
3. . . . . . . . . do you go to school ?
Answer : How
4. . . . were the main public sources of information.
What is the synonym of the word underlined ?
Answer : Main = Primarily
5. Enzzo hates . . . . English.
What is the correct word above ?
Answer : _______
1. . . . . . . . . do you live ?
Answer : Where
2. . . . . . . . . is that boy ?
Answer : Who
3. . . . . . . . . do you go to school ?
Answer : How
4. . . . were the main public sources of information.
What is the synonym of the word underlined ?
Answer : Main = Primarily
5. Enzzo hates . . . . English.
What is the correct word above ?
Answer : Studying