This document discusses agile research approaches for the digital age. It advocates moving fast and breaking things to build and learn quickly, like Mark Zuckerberg's philosophy at Facebook. Shopcade uses a lean startup approach, is user-centric through qualitative and quantitative user testing, makes informed business decisions based on data, and leverages big data for personalized commerce experiences. The presentation encourages the audience to contact Shopcade for more information on their data-driven approaches.
This document discusses several topics related to energy production and its environmental impacts. It addresses the growing energy consumption of data centers and information technology. It also discusses China's dam building and water diversion projects in Tibet that are negatively impacting local communities and the environment. The document raises concerns about the environmental costs of lithium mining, which is increasing to meet demand for electric vehicles, and mentions specific lithium reserves in Bolivia and Tibet.
This document contains summaries of multiple presentations on business topics such as marketing strategies, managing different generations in the workplace, common mistakes that entrepreneurs make, and practical business solutions. Specific presentation topics discussed include search engine optimization, social media marketing, communicating with different generations, the seven biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make, and balancing entrepreneurship with strategic direction.
This document discusses agile research approaches for the digital age. It advocates moving fast and breaking things to build and learn quickly, like Mark Zuckerberg's philosophy at Facebook. Shopcade uses a lean startup approach, is user-centric through qualitative and quantitative user testing, makes informed business decisions based on data, and leverages big data for personalized commerce experiences. The presentation encourages the audience to contact Shopcade for more information on their data-driven approaches.
This document discusses several topics related to energy production and its environmental impacts. It addresses the growing energy consumption of data centers and information technology. It also discusses China's dam building and water diversion projects in Tibet that are negatively impacting local communities and the environment. The document raises concerns about the environmental costs of lithium mining, which is increasing to meet demand for electric vehicles, and mentions specific lithium reserves in Bolivia and Tibet.
This document contains summaries of multiple presentations on business topics such as marketing strategies, managing different generations in the workplace, common mistakes that entrepreneurs make, and practical business solutions. Specific presentation topics discussed include search engine optimization, social media marketing, communicating with different generations, the seven biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make, and balancing entrepreneurship with strategic direction.
This is a presentation that was created for a univeristy lesson. We were instructed to create a web page promoting a travel destination. We all used Powerpoint as the web page.
If you down load this presentation you will find it has hyperlinks and works pretty well as a web page.
I thought I would get away from the norm and do my web page on the Martian city of Mindaroo. Everyone else was doing real locations, and I though that was boring. This was about the only assignment at uni that we could do where you had to use your imagination.
This is about 15 years old now, but I still like it. Yes it has mistakes, but I still got a high distinction for it. Please enjoy.
The document discusses issues around government surveillance in the modern era of vast digital data collection and analysis capabilities. It notes that while surveillance has existed for a long time, the computer age allows unprecedented amounts of passive data collection and real-time analysis. While this capability helps solve crimes, it also threatens privacy and raises questions about how much data collection and analysis should be allowed without oversight or public consent. The document explores both utilitarian and Kantian ethical perspectives on these surveillance practices.
New York is facing a large budget deficit over the next few years. The projected shortfall for this year is $4.1 billion and is expected to grow to $9.2 billion next year and $38 billion over the next three years. Spending has been steadily increasing for decades while major tax revenues are shrinking and make up 75% of the state's operating budget. Without changes, the growing deficits will be difficult to manage.
Shopcade Mobile app featured in After Nyne MagazineNathalie Gaveau
The document is an issue of After Nyne Magazine. It includes interviews with Kate Nash and DEV, who are the dual cover stars. It also showcases unsigned musicians and models. Articles profile fashion brands Busardi and Shopcade, as well as the Academy of Freelance Makeup book "Makeup is Art". The editor's letter discusses the various features and encourages readers to spread the word about the magazine on social media.
The Quantified Self - Self Knowledge Through Numberscityofthedes
On Friday, June 22, 2012, Nick Tazik and I gave this presentation on the concept of the Quantified Self to members of Digital VU at Vanderbilt University.
Many thanks to Ernesto Ramirez from for a few of these slides.
This document discusses how technology and education have changed over time through various quotes from different eras:
- A 1703 teachers' conference complained that students relied too much on slates instead of using bark to do calculations.
- An 1815 principal's association said students were too dependent on paper and didn't know how to properly use and clean slates.
- A 1907 teachers' association said pens and ink would never replace pencils as students were too reliant on store-bought ink.
- Comments throughout the decades complained about new technologies like fountain pens, ballpoint pens, and calculators making students less self-sufficient until the present day where computers are now commonly used.
Makalah ini membahas tentang teori tektonik lempeng sebagai bukti keesaan Allah. Teori ini menjelaskan pergerakan lempeng-lempeng tektonik di bawah permukaan bumi yang ternyata sejalan dengan beberapa ayat Alquran yang diturunkan ratusan tahun sebelumnya. Makalah ini berargumen bahwa Alquran adalah wahyu ilahi yang benar dan dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman hidup termasuk untuk ilmu pen
This document contains links to 8 photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos cover a range of subjects from nature scenes to portraits and were uploaded by different photographers for non-commercial reuse.
Global Classroom 2011-12: Looking Forwards, Looking BackMichael Graffin
The slides and recording links for the Global Classroom Project (2011-12) Closing Webinar.
Our next project launches in late September 2012. Please visit our blog ( for more information.
The document discusses creating an exceptional web experience using web mapping. It describes the current state of web mapping and addresses Australia's productivity deficit by making online versions of documents that integrate various inputs like books, images, charts, maps and geospatial files. The goal is to create an immersive and engaging experience for users by automating behaviors, building intelligence into the application to interpret data for users so they don't have to do the hard work. It emphasizes developing a good team with complementary skills over around 3 months to develop a framework that delivers the 500MB of text and 3.5GB of geospatial data in a simple but not oversimplified user-centric design.
This document is a collection of images and text fragments about activities in a preschool classroom. It includes images of children engaged in various activities like playing, eating, getting dressed, listening to stories, and saying goodbye to their parents. The text discusses themes like enjoying alone time or socializing with others, communicating verbally, symbolic play, handwriting skills, developing fine motor skills, and affirming personal identity.
This document discusses the history and philosophy of media. It begins with a discussion of problems of periodization and screen geometries. It then provides excerpts from historical texts on various philosophical concepts including illusion, identity, and number theory. The document presents brief descriptions of important developments in media technologies from lithography to early photography, television, and computing.
This document outlines a hack contest entry for an application called "Find a Car" that allows users to easily locate available cars through a single page web application. The application would allow users to search for cars by starting location, view results on a map that can apply filters and see car details like directions. It also discusses integrating the car location data with GPS devices and services like Garmin, Google Earth, and potential additional features like booking cars, nearby services and favorite cars if there was more development time.
The document is a schedule for a day at a preschool or kindergarten. It outlines various activities the children will participate in throughout the day, including playing alone or with others, communicating verbally, pretend play, washing hands, hanging up coats, eating lunch, and listening to stories before bed. It aims to help children develop language skills, fine motor skills, independence, and personality while having fun through music, art, and play.
This document is a list of activities for preschool children throughout the school year. It includes both individual activities like washing hands, eating, and dressing/undressing as well as group activities like playing in the courtyard, story time, music, and field trips. The document encourages independence and social interaction among the children.
This document provides an overview of the daily activities and development of children in preschool. It discusses how children both enjoy times when they can play alone as well as socialize with others. As the year progresses, the children gain more independence with routines like dressing themselves and washing hands. They develop fine motor skills through activities like art and music. The schedule includes music, psychology and story time. Field trips are also part of the curriculum.
1. The document discusses the activities of preschool children in a classroom throughout their day.
2. It describes times when children prefer to play alone and times when they socialize with others.
3. It provides examples of activities the children engage in to develop independence, motor skills, language skills, and curiosity about the world.
13. CELEBRACIONS Festes populars Aniversaris Festes de lescola (teatre, titelles, concerts i actuacions, ) BALNEARI LLIBRETS I CD
14. EL PAPER DE LES FAMLIES Com ens podeu ajudar? Respectant les pautes bsiques de lescola. Espai Cuca Fera. Respectant les normes sanitries. Respectant les normes dorganitzaci坦 de lescola. Prenent les precaucions indicades.