2. TTrraaddiittiioonnaall FFooooddss
Food: Any substances that can be
metabolized by an organism to give
energy and build tissue
Types: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats &
Others: Vitamins, Minerals, Salts
8. Introduction to Fast Food
Have you ever wondered why fast food is so popular? Why it is
unhealthy? Or why it is so inexpensive? This slideshow will answer all of
your questions, so enjoy!
9. CCoonnss ooff FFaasstt FFoooodd
Fa s t food is a ma jor
cause of obes ity to Indian,
more specifically, Indian
children. This comes from
all of the unneces sary
amounts of salts , fats and
calorie s in these fa st food
meals . The obes ity cause
by fas t food can re sult in
cardiovascular diseases ,
a high blood pre s sure ,
diseas es of joints , and
colon cancer.
11. Fast Foods Healthy Foods
Highly accessibleLess accessible
Convenient Less convenient
Great tasting Not as good tasting
Promoted heavilyNot promoted
Inexpensive More expensive