1. Revlon is an American multinational cosmetics, skin care, fragrance, and personal care company founded in 1932 and headquartered in New York.
2. It started with a single product, nail polishes, and within 6 years became a multimillion dollar organization, later offering lipsticks and an entire manicure line.
3. Revlon uses celebrity brand ambassadors in its advertising and was one of the first cosmetic companies to regularly feature famous models and actresses in its marketing campaigns.
2. Sells cosmetics, skin care, fragnance and
personal care
Head office is in New York, US
3. Founded in 1932 by Charles Revson and his
brothers Joseph and Joe Roberts
Along with Charles Lachman, a chemist who
contributed L in the name Revlon
Started with single product: nail polishes
4. In 1937, started selling polishes
in department stores & drug
Within 6 years, became a
multimillion dollar organization
In 1940, offered an entire
manicure line &lipsticks
5. During World World 2, created
makeup & related products
After World World 2, listed as US
In 1955, changed into public company
8. 1. We make lipstick
Means We keep IT simple.
≒Copy everything, every file but be
it a document or a database and
always meant for disaster recovery
(DR) purposes.
Be everything simple.
9. 2. Trust but verify
Workers and employees
(The way they work, personality, etc)
(Quality, ingredients, etc)
10. 3. Disaster recovery is not just a plan put
on paper.
Started in May 2011
Reduced document printing output
from 750,000 pages a year to zero
Reduced energy consumption by 72%,
the number of switch ports by 3,600
ports to 400-500.
12. templates.com
In beginning of 1945, began full-color
Used exotic and unique names
"Paint the Town Pink"
"Fatal Apple"
"Bachelor's Carnation"
"Sweet Talk"
"Fashion Plate"
- Provide our customers with high-quality,
safe and effective products
- Our employees with a safe workplace
- To Enhance womens lives through our
- Support philanthropic activities
- The Revlon Run Walk
- To raise money and awareness for breast
and ovarian cancer
- Reduce the environmental impact of
our operations
- Compliance with all applicable laws
affecting our opearations
- Reduction in total waste generation
and disposal costs
- Use of sustainble ingredients and
packing wherever possible
- Ensure that our products and
operating facilities meet or exceed all
applicable standards
24. SWOT Analysis
1st brand, extend Indian
market, helped by US
Well-managed distribution
Weak financial position
High turnover
Weak marketing areas
Increase sales
Joint venture
leads to
A lot of competitors
Requires heavy budgets
Selling online reduces
customer relations
#2: This template can be used as a starter file for presenting training materials in a group setting.
Right-click on a slide to add sections. Sections can help to organize your slides or facilitate collaboration between multiple authors.
Use the Notes section for delivery notes or to provide additional details for the audience. View these notes in Presentation View during your presentation.
Keep in mind the font size (important for accessibility, visibility, videotaping, and online production)
Coordinated colors
Pay particular attention to the graphs, charts, and text boxes.
Consider that attendees will print in black and white or grayscale. Run a test print to make sure your colors work when printed in pure black and white and grayscale.
Graphics, tables, and graphs
Keep it simple: If possible, use consistent, non-distracting styles and colors.
Label all graphs and tables.
#3: This is another option for an Overview slides using transitions.
#7: Use a section header for each of the topics, so there is a clear transition to the audience.