Rosa is a 7-year-old girl who lives in Campredó, Catalonia. She enjoys playing with computers, watching TV shows like Hannah Montana, and studying subjects like English. Some of her hobbies include reading, writing, and using the computer to play games and send emails. She attends CEIP Port rodó school and has friends named Carla, Nerea, Karina, Natalie, Vinyette and Yaiza.
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Power Rosa
1. My name is Rosa. I am seven years old. I live in Campredó, in Catalonia. My favourite hobby is playing with the computer. I'm Rosa Subiras
2. My birthday is on 30 June. I have got many dolls. My favourite doll is Nancy. I like watching tv. My favourite tv programmes are Hanna Montana, El cor de la ciutat and Ventdelpla. hobbies
3. I like studying. My favourite subject is English. I study English and my teacher is Tere. I also study English at Nessie school. I like reading and writing. English
4. The name of my school is CEIP Port rodó. My teacher’s name is Àngels. My friends are Carla, Nerea, Karina, Natalie, Vinyette and Yaiza. scool
5. I like computers very much. I use the computer every day. I play games, i send e-mails, I write stories, I make powers. computers
6. I like reading very much. My favourite writer is Gerónimo Stilton. My favourite book is ”No volies vacances Stilton”. I have 4 books by Stilton. books
7. My favourite cartoon is “Espies de veritat”. Their names are Clouver,Sam and Alex. They have missions. Cartoons
8. My favourite food is pasta and pizza. I like eating at Chinese restaurants. I uswally drink water and lemon fanta. I also like coke and orange juice. Food and drinks
9. I like going to see Disney films. I like going to the theatre: Tom Sawyer, Massagran. I like listening to English stories. Weekend