The document summarizes four different advertisements:
1. The Canon advertisement appeals to fears of sickness and uses statistics to promote its product as the number one choice. It catches attention with unusual eye colors.
2. The Diet Pepsi ad promotes fun and power by showing a businessman blowing bubbles, appealing to values of success. It stands out with an unconventional image.
3. The recycling ad makes the viewer feel empowered to change the world and uses fear and guilt to promote recycling. It catches the eye with flowers coming out of pipes instead of smoke.
4. The Puma ad ties their shoes to athletic success through a celebrity endorsement. It draws attention with shoes presented like jewelry in a fancy
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Powerpoint ad
1. Introduction In the following few slides, I will tell you three important things about each very different ad.
2. Canon This is ad is appealing to the need of freedom, freedom from sickness, and a disease. It uses fear, guilt and pity to try to persuade you to buy it. It also uses facts and figures like number one choice and etc to try and make it sound appealing. The ad catches ones attention by the strange eye colors! I was really interested when I saw the red and orange eyes!
3. Diet Pepsi This ad appeals to the needs of fun and power! There is a business man in a suit (which is a stereotype for success) blowing bubbles in his soda! This is showing you can be successful and have fun! I think it used your values to make you re-evaluate everything in your life. The ad caught my attention with a un-conventional image of the man in a suit blowing bubbles! It made me wonder what kind of story could be behind this ad.
4. Dont throw anything away The ad makes you feel powerful, like you have a chance to change the world. It uses fear, guilt and pity to make you want to help and recycle. It caught my attention by the flowers coming out of the pipes instead of smoke! It made me think about how much pollution comes from factories.
5. Puma The ad appeals to the needs of fun and power, by having sports shoes you can be a better athlete. It uses a celebrity to make the ad become associated with the successful athlete. It caught my attention with the shoes on a fancy-cushion which reminded me of a ring in a box!