The document discusses an English 273 Elluminate chat about the group project and final exam. For the group project, students are advised to expand on the existing document, add structure like paragraphs and headings, and include visual elements and graphics. The final exam will be worth 75 points total with 27 multiple choice and short answer questions drawn from module quizzes worth 2 points each, and two longer answer questions involving writing or editing a brief document. The exam will be open over three days from December 12-14 and students will have 2 hours once started to complete it.
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PowerPoint for Elluminate Session #4 (final exam review)
2. Group Project Discussion
Take whats there and EXPAND on it . . . Make
it into a document that could actually help
Give the document some clear structure.
Paragraphs, lists, headings, etc.
Dont be afraid to add some visual pop
color, etc.
Add graphics where they would be helpful.
After its all together, PROOFREAD closely.
3. Final Exam Discussion
75 points total
27 questions total
Questions 1 through 25 pulled from the
module quizzes; all of it is familiar material; 2
pts per question
Questions 26 and 27 are long answer and
will call for either writing a brief document in
response to a scenario, or editing a brief
document. By brief document were talking
about a letter or memo.
4. Final Exam, continued
The quizzes will remain available for review until
Finals Week starts
The exam will be open starting at 8 AM on
Monday, Dec. 12th and will remain open through 8
PM on Wednesday, Dec. 14th
You can begin the test at any time during the open
period . . . Once you start it, youll have 2 hours to
complete it.
You will be able to move back and forth within the
For the long answer questions, you might want to
type your responses in Word first, then copy/paste
the information into the exam answer boxes that
way you can spell check and so on.