This document discusses the importance and evolution of technology in classrooms based on survey results and perspectives from students and teachers. The survey found that over 66% of students feel computers are beneficial or essential in classrooms and that both traditional and new learning environments are beneficial. It outlines how technology has advanced from TVs and overhead projectors to current technologies like smart boards. Benefits of technology in classrooms include improved communication, enhanced instructional materials, information sharing, and preparing students for the real world. Teachers also benefit by increasing engagement and confidence with technology integrated lessons.
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1. The Importance of Technology in a ClassroomBy: Dagdanamay RosaAlicia AdeimyNerlande Jean
2. Survey Monkey ResultsHow useful are computers in a classroom?Not Useful 0.0%Somewhat Useful 0.0%Beneficial 33.3%Can¡¯t live without it 66.7% Do you think as a student it¡¯s better to learn in a online class or in a classroom environment?Classroom Environment 22.2%Online Class 0.0%Both 77.8% what learning environment do you as a student think is beneficial to you?Traditional 22.2% New Learning 11.1%Both 66.7% How often do you personally use computers for research?None 0.0%Sometimes 11.1%Always 88.9%
3. Evolution of Technology in a ClassroomTechnology has changed drastically over the years. When schools started all the teachers did was sit up front of the room and talk then it started with something as simple as a t.v.s in the corner with everyone trying to see from the back of the room. Then we had the first over head projectors to see notes to seeing videos?on the new overheads and its gone as far as smart boards that kids can actually interact with. Evolution of Technology in a classroom Continued¡Today school offer technologies that are unheard of twenty years ago. The typewriter is being replaced by voice recognition software, and the traditional classroom is now competing with two-way online distance learning classes.
4. We have developed Word Processing Programs that encourage communication and writing skills; spreadsheet software promotes mathematics, database software promotes organizational skills; modeling software enhances the application of science skills. Here is a video on how technology has increasingly changed in the last 150 years Benefits of Technology in a ClassroomStudents and teachers can have a improved communication and have better interaction. We can communicate on a higher level.
5. Using technology in a classroom allows us to have enhanced instructional materials.
6. Having technology in a classroom allows us to have larger information transfer. The information that students around the world can also share with other students around the world.
7. Students who use technology in a classroom expand a agreeable education that provides more challenges, more commitment, and more life skills that allow them to face the real world with a stronger sense of responsibility and admiration.Benefits of Technology Continued¡The teachers who bring the idea of technology into their classroom environment grow more interest, capability, and assurance in their work.
8. When using technology in a classroom it changes how your teacher teaches the classroom. The teacher gives each mentor useful ways to reach out to other students and assess students the understanding through several means. Using technology in the classroom also gives the opportunity to have a closer relationship between students and teachers. When technology is successfully included into subject areas, the teachers are able to grow as an individual and advise their students and coach them.. Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students. . 1/12/2010<>.Admin. Benefits of Technology in the Classroom . February 24th, 2009. 1/12/2010 <>.Edutopia Staff. Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many. 3/17/2008 . 1/12/2010 <>.The Evolution of Educational Technology. Mar 22, 2009. 1/12/2010 <>.Bibliography