Greece is a small country in southern Europe that is considered the birthplace of Western civilization. It was the first area where advanced civilizations developed, and is where architecture, sculpture, drama, science, philosophy, and democracy originated. Greece has a rich cultural heritage and is known for its historical monuments, beautiful landscapes, crystal blue waters, and picturesque villages. The region of Pieria in northern Greece has its own historical and cultural attractions, including ancient sites, monasteries, castles, beaches, and traditional cuisine and dances.
9. the land of 2500 years old
unique masterpieces
Hermes The Venus of
Milos is a famous
marble statue of
the Hellenistic
Niki of
The statue dates Niki of
from 343 BC and is Samothrace is a
made of Parian marble sculpture
marble. of an unknown
It is the only original artist of the
work of Praxiteles... Hellenistic period
16. Greece is divided
in 52 regions.
Pieria, our region,
is located in
Northern Greece.
Katerini is
the capital.
17. Pieria is a land, rich in
and touristic attractions
18. The land of Pieria
is characterized
by diversity. It
has high
Olympus and
Pieria, a wide
variety of flora
and fauna and
beautiful beaches.