This document provides expressions that can be used to show hesitation or respond to someone else's hesitation in English and Indonesian. For showing hesitation, it lists phrases like "I'm not too sure..." and "I doubt it." For responding to hesitation, it gives reassuring responses like "I think you don't need to be worried about it" as well as phrases like "I'm quite convinced." It also includes a sample dialogue in English and Indonesian where one character expresses hesitation about an invitation and the other responds reassuringly.
Expression You Can Use to Showing
Im not too sure
I couldnt say
I couldnt really sure about.
Theres some doubt in my mind
Im afraid I cant be certain about..
Im not convinced about
Theres surely some doubt about
Expression You Can Use to Showing
Sorry, Im not sure about it.
Im not really sure that he told the truth.
Im not really sure about it.
Im not too sure about the news.
I doubt it.
Im rather doubtful .
I dont think .
I dont really believe
Expression You Can Use to
Responding Hesitation
Im a hundred percent certain..
You can be sure about
Ive can doubt about..
.absolutely positive/certain
.(surely) thats obvious, (isnt it), (say
with a smile, and only to friends, it can sound
Its quite certain.
Im (quite) convinced/that
Expression You Can Use to
Responding Hesitation
Formal (to older people or a stranger)
I dont think there can be any doubt about that.
I dont think there can be any doubt about
Im fair I sure..
Theres no/very little doubt in my mind.
There cant be any doubt..
Expression You Can Use to
Responding Hesitation
I think you dont need to be worried about it.
Everything will be fine.
Its all going to be okay.
Dont be worried too much. Next time better
I feel quite sure about it.
You just wait and see.
Im very optimistic about it.
Well, I think it .
It will be great.
Dialogue about Showing and
Responding Hesitation
Fikar : Hey Haris! Come here!
Haris : Whats the matter?
Fikar : Can you accompany me to go to bookstore this
Haris : What will you do in the bookstore?
Fikar : Buy a book, of course!
Haris : Hmm, Im afraid I cant be certain about that. My
mother told me to help her if my sister is not home yet from
her school.
Fikar : I think you dont need to be worried about it. My
brother is in the same school with your sister and he will go
home before evening.
Haris : So its okay!
The Dialogue in Indonesian:
Fikar : Hey Haris! Kesini!
Haris : Ada masalah apa?
Fikar : Bisakah kau menemaniku ke toko buku sore ini?
Haris : Apa yang akan kau lakukan di toko buku?
Fikar : Membeli buku, tentu saja!
Haris : Hmm, aku takut aku tidak yakin. Ibuku menyuruhku
untuk membantunya kalau kakakku belum pulang.
Fikar : Kukira kau tak perlu khawatir. Kakakku bersekolah
di sekolah yang sama dengan kakakmu dan ia akan pulang
sebelum sore.
Haris : Jadi baiklah!
9. Thanks for your attention
Hope itll be useful for us
and sorry for our mistakes