The document provides specifications for building a snowman from two students, Frankie and Albert. Frankie's basic specifications are that a snowman must be white, made of snow, and have a round shape and carrot nose. Albert provides more detailed and rigorous specifications that include the materials used, aesthetics, size, and function. Albert's specifications include categories like limited, adequate, substantial, and rigorous. The document suggests Albert's specifications are better because they are more descriptive and easier to evaluate snowmen against. It also provides an example of a personal project specification template to help students create their own rigorous specifications.
2. Frankie¡¯s snowman specification:
¡ñ It must be white
¡ñ It must be made of snow
¡ñ It must have a round shape
¡ñ It must have a carrot for its nose
3. Use Frankie¡¯s specification to
evaluate this snowman:
¡ñ Is it white?
¡ñ Is it made of snow?
¡ñ Does it have a
round shape?
¡ñ Does it have a
carrot for it¡¯s nose?
4. Use Frankie¡¯s specification to
evaluate this snowman:
¡ñ Is it white?
¡ñ Is it made of snow?
¡ñ Does it have a
round shape?
¡ñ Does it have a
carrot for its nose?
5. Use Frankie¡¯s specification to
evaluate this snowman:
¡ñ Is it white?
¡ñ Is it made of snow?
¡ñ Does it have a
round shape?
¡ñ Does it have a
carrot for its nose?
6. Use Frankie¡¯s specification to
evaluate this snowman:
¡ñ Is it white?
¡ñ Is it made of snow?
¡ñ Does it have a
round shape?
¡ñ Does it have a
carrot for its nose?
7. What are the problems with Frankie¡¯s
How could these specifications be
8. Albert¡¯s specification
topic Materials Aesthetics Function Size
detail What materials will be used?
How will it
To be a
representation of a
What size should it
Limited Snow with stick arms Pile of snow
Does not look like a
man Under 0.5m high
Snow with stick arms and
stone facial features One snow ball
Looks somewhat like
a man
Over 0.5m and Under
1m high
Snow with stick arms, stone
facial features (eyes and
mouth) and a distinct nose
(example a carrot)
Two snow balls
(head and body)
Looks a lot like a
Over 1m and under
1.5m high
Snow with stick arms, stone
facial features (eyes and
mouth), a distinct nose
(example a carrot) and a
fabric hat or a scarf
Three snow balls
(Legs, body and
head) Looks like a man Over 1.5m high
9. Take a look at Albert¡¯s snowman
¡ñ Why are these specifications
¡ñ Why would they be easier to
10. Personal project specification
You will be required to reflect on and allow
other people to reflect upon your personal
project at the showcase.
For this reason you must develop a suitable
12. Specification stages
1. Identify the details of a rigorous example of
your final outcome using the rigorous goal
outcomes worksheet.
2. For each specification develop a scale from
a limited to adequate to substantial to
rigorous, using the specification worksheet
15. Level Descriptor Task specific clarification
1-2 Develop a limited criteria for the
product or outcome
? Some specification stated
? Stated list format
3-4 Develop adequate criteria for
the product or outcome
? Most specification described
? Described list format
5-6 Develop substantial and
appropriate criteria for the
product or outcome
? All specification described
? Specification table attempted
? Suitable range shown for some
7-8 Develop rigorous criteria for the
product or outcome
? All specification described and are suitably
challenging specification identified
? Specification table completed
? Suitable range for all specification
Specification rubric
Editor's Notes
#8: Highlight that specifications which require a yes or no do not make for a very descriptive evaluation
#10: These evaluation provide a range and also incorporate personal opnion