Little Sunshine's Playhouse is a preschool franchise started in Springfield, MO by owner Rochette. It has 3 locations in Springfield and 11 total locations. The preschool provides care for children ages 6 months to 6 years old with strict teacher to child ratios. Features include secure doors, cameras, playgrounds, and gymnastics and dance classes. Teachers receive extensive training and create personalized curriculums focused on social, cognitive, emotional, and reading development.
2. About
Licensed by the state
3 locations in Springfield, 11 total and more in
the preconstruction state
Started in Springfield, MO
3. How we came about
Rochette had a dream
Owner Rochette ran an in home daycare and
wanted more, so she took out a business loan
and opened up our first Little Sunshines off
Chestnut Expressway here in Springfield
She had instant success and began allowing
franchisees to come into the business
4. Children
We provide care for children ages 6 months-6
Infant ratio is 1 to 4
Toddler ratio is 1 to 4
Two year old ratio is 1 to 8
Three year old ratio is 1 to 10
Pre-K ratio is 1 to 10
6. Extras
Gymnastics comes Wednesday mornings
Happy Feet (soccer) and dance comes
Thursday afternoons
7. Teachers
Teachers are hired full time and part time
Lead teacher in every classroom along with an
assistant teacher
Teachers are put through hours of training and
go through interview processes
8. LuvNotes
Detailed report of childs day
Include picture, collage, or video each day
Include how child ate, napped, and interacted
with others
9. Curriculum
Created by Corporate office
Personalized by each classroom teacher
Social, cognitive, emotional, reading, and
journals are key points
10. Logo
Each school is built with a treehouse logo
Our goal is to get children outside and active
Our environment is warm colors and allows
students to feel homey in their environment